Help pls

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Jul 7, 2010
help pls

Ok so I've been feeling horrible forever now. My head hurts so extremely bad on the left side. It really feels like my brain is trying to pop out. Last night ivwas in tears from it and no meds will lessen it or make it go away. When I swallow its sore also on left side and feels like a pill is stuck like a lump or something. I get my remicade Tuesday but I feel so awful its hard to tell if I can hold on. Is this just side effects from waiting for remicade infusions? Or could it be somethin more serious?

I did not understand if you are waiting for your first dose of remicade or if you have already started and are waiting for the new dose.

In case you have already started, please go to this link Severe headache is one of the side-effects on which, they say you should immediately inform your doctor.

In case you have not started on remicade yet and looking at the medication you take, I would still go to see a doctor asap.

Last but not least, please note that people that have Crohn's also often have problems with arthritis. It is possible to get arthritis in your jaw. The pain is excrusiating, affects your nerves on the face and throat and nothing helps against the pain. The only thing that might give you some relief is soft massage with Pensaid (diclofenac topical solution) . It is a oily ointment suitable only for small and superfacial bones and arthroses. With me it caused dry skin and scaling (only on the spot I rubbed the oil) after a few days. I had no other side effects.
Thanks for the info. I have already started remicade. I've been to the er and told my Dr about the headaches but no one seems concerned yet they literally kill me!
It could be a dental problem, or even a thyroid problem. Maybe get an x-ray done if you are able. Is it worse after chewing on food?
So sorry you are suffering without relief. If you can't hold on then go back to ER and have a loud scream! You are entitled.
good luck.
I had a dental check up and it was fine. Eating doesn't effect it. It's like a pounding and throbbing pain. Used to be all over and now its on the left side at the temple. My throat hurts when I swallow and feels like a lump is stuck but when I feel with my hands I don't feel anything swollen. The pain in my head is now moving to the middle. Last time in the er they gave me caffeine pills but it doesn't work neither that or tylenol works. Ughhhhh :(
Wowza. I suppose you tried the percocets? It sounds like muscle spasms (they can cause the feeling in the throat and the headache.) It could be neck compress with towel, or bath, or massage perhaps may help? Muscle relaxers?
Hope you can find a way to ease things.
I've tried everything! Percocets don't help not even diluadid its getting so bad I find that if I move or look to quickly I have vertigo for a few seconds
ok my doctor finally called and said he wants me to see a neurologist? ive had a headache for several weeks, and now my throat has been hurting for almost 2 weeks. the headaches are so bad i cant function! no one seems concerned, but after reading that link im freaked out because it sounds like side effects of the remicade and im just being written off. any i freaking over nothing?
Throbbing definitely sounds like a migraine. Did anyone try a triptan for you as I mentioned in another thread? I really think that would help you. I am glad you will be seeing a neurologist, they will be the best able to help. I hope you feel better and find some damn relief soon!
Broke down and went to er. Ct scan was clear and no swelling. Could be thyroid and/or reactions. In also thinking possibly a pain med withdraw since I've had so many recently. I going to schedule with a neurologist to be sure. Still no relief thanks for all the replies.
Oh and my gi is callin in a mouthwash he think my throat is sore and swollen from a yeast infection.
If you are open to acupuncture, it's very useful for neuro-muscular problems. Glad you went to ER. Sometimes you need to rule things out one by one...
good luck.
diesandhur beat me to it but I was going to say it could be a migrane issue. Seems that I build things up a lot since I've had Crohn's and I always have to relate it to me meds or it just being a 'Crohn's thing'. Hopefully you get some answers though and hope you feel better soon here.

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