Hello, bit about me :)

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Aug 13, 2010
Hi, I'm Debbie (known as Debs) I'm 27 and a sahm to 4 little girls, 8, 6, 3 and 2. I was diagnosed with chron's in may 2005.
I was lucky as diagnosis etc weren't too long. I started with catching a sickness and diarreah bug off my 2 daughters, except mine carried on, it got to the point where I was having pains then diarreah every time I ate anything. Eventually I went to the drs, and at first they assumed I had a virus, so sent samples off and did blood tests, the blood tests kept showing I had too many white cells (think thats it ???) anyway they then said IBS and gave me Imodium, which was wonderful because that night I sat and ate a meal and enjoyed it and had no pain or rushing to the toilet after, but 2 days later I was doubled over with cramps, and started with blood in the toilet. The dr then started regular blood tests and visits and she sent a fax to the hospital and rung me up that day as the dr wanted me in hospital.
When there I had an x-ray and just basic obs, after being there for 3 days I got a temp so the dr rushed me to have a sigmoidoscopy and found nothing. 4 days later the diarreah stopped so I was sent home. When I started bleeding again though the dr decided I needed a colonoscopy and I was told there and then I had some inflammation, just had to find out exactly what. 2 mths later I was diagnosed with crohn's colitis, of the total colon.

Touch wood I have been pretty lucky, with the smallest flare ups. Till sun when I caught the sickness and diarreah bug going round, monday night the diarreah became bloody, I got quite scared and tried to forget it (silly I know) but on friday after more blood (not excessive-or excessive going toilet) I went to see dr.

I've to do a sample so they can rule out infection.

Sorry for the long post, thanks for reading.
Hi Debs
and welcome

glad you found us, lots of friends here for you.
also glad you've got a dx, and not fobbed off with IBS, you don't bleed with IBS!
What meds are you on now?
You've got your hands full with 4 little uns!
lotsa luv
Joan xxx
Hi debs and :welcome:

Good to see you here. You'll have a enough to deal with, with your Crohns plus four little ones! It's good to hear that you received your diagnosis quite quickly. This is a great place with heaps of friendly and knowledgeable people and you will be a very welcome addition! I hope you stick around so we can get to know you better.

Welcome aboard!

Take care, :)
Hi Debs welcome!!! I was about to ask something stupid but I think I got it figured , stay at home mom right? Hope they get you sorted! Let us know what the last tests tell you:).
Hohum, completely expected that!!! Well I thought maybe she misspelled amah or something!! Leave me alone Dusty!!! Sorry Debs:):)
hehe thanks for the welcomes
and let me apologise now I use plenty of forum abbreviations lol

Astra101-currently not taking anything, I've been well for 3 yrs off meds till this latest flare up, I've been given pentasa (mesalazine) to have in case it gets worse, then just gotta wait and see what the consultant gives me, if he does. (I've found diets help)