HELP MRI next week

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May 27, 2016
Hey so i have a MRI Enterography next week to look and see if i have Crohns. I recently had a CT scan showing inflammation in my cecum, but my doctor said he wanted a definite clearer picture. I am worried for this MRI. I have to be there an hour before my appointment to drink the contrast and i have to fast 4 hours before. They will also be giving me an injection when I'm in the machine. I'm worried because ei have had many CT scans in the past where i have thrown up once from one, i get super nauseous, and i have diarrhea for 3 days. I also usually have a hard time getting the drinking contrast down. So i just wanted to know how different is the MRI contrast from CT contrast? Is there anything the nurses can do to make my symptoms better from it? Also i am very claustrophobic but i can handle the CT scan machine, but is the MRI machine smaller? :sign0085::sign0144:
I don't know if the drink is the same for both however, I know they are equally foul tasting. The injection isn't bad, it just make you feel like you peed your pants. They have open MRI machines, perhaps you can find out if one of these are available?
I had an mri yesterday, I am in the UK so it might differ if you are in a different country. I found the drink to be okay, it was clear like water and just tasted a little sweet. It felt a bit thicker than water which made it a little harder to go down but it didn't make me feel sick. I didn't drink all of it but she didn't seem too concerned about that. It did give me one bout of diarreha but I didnt get any urges for the toilet while i was in the machine which was my biggest fear. The injection they put in your arm is different to the CT stuff as it didnt make me feel like I wet myself and I dont think they put as much in. The put it in half way through and I didn't even notice it happening. The MRI scanner is smaller than the CT in my experience, when I had the CT the scanner only really covered my stomach but the MRI scanner goes over your whole body. You should go in feet first so your head will be a little out of the scanner. I was freaking out at first but I just closed my eyes and listened to the music and the instructions. Chances are you will be so focused on holding your breath when they say that if you keep your eyes closed you can forget about the machine. Time passed really fast because I was so focused on the instructions. Sorry for the long post but I hope it helps reassure you. I was so worried about mine but I know I always think the worst in my head. Definitely talk to the doctor about your concerns because you won't be the first person to ask the questions and they will know what to do
I had an MRE of the small bowel a few years back. It was terrible. I had to drink the contrast which is a drink filled with artificial sweeteners! I was able to drink it down with not too much of an issue. However, it gave me diarrhea. I barely made it out of the machine and had to run to the toilet! Also, that other crap they injected me with ( Glucagon) I believe it is supposed to slow up the intestines so they can get a better picture, that made me almost throw up in the machine. It made me super nauseas. I was able to hold it back though by doing deep breathing. I wont ever let them inject me with that again though as it made my kidneys hurt for days! It is like a HUGE dose of glucose they shoot into your blood. That is why it can make you get nausea and throw up. It is very hard on the kidneys( found that out after the fact). If I ever have to have another MRE, I will Not have the glucagon shot and I will ask for a drink that has NO artificial sweeteners in it! They are toxic and I myself am allergic to them so I will have to ask for something with NO artificial sweeteners in it next time.

Everyone is different so you may do just fine with the test. I just did not do well with it at all.

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