Here's my story. I am happy to be here, reading all the information and stories on here helps a lot. I am seventy years old. I have had crohns for about 40 years. Back then they didn't know what it was, so they gave me nerve pills, mostly Ativan. I took my self off of that after about 12 years. It was very hard to do. I did it very slowly and kept cutting the dosage back until I got off it. I have had a mild case over the years. I was able to do anything I wanted and raise a fine family. I was finally dx about 18 years ago. I started out on Pentasa which I did great on, but then the insurance wouldn't pay, so the dr. put me on Asacol. The asacol did Ok for a few years, but I got muscle pain with it, especially in the back of my neck. About 5 weeks ago I started a bad flare and the dr. put put me on Entocort EC, which I am scared to death of. I am also back on 1mg of Ativan to help me sleep at night. I wish I hadn't started the ativan back up. Age takes its toll on you. I have MVP, which makes my heart skip. Also the meds make my heart skip. I take a multi V., B-12, Floic Acid, 81mg asprin, 1mg Ativan, acid pill twice a day, and now started the Entcort. Is there any thing else I could take to help me. This disease is terrible. I pray a lot and pray for all of you. God Bless.