Help? Very very high ALP results? Scared for my son

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Jan 21, 2013
My seven year old has fistulizing crohns and is presently on Methotrexate, Pentasa and Remicade infusions. Well I was just told that all of his labs are now normal except a sky-high alkaline phosphatase (ALP) test. His result was 2,580 - range is 0-299. I am scared to death reading online what it could be, considering the extreme elevation of his result. The GI is right now thinking it is the result of a "virus" but Evan hasn't been really ill, aside from ongoing crohn's stuff and sore shins/knees and headaches.

Have any of you dealt with very high numbers on this test? All his other liver results were fine.
Has the dr ordered a repeat blood test? Sometimes it can just resolve itself after a while with no explanation of why it raises so high. Also Alp can come from bone so if he is going through a growth spurt it can make it higher.
Wishing you both all the best and hope this is just a little blip.
Yes we will redo the test when we go in for next remicade in a week. I also am asking they do an antibodies test for the remicade. I also think we need to find out where this alp is coming from- liver, bones, intestines and kidneys all produce the enzyme from what I have read. The waiting between tests is going to make me an anxious wreck.
There seems to be some mention of a overnight fast before testing. As food can increase the levels?

I think if he has other Crohn’s type things going on then you would have to think it would be related to that or his medication. ALP elevated on its own would tend to point to the bile duct area of the liver but it is just possible that it could be a one off glitch. This certainly happened with my daughter and her pancreatic enzymes, through the roof one day and normal the next! :ywow:

Is he going through a growth spurt? Although I doubt it would raise the levels to these sort of numbers it may be feeding into it. ALP does elevate during growth spurts (bone growth) and puberty.

Hard I know but…:hang:

Dusty. xxx
Hoping it's a glitch, first thought was growth spurt but that does seem high for that. Hope you get it all figured out quickly. Sending lots of support.
second test was Thursday and even higher ALP.. so scared. It is now 2789. We bring him in for follow up bloodwork today to determine which part of his body is creating the increased results. Any advice or encouraging words? PLEASE???
thanks all. I took him for blood draw today and got some info on last draw. His liver and bone isoenzymes are high. Bone alp was 1343 (normal range 0-264 units/liter) and liver was 895 (normal range 0-182 units/liter). I am anxiously waiting on his gi to get back to me Monday. Meantime I have made an appointment with his ped for Tuesday in case gi shrugs and says this isn't in their realm. I just cannot imagine him having another serious illness now. He is only little... the crohns is way more than he should bear.