Heart/thyroid problems

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Jul 7, 2010
heart/thyroid problems

Does anyone have either of these? At my infusion Tuesday my heart rate went up to 140 then to 89 then back up. Today at the dr office my resting heart rate was 120. So i had to have complete blood work done and stuff for my thyroid. They were also concerned that i havent had a period since jan but I've never been regular and im on birth control ao i thouggt this was normal but i guesa not. (No chance of pregnancy) just curious if anyone elae has been through this. They put me on once a day bystolic.
I don't have thyroid problems but I do with the heart. My heart would go crazy. Get really high or bottom out and I would stop breathing for 8-12 secs which is close to death they say. So I ended up with a pacemaker. It's programmed to not let my heart rate get above or below a certain number.
I have to go on Bystolic everytime I take Prednisone. When I'm not on Pred, I take Benicar. I found out I had blood pressure and heart rate issues two years ago and it's VERY genetic for me. I am 35 yrs old, eat well, stay in shape, etc etc so the only thing it can be attributed to is my genes (thanks mom and grandpa).

Hmmm, I always thought it was ok to miss your period if on BC as well. I also take Loestrin and haven't had a period in almost a year. I figure it's from a mixture of being in a flare and the meds I've been on. I'll ask my gyn about it next week since it's time for my annual exam :thumbdown:
Before i was diganosed my heartrate would go up 2 160's was put as sinus tachycardia but since my crohns is under control its now normal
well glad to know im not the only one missing my period. i called my gyn but no one has called back yet ugh!
I wish they would take it all out lol I'm not gonna have anymore kids anyway and I already have female issues on top of everything else, so why not?? lol but then come to think of it, i'm not too fond of taking hormones and such. I've heard alot of bad things and I don't wanna go crazy!! haha
I would love to know if people had a thyroid connection to their Crohn's. I was just diagnosed with Grave's Disease (hyperthyroid) and my son has a possible atypical Crohn's dx.
I've had to have my thyroid checked before but nothing was wrong with it. Turns out I was having panic attacks and have heart problems (which runs in my family). I have PVCs and a tachycardia.
I also have tachycardia!

When I was in high school I thought I was having anxiety attacks for no apparent reason. It was usually first period and I'd spend a good amount of time in the girl's bathroom leaned against the tile wall - when I wasn't there for Crohn's reasons.

I had troubles passing out for no apparent reason. I finally was hooked up to a heart monitor for 48 hours and discovered it. They put me on Atenalol and it's made things much easier.

The most interesting thing is that when I haven't taken my Atenalol I become very irrational and really wonky feeling.

I do find it's really hard when I'm in severe pain and the nurses in the ER don't believe me because my PB is 87/56, but my resting pulse is 140. This past hospital trip I finally had a nurse who kept track of my baseline and didn't totally freak at my numbers.

My mother had tachycardia before she had me, but now has high PB and her heart rate is fine. But she does have some minor thyroid issues. So I am wondering if there't possible tachycardia or thyroid issues connected to Crohn's. Or we've all taken so much Prednisone that it's sent all our bodies so far out of whack that we'll never come back from it. Sorry, don't mean to be such a bright shiny cloud of crankiness. Sorta in pain.
I got told that my sinsus tachycardia was due to the crohns playing up but also can be signs of thyroid probs but all tests for that came back normal
Ok so my blood work was normal. I spoke with my infusion nurse and she said it can be from remicade but my gp said no.. so I called my gi to ask and see if he wanted to add a different pre med
I have both MVP and sinus Tachcardia (sp?) and I was put on Atenonol...I also have thyroid problems..(huge nodule on right side) they are wanting to take out..I have heard that all this is connected..and even my Medullary Sponge Kidney disease is also connected to Crohns!

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