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Mar 5, 2012

I was recently diagnosed with crohns colitis and I don't know if I want to take any meds. I have being following a diet from the book "why doesn't my doctor know this" by dr dahlman, since I self diagnosed myself. I think that it is working I am also on antibiotics. Has anyone read this book, and tried the diet plan, what do you think? My doc says I should start on predisone, and then imoran. The cure seems worse than the disease. I'm a little scared. thanks
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Hi Meatball
Welcome to the forum.
It is natural to be scared at first but once you learn more you will be able to cope.
The aim of treatment is to achieve a remission which can last a long time for some, you could be one of them.
Prednisone will reduce the inflammation and Imuran which takes a bit longer for full effect is aimed to drive the Crohn's into remission and keep it there.
It usually takes this type of treatment to help the Crohn's. and stop it from progressing.
Think carefully before refusing the prescribed treatment.
You say you diagnosed yourself?
Are you now being treated by a gastroenterologist (GI)Have you had a colonoscopy and/or other tests for Crohn's?
You do need to have these things in place for adequate supervision of the condition.
Hope so since you say you are taking antibiotics prescribed by your doctor.
Feel better soon
Hugs and best wishes
Thanks Trysha, when I started have symptoms I went to my family doc he said it was normal. So I looked up my symptoms on line and it apeared to be crohns or iIBS. So I had started reading this book by dr dahlman, and began eliminating glutin and milk. I have since had a colonoscopy, and being diagnosed with crohns colitis. I am working with a specialist and she really seems to know her stuff. I just would like to think that there was a way without destroying my other organs.

i know where your coming from on this but i am not so sure if its the correct way to,

i have the same thoughts as you about using PRED after reading all the side affects etc, but i can aslo say that if i didnt take it, i would still be in hospital and 1 up on the operation count, to not have this has made PRED a godsend and i can honestly say it has helped me so much that the minimal side affects are nothing.

you need to remember that the side affects from any medication does not mean it will happen, and even if it does it wont be all the side affects, also they usually dissapear when you stop taking them aswell.

i personally feel the way you do when it comes time to take anti immuno drugs as current research is saying that this could be the complete opersite of current treatment - there again who knows ! , do what you feel is best but please dont rule meds out of the equasion completely and work out the PROS and CONS of each.
Hi meatball and welcome :bigwave: It definelty does not hurt to be on a good diet with this disease but if you are still having even slight problems with things like tummyaches, pain, loose poop etc then this will mean it is not sorting the issue so do not rule out meds. As mentioned there are potential side effects but we are all different and not everyone gets them. Also as far as I am aware the docs don't tend to prescribe these things if they did not think it was necessary.....

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