Hey fellow Crohnies! I'm Mike. I was diagnosed with severe Crohn's disease about 5 years ago, during my second year of college. My symptoms included constipation, severe nausea, abdominal pains, extreme weight loss, and plain embarrassment in explaining my situation to anyone. The disease caused me to go from a 185 pound jock to a 145 pound hunched over hermit. I literally spent 3 months trapped in my bed due to the sharp pain coming from my colon. I've taken many of the standard medications including Pentasa, Entocourt, Prednisone, Mercaptopurine and Remicade. It took me a couple years to find the right combination to eliminate most of my symptoms. The cocktail that I now take and seems to control my symptoms best is a combination of Pentasa, Mercaptopurine, Remicade and an anti-depressant, all in low doses. I feel great now and am back at my normal weight. I came upon this forum recently and think it's great to see a support system for others with this disease.