Hello from a newbie

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Sep 21, 2010
Hi All,

What a fab forum, only found it today as I've been looking for info on small bowel resection.

A little bit about me, I've had Crohns for 41 years (since I was 9), although not diagnosed for 7 years. From 1969 to 1976 I was in and out of hospital and got close to dying before I was referred to another doctor/hospital where within 6 months I was diagnosed with Crohns.

As a teenager with Crohns in those days it was very hard as I had a lot of side affects from the steroids, with hair down my back and sideburns!

I've been in and out of remission all these years and this time managed 10 years without too much trouble. Got bad the last 18 months and now I'm having a resection (just over a foot of the small bowel) on Monday 27th September.

In my early days it was a very rare condition and I never knew anyone who had it until the mid 90s. I think it's great that there are forums like this that will help all those new people being diagnosed and they may not feel isolated like I used to.

I am a clinic hypnotherapist and I'm planning to make my own recordings to take in with me for relaxation and post op pain, so hoping it will make a difference to my recovery.

I had been very down the last month but I've picked myself up and got my PMA head on. Need to practise what I preach me thinks.


Hiya Debs
and welcome fellow Brit

glad you found us, and yes, there were no internet and forums years ago when I was dx! so it's a great place to visit, lots of support and lots of friends for you!
wishing you lots of luck with your surgery, come back and let us know how you are.
take care and lotsa luv
Joan xxx
Hi Debs and :welcome:

Good to see you here! Wow, you sure have been dealing with Crohns for a long time so it would be great if you could stick around and share your experiences with us. Are you on any meds now?

Wishing you all the luck in the world with your surgery and I hope you have a trouble free and speedy recovery!


Keep us posted! Take care, :)
Welcome Debs!!! I'm sure you'll be a huge asset to the forum! Good luck and stick around!!!
Thanks all of you for your warm welcome.

Yes I have had crohns for such a long time and been in and out of hospital a fair few times over the years.

I suffered the pain and vomiting (no real d in those days) for years and ended up out of school at 13 and was too ill to be home tutored and was never well enough to go back. I spent most of my days bedridden and on pethadine!

Eventually as with a lot of people they took my appendix out as they decided that was it! They then decided I had TB of the bowel and that went on for almost a year, where I was on approx 68 tablets a day, but I got to the stage where I was only 4 and a half stone at 15 years old and was the height I am today 5 ft 2inchs, so not good.

There is so much more that would take forever to tell you, so I will do small chunks at a time over the coming months and hope some of my experiences will be of some use.

I would say, whoop de do as I'm still here and having a good life regardless.
And I would say to everyone always have hope as I have been very succesful in my business life and have a great personal life too.

It's important for the young people on this forum to realise that life isn't over although it may feel like that at times, and for all the oldies too who have been diagnosed later in life you do learn to live with this and adapt your life.

However wouldn't it be fab if it didn't exist!!!!!!!!!!
Welcome Debs!
I'm new here too, but not to Crohn's. Dx in '91 at age 16. Alot has changed over the years, many new med options now. I too had a long period of remission, but the last six years have been plagued by flares. Will be thinking of you on Monday. You'll be in surgery, I'll be doing prep for my colonoscopy/EGD on Tuesday. Good Luck and keep us posted.
Thanks Julie,

Don't you just love your oscopy's, hope all goes well.

I just say to family and friends 'the camera crews back in' you have to smile or you'd cry!!
Thanks seaofdreams, it's so nice to chat with people from all over the world with a common theme. x

I love that even though we're all so far away, we can really understand what everyone else is going through and provide support that you can't really get anywhere else.
:welcome: Debs,

Wishing you good luck with your surgery, hope this works out, you've had quite a time with this disease.

Glad you found this wonderful forum, keep us informed with your progress.

:rosette2: :getwell::getwell::getwell: