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Aug 10, 2010
hello fellow IBD'ers.

well lets see, ill try to keep this as short as i can. my name is chris and im a 25 year old farmer in the beautiful state of michigan. ive had all the symptoms of crohns for as long as i can remember, my mom once told me that even as a baby i was always in the doc's office for vomiting and diarrhea but they just always told her to give me pedia-lite....which apparently never worked. i lived on pepto bismol and immodium up thru my early teenage years, i had seen a couple doctors about my problems during that time and i was always told its just IBS. by the time i was 16 nothing worked and i was losing weight fast and getting very sick and the doctors still just said it was IBS and couldnt do anything for me. then i read an article about marijuana working for diarrhea, appetite stimulation, pain and so on, so i tried it and it was amazing. i was able to eat all i wanted without getting sick and i put all the weight back on and was almost symptom free til i was 19 or 20. then i fell back into the same old thing..diarrhea, nausea, cramps, the whole works. but i just dealt with it for a couple years, but i was slowly getting sicker and sicker and then one day at work i started having heart palpitations. so i went to the ER and my magnesium, b12, d levels were dangerously low...almost had no magnesium in my system at all. once the ER dr's heard about my past symptoms they referred me to a cardiologist and GE. the cardio found i have a prolapsed mitral valve which is no bid deal at all. the GE did a colonoscopy (terrible, painful experience) and upper endoscopy and found nothing in the colon and saw i had acid reflux with eosinophilic esophagitis. he said i was fine and wanted to send me on my way, i had to fight with him to give me something for the acid reflux...so i said screw him and went to a different GE. the new GE did an onslaught of blood tests and 2 capsule endoscopies and was completely stumped for a little over a year. he was ready to send me to the U of M hospital but had some new blood test he wanted to try, its called Prometheus. it showed that i have a "consistent pattern for crohn's disease"...not sure how it works but thats EXACTLY what it said. so he decided to put me on Pentasa...it was 4 times a day but dont remeber how many mg. i was on that for about a week with no change at all, then one morning i woke up with the worst abdominal pain ive ever felt..and im no stranger to abdominal pain at all. i carried on and fought through it for 2 and a half days, we were busy on the farm and didnt wana take the time off work...stupid me never thought it was the Pentasa causing it. on that third day at lunch i could barely walk so i called my mom to take me to the ER, they iv'd some pain meds in me and flushed my system and i was good to go a few hours later. then me GE put me on Prednisolone pack...that worked for about a week and thats when i was diagnosed with crohns. so next he put me on Entocort EC 9mg a day and that has taken away most of the symptoms, i still have cramping, vomiting out of nowhere 1-3 times a month and a few other problems but its getting better. and that pretty much brings us up to today. im still taking dexilant for the acid reflux and im on some vitamins (no heart problems since i started taking the magnesium), and i still cant eat most days unless i smoke some marijuana. i also suffer from joint and back pain which i take ultram during the day for and flexeril at night if i cant sleep, but i only take them when its real bad cuz i'd hate to get addicted to pain meds, the marijuana also works wonders for pain. i recently saw a rheumatologist and a bone scan showed mild inflammation in some areas, he gave me Mobic and that should work but i have to wait til i get off the Entocort before i can start on the Mobic. anyway, i think thats about it. see ya :runaway:
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Welcome to the forum Chris! Ya, most of us here have gone through a lot so hopefully you'll find lots of answers to your questions here.
Hi Chris and :welcome:

I'm glad you found your way here. Whoa you certainly have had a long journey with this. Just one thing I am a little concerned about and that is the Mobic. It is a NSAID and they are normally contraindictaed in those with IBD, perhaps you can check again with your GI before commencing treatment with this drug. I hope you get the vomiting under control...............but it sounds like you still have few continuing issues. When are you seeing your GI again?

I hope you stick around Chris, there's heaps of info on here so browse through the forums and any questions just ask away.

Welcome aboard!

Take care, :)
Hi Chris, welcome!! Glad you found us. I was in MI years ago and was struck by the dark, rich earth there. I'm sure it is great farm land. The best I remember, there were acres and acres of sugar beets. What kind of farming do you do? I hope you stick around the forum:) Good luck!!
Hey Chris and welcome.
Sounds like a rough ride, sure you will get lots of help here.
So you still not eating? That's not right, your GI should really sort this, as you can't carry on not eating.
Jo x
Welcome, Chris. Glad you finally have a dx and know what you're dealing with.
I am undxed - only Prometheus is positive for me : "Pattern is consistent with IBD: Crohn's Disease." Doc can't find anything on the scopes, except gastritis and esophagitis, both mild.
How did you finally get dxed? Was it based on the fact that prednisone worked?
Hope to see you around!
thanks for all the replies everyone. very welcoming forum.

Dusty - yeah i know nsaid's arent good for IBD, but at this point im willing to try anything, my back is so bad some days that i have to walk hunched over like an old man and it really prevents me from doing my job...so if i can get off the Entocort (not likely anytime soon) im gona give it a go...maybe. ill be seeing my GI next week though to talk it over with him to see what he says.

Dexky - yeah very rich, black dirt in parts of michigan, great farmland. sugar beet farmers are a little north of me, the soil is much lighter and its better for sugar beets. my dad and i grow almost 2000 acres of commercial corn and soybeans. i love it, ill never leave the farm.

reidyjo - thanks for the concern. yes i have been eating some and maintaining my weight. the marijuana keeps my appetite up most days or ill force feed myself if i havent eaten all day (luckily there are some foods that NEVER bother me) but, i will be bringing it up to my GI at my next appt, its time to get more aggressive with my treatment. its been a long and slow process but im hopeful. :thumleft:
Welcome, Chris. Glad you finally have a dx and know what you're dealing with.
I am undxed - only Prometheus is positive for me : "Pattern is consistent with IBD: Crohn's Disease." Doc can't find anything on the scopes, except gastritis and esophagitis, both mild.
How did you finally get dxed? Was it based on the fact that prednisone worked?
Hope to see you around!

sorry to hear you're yet to be diagnosed. it was hell tryin to figure out what was goin on, even went to an oncologist cuz they thought it was cancer.

you are in the SAME EXACT situation i was in. my diagnosis was based on the prometheus, both capsule endoscopies showed "possible" sores in my small intestine, the fact that the prednisone worked and that we have ruled out everything else.

have you had a capsule endoscopy?
sorry to hear you're yet to be diagnosed. it was hell tryin to figure out what was goin on, even went to an oncologist cuz they thought it was cancer.

you are in the SAME EXACT situation i was in. my diagnosis was based on the prometheus, both capsule endoscopies showed "possible" sores in my small intestine, the fact that the prednisone worked and that we have ruled out everything else.

have you had a capsule endoscopy?

Yeah, the capsule ended up showing nothing. He thought there was some narrowing in my duodenum but he checked that out with an upper endoscopy and it was sharp angulation. Only esophagitis and gastritis showed up. No symptoms for either.
he put me on a course of Xifaxan (gut-specific antibiotic) b/c he said these type symptoms (IBS stuff) can be caused by bacterial overgrowth. I was having a rough week (unusually long duration of symptoms for me) prior to starting the Xifaxan but by day 3 all was well and quiet. I've been off it for a week now, and have not had any issues. He said it could work up to a few months. But my issues are typically so sporadic it's hard to for me to tell if anything is aggravating it, much less helping.
It's funny, my doc orders the Prometheus test, but won't really put any faith in it, when it comes down to it. Just says "You might develop Crohns down the road." In some ways I'm cool with that (who wants to be on awful meds w/o good reason), and then I read a story like yours. :ybiggrin: And there was another guy on here who only had his Prometheus test come back positive for a long time before his colonoscopy spotted anything.
In any case, glad you have a dx. Hope your treatment brings you a nice, long remission.

oh yes, Xifaxan, forgot all about that, my GI tried that first. it did absolutely nothing for me. hope it keeps ya goin for a while. i know exactly what you mean about not knowing if its helping or not, even without the meds you have good and bad days so whats to say that the meds are REALLY working...it gets ridiculous sometimes.
i love that your GI seemed to have as much faith in the prometheus as mine. when i saw that i was so happy, thought i finally had a clear diagnosis but then when i asked him what it meant he just kinda shrugged his shoulders and said its a possibility lol. but from what ive read about the prometheus, its a very good indicator of the disease.

ive learned to find the humor in any situation...plus when so many things go wrong and dont work out it just gets to the point where its all laughable. good luck with everything!
i know exactly what you mean about not knowing if its helping or not, even without the meds you have good and bad days so whats to say that the meds are REALLY working...it gets ridiculous sometimes.

all i can ever think of is what i just ate, b/c it's typically shortly after a meal. but then when i test that theory, it goes right out the window.

i love that your GI seemed to have as much faith in the prometheus as mine. when i saw that i was so happy, thought i finally had a clear diagnosis but then when i asked him what it meant he just kinda shrugged his shoulders and said its a possibility lol. but from what ive read about the prometheus, its a very good indicator of the disease.

apparently nothing is cut and dry when it comes to dxing IBD unless your crohn's advertises itself well.

ive learned to find the humor in any situation...plus when so many things go wrong and dont work out it just gets to the point where its all laughable. good luck with everything!

yeppers, as with so many situations in life that is really good advice.

take it easy,
all i can ever think of is what i just ate, b/c it's typically shortly after a meal. but then when i test that theory, it goes right out the window.

apparently nothing is cut and dry when it comes to dxing IBD unless your crohn's advertises itself well.

yeah i gave up on tryin to keep track of what i can and cant eat cuz one minute i can eat all i want of some pancakes and eggs and the next i cant even swallow one piece without having to run to the bathroom lol. its hard testing anything with our problems.

nope, my GI told me right out of the gate that lots of people are treated for years and years before their IBD is diagnosed, its sad, you'd think they could come up with some definitive tests or something.
Hi Chris, welcome to the forum. I'm in a similar situation as you were and Mayflower is - still undiagnosed, although I haven't yet had the prometheus test nor the pill cam. I do respond to prednisone but my GI isn't willing to diagnose me based on that since all of my tests to date have come back "normal" (colonoscopy, CT scan, various blood tests, etc). As you said, there are good days and bad days, and it's hard to tell what really works and what doesn't. I know that pred works, though - it made me feel like a million bucks every day that I was on it.

Kudos to you for being able to farm even with this illness - I work a desk job and some days I don't even feel up to sitting at a desk. I couldn't imagine doing a job that is labor-intensive and being sick like this. You must be one tough dude! :)
Hi Chris
and welcome

you've been thro the wringer alright! glad you're feeling ok now and positive.
I was hunched over like a little old woman with crippling joint pain when I came off the Pred, they told me it's withdrawal, then they put me on Entocort, off it all now and joint pains are gone, smoking some pot certainly helps the pain and munchies help you to eat and gain some much needed weight too!
I'm a bit concerned about the Mobic too, a no no for a Crohnie, think about this long and hard Chris before you start, NSAIDS can make you bleed, there are a lot of us who have problems with it. Celebrex might be a better option, it's an NSAID but apparantly better on the guts? dunno, never tried it. but here's a link


glad you found us, see you around
lotsa luv
Joan xxx
Cat - thats how the pred worked for me for about a week. it was amazing, it was the first time i actually didnt have ANY symptoms....when that happens it makes you realize how sick you actually were. hope all works out for ya.

some times it is tough to get work and the not so rare 100 hour work weeks really wear me down but i love it. farming isnt just a job, its a life, so many things depend on us gettin the work done and i dont let anything interfere with the farm. tough, maybe? just doin what i love.

Astra - thanks. glad to hear you off everything and feelin good! quite a few people have shown their concern about the mobic and im now having seconds thoughts about it as well. i have many questions for my doctors now. thanks so much for the concern and the link, it was very informative.

Thank you Jennjenn!

everyone is so nice here.
Hi Chris and welcome!

I've enjoyed reading your posts around the various threads here on the forum.

Hope you find some good advice here and stick around for a long time!

- Amy
i will jo. thanks!

hi amy and thanks! im sure ill be here for a long time, i really like the people here.
Hi Chris:
As I was reading through the forum I came across your blog. You are one of the few that openly talk about "Medical Marijuana". I am a mom with a 16 year old. It has been a very difficult year and this age makes this illness so much more so. I have asked my doc several times about LDN as Penn State has just completed trials and I would like to know the real results and definitely have my son try it. I keep getting put off. So, I am thinking I should find my own medical marijuana...Can you tell me if you have a prescription or if this is self medication...haha...I can only tell you my nephew suggested it to my son and after some of his "medication" he experienced formed stools for the first time in11 months! It was quite a memorable occasion ..he didn't post in on facebook or anything but I can tell you he has not stopped requesting it! Please enlighten me. Here is My Story link: http://www.crohnsforum.com/showthread.php?t=12725...Thank you much :-)