Heartburn meds

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Jun 27, 2010
heartburn meds

I have now had heartburn (gastritis) for the last 2 years now heading into my my 3rd year. At some point every anti-heartburn med does this thing where it makes me amazingly hungry especially when i take it add give me all sorts of stomach aches. I am currently on nexium but have been on pantoprazole and a few others. The current Nexium was a return to the begin. Each time the turn on me i think i need a new one because my stomach is so upset. now i am thinking as i want to run screaming from Nexium, just stopping all heartburn meds and seeing.
My gastritis has been so bad in the past, and I am slightly terrified. It's amazing how pain memory can make you action much more complex.
i am sort of annoyed that I was going to have a gi apt tomorrow but moved it because it was to close to my rhemy and i need a break inbetween docs. so now i don't have one till like the second week of june. i am not trilled to wait till then.
does any one else have experienced this this change with heartburn meds or gone cold turkey from them after long term use?
I was dx 3 weeks ago with gastritis from a colonoscopy. I refused to take pills for mild colitis when dx in 07. Now i am ready and dr. doesn't want to give mebecasue he says i have an ulcer and the asacol has aspirin in and will make ulcer in stomach worse. He started me on nexium. You are taking sulfa and asacol which have aspirin in it. Aspirin could casue inflammation in stomach which is maybe why your gastitis is bad but i mean we still have to treat our ibd. I want to treat mine and dr. won't let me. I am going to swich to another dr. and see what he says. I have to treat both gastris and colitis like yourself. I quess we have no choice for the side effects, its awful.
I'm completely off all medication because I'm in remission. I took nexium and that caused my stomach to be upset. Then I took generic nexium (omerpazole) and stopped because I realized it was pointless taking medication everyday for something like heartburn which I can easily control by not eating certain foods that cause it. Now if I know I'm going to eat a food that will most likely cause me to have heartburn---I keep TUMS handy. Tums get rid of my heart burn.
that is one of my issues is that i have not figured out the food thing yet.
for most of the time i've had heartburn it all food has heartburn. all i've figured out is small meals. i am not very in touch with my body, i guess.
I will invest in some tums for my new journey thanks

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