Help, Now Ive Got Crohns And Celiac

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Aug 3, 2009
Hi everyone,

for everyone who's been following my other thread, i thought i should post a new thread as things have taken another weird twist.

so.... after having an emergency gi consultantion due to possible obstruction, my gi consultant asked for an emergency gastro-endoscopy and stigmoidoscopy to be done, im also awaiting an emergency mri scan date.

so the gastro- endoscopy was bearable, not pleasant but bearable. this showed no problems with my stomach, but when it got to my duadenum, it "didn't look right" my nurses words not mine. it was pale and had flat villi. apparantly they believe i have caeliac disease as well as crohns now.

my stigmoid was agony and she only got 20cm up, before i was screaming in agony. it showed ulcers at my tailend, which has never had ulcers there before, but my colon looked ok.

to fill everyone in who doesn't know of me. i was diagnosed with crohns in july. i had crohns in my whole colon, ilieum and illocual valve was strugling.

so now im stumped. they believe my illiem crohns is either inflamed, flaring, or obstructing, no problems at present with my colon.
my duedenum now looks like it has caeliac disease and my bladder problems keep going and coming back(incontinance).

about at my wits end. in alot of pain and look like im at deaths door. they wont give me anymore infliximab and my gi says he wishes to see the mri, before making a plan as to what step next to take. but basically he wants all the facts before presenting the case to a surgeon.

also...... was told yesterday that throughout my entire flare last july, my crp and all other indicator levels never changed or looked like i had inflimation, but colonosscopy and biopsies all showed crohns and severe inflamation.

so they believe im one of the few who dont show anything in their blood work.

this just complicates matters. not make them easier.

lying in bed at the moment. any thoughts appreciated

does anyone else have celiac and crohn's
I'm sorry CS! I know one diagnosis is *enough*, but TWO?? Let's hope it isn't celiacs. I guess they have counseled you on what not to eat with that right? Hope they get that MRI soon and can get everything figured out. Sounds like they will need to tweak your meds again. Hope you feel better soon!
Hi CS... wow, you couldnt of had the worst combo. Crohns is hard enough to deal with but Celiac too! There is so much gluten in just about everything. Some are dense (like some breads) that help the Celiac but hard on the intestines if you are flaring in your Crohns. This combo is rare, and I hope you can get it under control. I see you are from Scotland, because I know here and the states we have a safeway where every isle has gluten free alternatives. I do know Ensure is gluten/lactose free too. Let us know how you are doing and coping. ((hugs))!
Hey, I have crohns and celiac.

I don't find it too big a deal to manage the diet. All the big supermarkets stock "free from" ranges, and crohns makes you inclined to eat simply anyway.

Also, check with your GP, I get bread, biscuits, pasta and pizza bases on prescription.

The great thing about celiac is that if you eat right it WILL be ok. Unlike with crohns where you can be a saint with your meds and still feel like poo.

Pm me if you wNt advice, but don't worry too much, it's the crohns you have to worry about, celiac is a diddle to manage once you get the hang of what you can and can't eat.

Good luck.
They think i have both....My GI was telling me that 20% of people with Celiac have an IBD too, which i thought to be interesting.

I have tried the Celiac diet, and i agree with Lishy, it's not too bad once you ahve the hang of it. I'm eating gluten now because you cannot properly be diagnosed once you are eating a gluten free diet. Best of luck to you, and get lots of cookbooks! there's some amazing gluten free alternatives. :)
does anyone know how long biopsies take to come back for the celiac test?

im just a bit bewildered by everything to be honest, the pain, the bleeding, the narrowing and the feeling crap. this is just one more thing to deal with. im seriously considering getting counseling to handle all this. as im finding it really difficult and lashing out at loved ones.

i haven't started a gluten free diet yet as they seem to be waiting on the results. but due to the narrowing, ive not to have anything that doesn;t fit through a straw. lol. so soup and jelly it is.

fed up tonight.

got work tomorrow and dont know how im gonna face it.
So sorry you are waiting so long and if you can buy some Ensure, at least you will get some nutrients and feel fuller. I have no idea how long the test takes, but hope you get answers soon.
i believe the biopsies take a few weeks, but i'm not 100% sure.

All that you're feeling is completely normal. Counselling may be a good idea, i'm sure it would help you understand how you feel. :)

Sorry that you're going through all this, here's a **HUG**
I have Crohns but not Celiacs. I do however know someone who has Celiacs and she copes with it fine - like other ppl have said once you have the diet sorted I think you will be able to manage the celiacs.

The pain, narrowing and feeling like crap is something I can relate to - Im sorry your feeling so bad and fed up! Wish there was something I could say to make you feel better. Just remember that your not alone - there are so many of us who have days where we feel so bad and depressed! But you will bounce back im sure. Maybe when you have your biopsy results back and have some answers you will feel a bit better cos then you can take control of the Celiacs so that you dont have to really worry about too much!

Try to take your frustrations out here instead of on your loved ones (easier said than done I know!).

I remind myself that things like this are sent to test us - you have to be strong and remember that you WILL cope with everything in the end!

Take care hun and I hope you start to feel a bit better!

Hey there, my biopsies usually take about 7 days. One thing I know is that even people who don't have celiac can find eating gluten free makes them feel better, so it might be worth starting to cut the gluten while you await results. Soup can be terible -check the labels. My son has ulcerative colitis and is intolerant to gluten, so he isn't celiac like me, biopsies come back negative, but if he eats so much as a cheap sausage he bleeds for weeks. I think it's definitely worth a trial regardless of when the biopsies come back.

Re counselling - go for it, I've been having hypnosis to help get me in a more positive frame of mind. This is a lot to handle

also, you can get ensure o prescription in the Uk, nows the time to get yourself a pre-payment certificate...

Good luck!

Lishyloo x
thanks for all the useful advice everyone. i feel like im bouncing on nothing at the moment. trying to juggle being single parent to my 5 year old and full time work. ive cut my hours down to 30hrs. works got me on a verbal warning for time off that ive had due to crohns already, so feel that i cant be off again, unless my life depends on it. ive already got my union involved in this but its not looking great.
it is hard and doing it alone makes things worse! That's what we are for, though, to listen and support you so you don't take it out on your loved ones!

Hope you feel better and get some answers really soon :)
They can give you a blood test for Celiacs also. I had one last week in fact. I have met quite a few Crohn's and Celiac patients through the years. They have all managed to get a pretty decent quality of life. Just takes a really strict diet. Hope they can get you back into a better state soon and then on a regular diet.
WOW!!! i'm so sorry you're going through this CS.... geez, that is a difficult dual-diagnosis... i hope things get better for you soon! *hugs* at least they're figuring some things out.