Hey everyone!! Im back....so my deal again: been sick with severe stomach pain on and off for 15 years and been called a hypochondriac all my life. Nobody could ever figure out what was wrong with me. Had my appendix out at 18 and was ok or a year. Still delt with pain, but not as bad as it had been. A year later I ended up in the hospital with terrible pain, diahrea and vomiting. Stayed for a few days and ended up with Mesenteric Adinitis diagnosis. Took antibiotics and pain meds. Was good for another year....same story all over again....and again and again. Here I am 30 years old with a three year old and 10 month old. Started getting really sick in Janurary...high fever, pain, constipation/diahrea, lethargy. Went to hospital and admitted for Colitis in Feb. Stayed over a week and got sent home. Back to hospital in March with same crap, this time Mesenteric Adinitis....again?!? Stayed for over a week again, lots of tests and meds. Was told I had CD...and put on 4000mg of Pentasa and 9mg of Entocort. Have had ups and downs but generally got better. Come to find out...no real evidance of CD, so now they say presumed Crohns. Last month, I had a medication interaction that caused seizures. So in the hospital again!! Taken off EVERYTHING!! Been doing ok...well going down the same road slowly but surely. Starting to feel like Crap again...more diahrea, fatigue and intermittent pain. I have an appointment with new GI on Friday for second oppinion. Laying in bed tonight, Im starting to fee pretty crappy. My tum hurts and my diahrea is picking up. So what do I do?? I CANT go to the hospital again...Im fearing this may be my path again. Im so frustrated, and dont even want to mention it to my hubby, as he is tired of it too. My children need me here, and when Im in the hospital, life goes to crap for everyone. Any suggestion?? Im feeling down and dont know what to do at this point. Thanks for listening:ywow: