Help us find LGBT role models in the NHS

Crohn's Disease Forum

Help Support Crohn's Disease Forum:


Sep 23, 2009
"HSJ, working with the NHS Leadership Academy, will be publishing a special supplement in September exploring attitudes to, and experiences of, people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender in the NHS.

Compared with the general population, people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender have higher rates of mental ill health as well as alcohol and drug consumption. Lesbian women are also more likely to have never had a cervical smear test, while gay or bisexual men are more likely to experience domestic violence.

People’s sexual orientation matters. The extent to which an organisation is inclusive and understands the specific health needs of people who identify as LGBT will have an impact on the experience of LGBT staff and patients.

Have your say in our experience survey
Discuss it on Twitter#HSJLGBT

Through a reader survey, HSJ will be examining whether the NHS is as inclusive, accessible and welcoming to the LGBT community – patients, employees, service users and customers – as it could be.

We will examine whether and how attitudes are changing, how stigma and prejudice is being addressed and whether the health needs of the LGBT community are being fully understood and met.

The survey is now open and we are seeking views – both from people who identify as LGBT and those who do not.

The supplement will also celebrate LGBT role models within your organisation – clinicians, nurses, managers, leaders and frontline staff who identify as LGBT and who are working to promote the inclusion of, and support for, the community, helping to break down barriers and effecting change through personal example, leadership or day to day excellence.

A nomination form can be found within the survey, or can be completed below. The closing date for nominations and completing the survey is 1 August.

Only people who have approved and agreed to their nomination being published will be included on the long list, which will be evaluated by an expert judging panel, including lesbian, gay and bisexual rights charity Stonewall."

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