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Nov 20, 2011
I have two hernias near my incision site which my GI said was not a surprise because I've had three surgeries. They are small but they are so sore all of the time. My GI does not recommend surgery because I've been cut into so many times. Does anyone have this problem? Is there something that can make them feel better? I've tried wearing a band and it hurts too much. Any advice or personal experience would be appreciated!
I have had 3 hernia repairs this year. A new one appears and my surgeon fixes it. I am hoping I dont get another one. But I probably will. Mine hurt too and that is why they keep fixing them. If they dont the hernia gets bigger and more painful. It is true the more they cut the more of a chance of getting another one. There is no good answer to your question. I cant where tight garments across my belly ether. I suggest you talk to a surgeon. Your GI is not really qualified to make that decision. Good luck
Thanks, Ekay! Do your hernias hurt when you touch them or do they ache all of the time or just sometimes? I started getting stabbing pains in the one near my belly button this weekend but it's only once in awhile.

My GI refers me to my surgeon so I don't have the option of just going to my surgeon, although if I press the issue, my GI will refer me. He's a good doctor and doesn't want to see me in pain. The pain of these suckers has increased from mild discomfort to always hurting so I was going to mention it when I saw him next. He made a remark that they would fix my hernias when I have my next resection, but I'm not having a resection unless it's an emergency, so I'm hoping to at least have a few years (or, please God, more) before I have to do that again.
before I had the last one repaired it was aching all the time w/ sharp pains when I cough or something touching it didn't hurt, but pressing on it hard did hurt. I don't know your history so I cant really say that what they do for me is the right thing for you. A resection is a large surgery, a hernia repair is much less complicated. I personally don't think waiting for a possible resection in the future makes much sense. You say you have 2 hernias? They must be small. If they are small repairing them w/ out mesh seems like it could work. When they repair w/out mesh it is really an easy surgery to recover from. Two days after my last repair I was taking less pain meds then before the surgery and it has now been 1 month and I am having no pain. So as you can see, for me the repair was the right thing to do. I hope this info helps you sort things out. If I were you I would ask your GI for a referral. There is nothing wrong w/ getting a second opinion. :)
I have had 3 hernia surgeries. I now have 2 hernias that popped up in the last year. The surgeon put mesh in the last time but I guess I have very weak intestinal walls. I always get one under my stoma too. I am too high risk for surgery now so I have to live with it. But I have never had much pain from the hernias. Usually if the pain does get worse and/or sharper it means the intestine is getting more restricted. A CT scan would show everything. Maybe you can do this?

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