Help! What can I do to ease my ulcerative colitis flare-up symptoms!?

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Jun 12, 2014
Superior, WI
I have had ulcerative colitis for three years now and have only made it to a very short-lived remission once. I have been put on several different medications in the last year, each time feeling more hopeful than the last. Currently, I am taking 6-MP and a bi-weekly dose of Simponi. Three days ago, I began another flare-up from hell! It has left me feeling rundown and hopeless. I need help dealing with the symptoms. My lower abdomen feels swollen and tender to the touch, a sharp pain shoots through my body and settles in my lower abdomen every 20 minutes or so and lasts a few minutes, and the bathroom trips are endless and in pure liquid form (but rarely bloody, thank goodness). Does anyone have tips for dealing with the pain? I am terrified to eat, to be in public, to even touch my stomach for fear of the gut-wrenching stomach pain. I also would like to know if anyone recommends any specific supplements to fight the symptoms? My form of uc is downright stubborn, so no prescription medication seems to have what it takes to get me into remission. I heard ginger and aloe Vera tablets might help? Any help or guidance would be greatly appreciated!!!
Hello. Have you talked with your GI about this? If the pain is that bad, I would also be contemplating a trip to the ER. My thought would be that even if you're not loosing blood, you may also be dehydrated especially if you've been having diarrhea for an extended amount of time. So, no matter what I would suggest being checked out. Please keep us updated on how you're doing. :hug:
I had a never-ending 2-year flare that didn't end until I had my colon removed. I am NOT suggesting that you on are the same path, just offering sympathy as I know what you are going through.

What helped me with pain was a heating pad and soaking in a warm bath. You can buy portable heating pads that wrap around your body and are undetectable under clothes. I bought the large ThermaCare heat wraps designed for use on sore backs and just turned them around so that the heat was on my abdomen.

Drink lots of fluids even though you don't feel like it. I was dehydrated and didn't recognize that was what was adding to my fatigue and muscle pain. Easy foods like pasta, bread, potatoes, rice and applesauce can help thicken up your bowel movement and possibly reduce the amount of trips to the bathroom.

I do suggest that you contact your GI again and see if they are willing to give you something more for the pain. If nothing else, they will be on notice that you are not doing well and need more help.
Kaker, try manuca honey. I too have Ulcerative Colitis and feel the honey sooths it a little. Gives it a sort of numbing effect which eases the pain and also has healing properties.

It was a world leading IBD consultant that told me to try it.

Im not saying it will definetly work for you but it helped me.

I take a big spoonfull in the morning and 1 at night
It is horrid when you are in so much pain. I take pain meds, which are not a solution, but help while the illness is getting under control. I would ask about something for the pain if you are finding it debilitating