Hello from T&T

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Mar 9, 2012
hello from T&T

hi there
im a 30 yr old Medical Emergency Physician from Trinidad&Tobago (island in Caribbean)when i had abdominal pain, infraumbilical and had a series of tests done, CT abd&pelvis with contrast, Barium Meal and follow through, colonoscopy & esophagogastrodunoscopy with biopsy to find out i have Crohn's Disease.

My Hb aka iron count is 8 after 6 weeks on ferrous sulphate, im on high dose steroids about 6 wks now and im still getting abdominal pain several days a week.

im struggling, i was being treated for depression previous to all this drama my depression was resolving lol now i have crohns and anaemia and i think i may be getting depressed.

currently i want to go on non paid sick leave till i feel i have a better handle on my life,

i just want to meet other ppl with this disorder, to get a better understanding of experiences, because while i can understand all d medical jargon, i need d emotional support from ppl like me, i am as far as i know the only one in my family with this disorder, el primero aka the first

i was finally getting my life in order at 30 yrs, comfortable with my body, with who i am, furthering my education more, after 5 yrs, i have a serious relnship lol and BAM Crohns...

C'est la vie .... that's life .....

i would appreciate any experiences shared wrt remissions and how long they are pain free inbetween or any positive thoughts :)

thank you for reading

Hello and welcome to the forum, you have definetly come to the right place for info and support. Have you contacted your doc about the ongoing discomfort despite being on the steroids? What is there long term plan of action regarding treatment? Have you noticed a correlation of the pain with what you have eaten? It may be worth looking into going on a really restrictive diet for a while - perhaps even enteral nutrition - to help get the bowel settled. This is a good way to also then look at foods that can trigger symptoms.

Also have you had a full vitamin level check done? It is common for us crohnies to be deficient in levels for things like B12 and this can have an effect on how you feel both physically and mentally so if these have not been checked pls ask your doc to do this.

I hope you can feel better soon hun, keep us updated on how you get on.
hello Angrybird :) lol that video game rocks !!!

i havent noticed anything in my diet affecting my crohns sadly, i am on supplements, taking centrum women contains B12, ferrous sulphate, folic acid, fish oil & intermittently calcium tablets.

hoping to see my doctor this Monday :)

how long have you been diagnosed and on treatment ? do you have long remission periods in between flares?

thank you for taking the time to comment, have a good day

Check the details under my signature for meds etc, you will see I am coming up to my 10yr annivesary since official diagnosis - I will have to treat the belly to dinner out! :) It has been quite a long time since I have had a remission of symptoms that has lasted more than a few weeks. The best I ever did was over a year of no issues (about 8+yrs ago) and this was due to the same medication that I have been re-started now so fingers crossed I will do well this time as well.
Hi there and welcome :)

I agree with Angrybird about getting your Vitamin B12 checked. I realize that you're on a multivitamin that contains it, but if you are indeed deficient (many people with Crohn's Disease are) not only will the amount of B12 in that multivitamin be nowhere near enough, but you probably won't absorb it anyway. Some of the common signs of B12 deficiency include depression and fatigue.

Again, welcome, I'm really glad you're here :)
Hello there and you can FOR SURE get support here. I can't help you like Angrybird and David as far as answering questions unless its is about my own personal experiences. But if ya need to vent I'm here. Everyone is different as far as treatments, frequency of flares, how long they last etc. But hearing the stories helps me feel like there are people out there that know what I am going through and that the things that are happening to me are normal at least in the crohns world normal! Good luck! Let us know how you are doing.

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