Hello i was Diginosed with Crohn's Disease about 2 years ago. I weighed 180 pounds at the age of 16 I was a chunky boy. For 2 years straight i was going to the restroom abnormally, And dropped alot of weight. I was enbarresed to tell anyone. My parents started to notice something was up, i also knew something wasnt right. My worst fear was going to the doctors and finding out i had a worm in my stomach. At this time i was weighing 150 pounds. I went through all the steps to find out what i had bloodwork, CT scan, Endoscoptomy, and Colonoscopy. They Diginosed me with Crohn's Disease when i was 18. It was in the small intestine and they said it wasnt a bad case. I was going to the restroom 2-4 times a day but it was never solid.I thought okay ill take some medicine and in a couple a months ill be better. not the case. The doctor told my parents i might become depressed. I did but i never let anyone see it. Because before this i was that happy charismatic kid. I have only used one pill for 2 years now Sulfazine 500mg. 4 pills a day.No side effects. In the past 2 years i have gone off and on the pill and up and down in weight 140-150 the range I try working out and it works for awhile but something comes up and stop. 1 month ago i got really sick with the stomach flu and my weight dropped to 127 pounds. I am now up to 135 but now is the time i take this Disease seriously. I have read many other storys in here and found that i am one of the fortunate ones that caught it early and dont have it that bad but i am still angry that i got Crohn's and just to damn tired to fight it to get healthy i really just want to give up sometimes but tonight i have decided yes i want to change. I am now 20 years old. I hope you guys can help me out and e-motivate me to get better.