Help! what is this??

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Dec 16, 2015
Leeds, United Kingdom
Sorry if this is TMI but I'm really worried. After a troublesome BM this morning I now have a little lump on the side of by bum. It's about the size of a pea and is soft and squidgy - not painful. What is it????
My first thought is a possible abscess but with no pain I'm not sure. If it starts hurting or you start feeling lousy or run a fever call the doctor.
Use a hand mirror to take a good look at it and google perianal crohn's skin tags to see if it matches with that or pics of hemorrhoid's to see if it matches that instead, they can even confuse the average doctor so it's best you look yourself to see which it resembles...or as someone mentioned it could be an abscess but those don't tend to be soft and squishy and they usually have pain and look like a deep pimple often with a white head on it.