Hi bor and :welcome:
I'm so sorry to hear about your daughter...:hug:
As others have mentioned, Enteral Nutritional is something you may want to look into either as a alternative to Prednisone when her current course is completed or in conjunction with it now. As Kim has also suggested, look into LDN and research it, it may be something that will interest you or at the very least it never hurts to have it stored in the recesses of the brain! I have loads of stuff stored in mine, LDN included. :lol:
Again yes, it will take at least 3 months for the Imuran (Azathioprine) to become fully therapeutic. As a general rule you would commence on EN or Pred at the same time as the Imuran and remain on them for a couple months with the idea being that when those discontinue the immunosuppressive (Imuran) will take over. Of course there are variations on this.
It is good to hear you were able to get onto the doc and the increase in Pred seems to be working.
Do you know if they were able to pass the scope through the valve and into the terminal ileum?
Either way make sure she has blood levels done for B12, Folate, Iron Stores and Vitamin D when she next has bloods drawn. Even though her haemoglobin may be normal it doesn't mean she isn't anaemic, it may be one explanation for her lethargy.
You are right hun, don't push her at this point as it is far too early on in her diagnosis and there is still the 12 months of illness to overcome as well.
Good luck! I hope things settle for your Sara and she soon feeling much better!
Dusty. xxx