Hello...my name is Wesley and I have Chron's Disease.

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Aug 26, 2011
Hello my name is Wesley and I learned yesterday that I officially have a mild to moderate case of Chron's Disease. I am still taking it all in and doing as much research as I can. I feel bad reading everything online as I am not experiencing any pain at this point but at the same time am freaked out by the fact that I will forever struggle with this disease. I decided to join this forum as none of my friends (at least that I know) or family struggle with Chron's Disease. I look forward to learning from the forum and thanks to the administrators for hosting this site.

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Hi Wesley, welcome. Sorry you are joining us. When I was dx I was also mild to moderate. I have not had any major pain from Crohn's (Thank G-D). My crohn's was put under control fast, however I have many other issues due to crohn's mainly arthritis and inflammation in my eyes.
Did you have a long dx process? is your current treatment working? like your gi?

those seem to be the most important things and seem to determent how much of a struggle things are. that and since in your in the USA How's your health insurance?!
Good luck and welcome again
Hi welcome :)

That is a great thing that you are not experiencing any pain! It is always a good thing to chat and get to know other crohnies in my opinion! Everyone on here is empathetic, helpful, and kind. Glad you found the forum and hope to see you around!
Welcome to the forum. Sorry to hear you have this rotten disease. I hope it stays "mild to moderate."
Hi Wesley and welcome! The internet can be a pretty scary place. Remember, each case is so very unique. Each of us experience different symptoms. So try not to worry about what may be and take it day by day.

Where is your disease located? I assume mainly the colon since you are taking Lialda. I take Lialda, as well. I hope it helps to get things under control.
HI Wesley and welcome to the forum, Unfortunatly not under the circumstances. i am sorry you have Crohn's. i have had crohn's for 21 years now. Like the others said every case is different and yours is mild which is great you will probably control it my diet and meds. Don't read much into the web sites. You will find everything you want to know about crohn's here. The people here are great in which now i call family and there's a world of knowledge here a the forum. Everybody was where you are today. Keep an open mind. if you have any questions just fire away and the forum will respond. again nice to meet you. best wishes.

Thank you for the warm welcome...it is so nice to know this board exist. Here is a little more of my story. About three years ago I had what I now know as a fistula form on my bottom. I thought it was a cut and could not heal just because of the use of toilet paper (always pulling the scab off causing slight blood on tissue). I had always had weird bowel (sometime often sometimes without much delay but really thought that was just the way I was and everyone had different bowel movements. What changed in the last three months is blood during blowel movement more on regular basis and even mucas (for lack of better word) on stool. Read an article about guys fears of going to doctor and scared me to dealth that I had colon cancer.

Went to general doctor who referred me to GI. He was pretty sure that I just had hemroids but due to the way I described it let's go ahead and do colonoscopy. Nervous as could be 33 years old and I have to get a colonoscopy. Do prep which went really easy actually slept some that night (which thought I would not be able to do) but did throw up within 30 mins of taking prep...not sure if saying throwup even does it justice; never in my life experienced that kind of projectile throw-up. The colonoscopy went fine but he told me after I woke up that he was pretty sure I had Crohnes; they found one small polyp but so small that probably not cancer.

Went back to doctor on August 24th and he diagnosed Crohns. He explained that it could be UC but based on what he sees and the results it is Crhons (pretty limited at this time to Colon). Talked about options and fact that I did not feel like anything is wrong with me (pain wise) so we decided to start slow and see how my body reacts to the Lialda. We would save the machine gun medicine for a later day when needed.

So great no colon cancer but I now will live with this the rest of my life...how will this affect the rest of my life; how will this affect my wife's life, how will this affect my daughters life...will the medicine work...are all questions running through my head. I came home jumped on computer and started searching; watching videos; and searching more...found this board and was so happy that I did.

Thanks again for the welcome and sorry for this misspellings I decided to not worry about grammer or spelling while typing from blackberry but to get the information out there. Also sorry if I went a little too detailed in regards to symptons but figured most would say they went through the same...some less; some a lot worse...thanks for letting me get it out. - Wesley

edit - you have got to at least spell the disease right...oops.
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Hi Wesley,

Welcome to the site but am sorry that you needed to find it! :eek: My son, 17 years, was diagnosed in May. So, our family is also learning how to deal with Crohns. My son has also been lucky enough to not have an pain associated with his Crohns.

This is a great site with wonderful members. You'll find that many people have dealt with the same worries and questions as you - ask away and you'll find lots of understanding and suggestions.

I hope the Lialda keeps things under control for you! :ysmile:
Hi, Wesley. No worries with the grammar or misspellings. My spelling skills are not my strong suit either! Then you add auto-correct and things get dicey! No worries about being graphic either. We talk about all manner of things here with no judgments. Slimy poop, snotty poop, vomit. You name the gross stuff, we talk about it! So glad your symptoms are mild to moderate and here is to hoping they stay that way. It is very hard to predict what is down the road as far as the Crohn's goes. Will it effect your family? Sure. But it would effect your family if you broke your leg or found a new job in a different city, etc. I look at my UC as a pebble in my pond. Something to work around but if we all follow the stream, we get where we are going together. We just have to detour around the pebble. Kind of silly, but it helps pull me through.

Poke around the site. Many very helpful people (much smarter than I could ever hope to be) are so willing to lend support of to give advice if it is asked for.


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