Hi there I just joined the forum and I will fill you in on my story.
I live in London and am 36. I was diagnosed at the age of 14. After some steriods I had a small part of my intestines removed and then have used diet to control my chrohns. This has been sucessfull to varying degrees. I am lucky that with the diet I have (I am quite strict) I have not had any bad effects and have been medicine free for the last twenty something years.
2 years ago I went to mexico for 2 weeks and got quite ill, I lost 11lb in the time there and have not put it back on. This year I had an abcess (the first time) and it would not go so I had some antibiotics for 2 weeks to get rid of it (I never have them as they always make me ultra ill), this time I had to have them to get rid of the blasted abcess.
After this I have not been back to normal and 2 weeks ago I had a colonoscopy. This made me ill for about a week and now Im still not 100%.
I have not had medicines for 20 years so am looking forward to see what they have to offer.
anyway thats my long story, sorry to bore you all.
I live in London and am 36. I was diagnosed at the age of 14. After some steriods I had a small part of my intestines removed and then have used diet to control my chrohns. This has been sucessfull to varying degrees. I am lucky that with the diet I have (I am quite strict) I have not had any bad effects and have been medicine free for the last twenty something years.
2 years ago I went to mexico for 2 weeks and got quite ill, I lost 11lb in the time there and have not put it back on. This year I had an abcess (the first time) and it would not go so I had some antibiotics for 2 weeks to get rid of it (I never have them as they always make me ultra ill), this time I had to have them to get rid of the blasted abcess.
After this I have not been back to normal and 2 weeks ago I had a colonoscopy. This made me ill for about a week and now Im still not 100%.
I have not had medicines for 20 years so am looking forward to see what they have to offer.
anyway thats my long story, sorry to bore you all.