Hi, I'm Debbie (known as Debs) I'm 27 and a sahm to 4 little girls, 8, 6, 3 and 2. I was diagnosed with chron's in may 2005.
I was lucky as diagnosis etc weren't too long. I started with catching a sickness and diarreah bug off my 2 daughters, except mine carried on, it got to the point where I was having pains then diarreah every time I ate anything. Eventually I went to the drs, and at first they assumed I had a virus, so sent samples off and did blood tests, the blood tests kept showing I had too many white cells (think thats it ???) anyway they then said IBS and gave me Imodium, which was wonderful because that night I sat and ate a meal and enjoyed it and had no pain or rushing to the toilet after, but 2 days later I was doubled over with cramps, and started with blood in the toilet. The dr then started regular blood tests and visits and she sent a fax to the hospital and rung me up that day as the dr wanted me in hospital.
When there I had an x-ray and just basic obs, after being there for 3 days I got a temp so the dr rushed me to have a sigmoidoscopy and found nothing. 4 days later the diarreah stopped so I was sent home. When I started bleeding again though the dr decided I needed a colonoscopy and I was told there and then I had some inflammation, just had to find out exactly what. 2 mths later I was diagnosed with crohn's colitis, of the total colon.
Touch wood I have been pretty lucky, with the smallest flare ups. Till sun when I caught the sickness and diarreah bug going round, monday night the diarreah became bloody, I got quite scared and tried to forget it (silly I know) but on friday after more blood (not excessive-or excessive going toilet) I went to see dr.
I've to do a sample so they can rule out infection.
Sorry for the long post, thanks for reading.
I was lucky as diagnosis etc weren't too long. I started with catching a sickness and diarreah bug off my 2 daughters, except mine carried on, it got to the point where I was having pains then diarreah every time I ate anything. Eventually I went to the drs, and at first they assumed I had a virus, so sent samples off and did blood tests, the blood tests kept showing I had too many white cells (think thats it ???) anyway they then said IBS and gave me Imodium, which was wonderful because that night I sat and ate a meal and enjoyed it and had no pain or rushing to the toilet after, but 2 days later I was doubled over with cramps, and started with blood in the toilet. The dr then started regular blood tests and visits and she sent a fax to the hospital and rung me up that day as the dr wanted me in hospital.
When there I had an x-ray and just basic obs, after being there for 3 days I got a temp so the dr rushed me to have a sigmoidoscopy and found nothing. 4 days later the diarreah stopped so I was sent home. When I started bleeding again though the dr decided I needed a colonoscopy and I was told there and then I had some inflammation, just had to find out exactly what. 2 mths later I was diagnosed with crohn's colitis, of the total colon.
Touch wood I have been pretty lucky, with the smallest flare ups. Till sun when I caught the sickness and diarreah bug going round, monday night the diarreah became bloody, I got quite scared and tried to forget it (silly I know) but on friday after more blood (not excessive-or excessive going toilet) I went to see dr.
I've to do a sample so they can rule out infection.
Sorry for the long post, thanks for reading.