Hey one and all :)

Crohn's Disease Forum

Help Support Crohn's Disease Forum:

Sep 14, 2010
Hey all

So great to find this forum! So happy to be apart of this community and be able to speak with people that are also suffering with this disease!

I guess my story is similar to others. I was finally diagnosed with crohns in 1998 after my partner found me in bed screaming/crying in pain.

It went untreated for a few months and I was put on painkillers etc.

Finally it was found when my Mother, who was sick of seeing me 'slip away' took me to her doctor, who sent me immediately for a endoscopy. Nothing found, so following week, I got the colonoscopy, and yay, hooray, crohns was found.

Since then, life was pretty good. Had bouts of sickness and plenty of remission up until about 3 years ago.

I was working full time, my crohns was at the point of 'what's crohns?' had been in remission for a year almost 2. I then started suffering with agoraphobia.

I have now been untreated my medical proffession for this amount of time and I call and they write my scripts for my medication, but I feel as though I'm slipping away. :'(

I was just wondering if anyone else is going through similar emotional 'trauma' as myself? and how they are overcoming it?

NOW onto the food and diet section of this page :)

Thanks for reading <3
Hi tree, do you have to interact with large crowds of people while working? Are you untreated for the phobia?

What meds are you on for the crohns? I think if you search this forum, you may find others who express psychological symptoms from many of the crohns meds. You may have to find a new med for your crohns. Good luck and welcome aboard!!
Hi tree and :welcome:

I'm glad you have found your way here 'cause this is a fabulous place for support and info. Ding started a thread about anxiety/panic attacks that I think you will be interested in................


I think one of the best things about the forum is finding that you are not alone in this both physically and emotionally. Welcome aboard!


Dusty. :)
Hi Tree
and welcome

This isn't right! Doctors handing out prescriptions willy nilly without a consultation? WTF?
You need to make an appt and actually talk thro your problems, agrophobia won't just go away on it's own, there are plenty of therapies out there to treat this without meds, but you'll need a referral, in fact, scream for a referral!!
You've made the first step, you've recognised there's a problem, and told us, now tell your doc!
good luck Tree, and let us know how you are getting on
lotsa luv
Joan xxx

:bigwave:Hi Tree,
Glad to meet you! Hope you find the answers you're looking for. :eek: Whatever u do.. dont give up! This is a wonderful forum full of awesome ppl and great advise. The search function is pretty handy too. Welcome aboard!:welcome:
Hi Tree, welcome :)
I suffer from anxiety and panic attacks frequently. This time last year, I couldn't even leave my house to take my dog down to the park at the end of my street without having a panic attack. It's incredibly common to have issues with depression and anxiety when facing these diseases. My GP was able to give me a referral to a psychologist which meant I could claim much of the costs of seeing a professional back with Medicare, you should speak to your GP about something similar.
Dexky - When I was working I was working in the public, but had to leave work due to the agoraphobia, as I simply couldn't leave the house. I did start to work for my parents doing their books (they own a mechanical store) but after about 3 months working in a 'safe' environment, with people I was safe with, I also had to leave there, as I couldn't drive my car anymore. 2 years ago, I had to move back in with my parents as I couldn't take the kids to school, sports, shop, etc everything I should be doing as their parent.

I'm on 50mg daily of Mercaptopurine, Prednislone 50mg daily (when flared), My highschool best friend is an naturopath/herbalist, so I also take whatever she tells me to (LOL) and she gives me acupuncture, moxy stick treatments, cupping, massage, chakra cleansing, crystal healing etc etc. Only problem is, we live 4 hours apart, so it only happens daily for about 2 weeks each year.

I am untreated for agoraphobia, I do however meditate daily, have a workbook for agoraphobia, I drive the car daily (as far as I can, some days a good distance, others to the end of the driveway. Along with the agoraphobia comes a laundry list of other phobia's to medications, foods etc. Some days I refuse to eat fish, or sugar, because I think I'm allergic to fish, or I think I'm diabetic.

(I hope that explains things a bit better!!!)

Thanks dusty re: the link. SO good to know I am not alone! I live in a small town and I know others would have similar problems, but it's just not spoken of in our town.

Thanks Astra, the doctors have known since I started to feel anxious. It's such a LONG story. My doctor, is also my mothers best friend. I saw her in regards to the anxiety I was getting, and we made an appointment for the following week (this is 2-3 years ago now) to discuss treatment, and she cancelled the appointment as she had some training to do, which lasted 3 months. (something to do with birthing little peoples lol)

I made another appointment with one of the other doctors who put me on zoloft. It made me sick (as most anti depressents do, I do love the sarapax but I spend most the time on the toilet!) so I had to come off it. I think after that I simply gave up and just didn't leave the house etc, and it all got out of hand.

In our small town, we don't have access to specialists etc, and it's a lot of travelling to the nearest gastrointestinal guy (my guy, best guy ever! lol) I guess the doctors here are sticking with what seems to work :( I do need an appointment, but (always a damb BUT with me!!) I don't leave the house, they refuse to do home visits (policy...) and I don't actually like people coming to the house (yet another 'fear') Hope that explains things a little better??

Thanks girly, I am loving these forums and hope that maybe I can find the answers I seek on here and get some much needed support and in turn, support others :)

Seaofdreams - Thanks Sea. I am slowly getting better, I do feel like my 'old' self a lot more lately. It has taken a long time to reach this point! I can function daily as I was, not so depressed (Thank GOD!!)
I guess I have similar if not the same 'issues' with my disease as most people with it, eg How I look, my weight, etc etc. I feel anorexic and in turn, don't want people to see me.

I hope this has answered everyones questions.

A little bit about me, is that I have 2 gorgeous children. Kingsley who is 15 (god help me!) and Andrew who is 5 (help me again!!! LOL) They are my angels.
I live with my parents atm due to the agoraphobia (they help alot with racing the boys around to things they need to be at: sports, guitar lessons, school etc.)

I just hope I can seek some answers and not feel so isolated and crazy!!!

Take care all and thanks for your replies <3
You could try to quell chronic inflammation. The reason i say that is I found out that my decades on on again off again depression was caused by low grade inflammation from Crohn's.

Inflammation can cause mental problems, as I found out by accident. May be worth a try.

Sounds good D Bergy!

How does one quell the inflammation?? (sorry to ask what's a probably really stupid question lol)
It is not a stupid question, but I only know how I did it, but there likely are better ways.

I used Turmeric capsules, Ginger capsules in a 1500 mg dose, two or three times a day. I also took a double dose of Krill Oil once a day. These all have anti inflammatory properties.

I was trying to get my post operative flare under control. It worked to some degree but not perfectly. What it did do 100% effectively is resolve my depression problem, which I was not treating for. My wife noticed this before I did, which shows how observant I was. I got lucky on this one, but I will take luck when I can get it.

I have not had a problem since. I still take smaller amounts of these three supplements, but I no longer need the large doses.

It may work, it may not. There is not a lot of research in this area, but there is some. I do not think inflammation is always the cause of mental problems, but I do think it can be especially with an inflammatory disease such as this.


If you are on blood thinners, you should consult a doctor before using larger doses of these supplements, as they have a slight blood thinning effect.

I hope you can get it resolved, one way or another.

Thanks D Bergy!

I shall give all that a go!

Oh and my problems always been thick blood, had to take aspirin to thin my blood (I think it was due to the prednislone) I honestly can't recall now, it was due to some medication.
just want to say welcome and really hope you get help with your problems. LIke Joan said scream if you have to !! I would , you deserve help and a better way of living. Lots and lots of support here which will help you for sure

Jo xxx