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Jul 2, 2012
Hello, my name is Dean and I live in Australia, this forum is such a great place & I really wish it was around 22 years ago when I got diagnosed with Crohns disease.
My doctor at the time was very proactive in my treatment back then, I got put into hospital after 2 years of drug therapy (Pred,Mesasalazine, Immuran) became obstructed in 94 with a resulting Laparotomy then got a bad flare in 96 with another Laparotomy. Then began a rather trouble free 14-15 yrs....I had a couple of little flares 2 hospital visits but nothing to bad!
Five yrs ago my gi doc recommended Infliximab with infusions every eight weeks, that was a great biologic until I became allergic to the mouse protein that its made with. It gave me such debilitating arthritis I couldnt walk!
So now Im at a crossroads again in my life with Crohns.... this time last week I was on a naso gastric tube in hospital obstructed again, met our nice new collorectoral surgeon...they all want to treat me with this drug called Humira.
I know everyone's journey with this insidious disease is different but can any one out there give me any pointers as to what I could expect compared to Infliximab? Many thanks Deano
Welcome to the forum! Wow-22 years & still going stong! That's amazing! :dance:

I just wanted to welcome you to the forum!

Only advice/comments about Humira VS Remicade is that:

1) Humira was the ONLY drug that has ever given me relief. I've been on every other drug with the exception on 6MP/Methotrexate. Unfortunately, it only gave me a few days of relief so I ended up recently switching to Cimzia.

2) Humira is much more convenient! Uusally, after the loading dose, you only get one shot every other week & that can be done at home.

3) Humira comes in syrninges & pens. I reccomend trying both. I always used the pen because it was much faster & all I did was push a button and it was done.

4) Lay the Humira out for 20-30 minutes before injection. It makes a huge difference.

5) A lot of people don't premedicate with Humira like they dow with Remicade so you shouldn't experiance as much drowsiness.

6) Reactions with Humira are far less common than with remicade because it has all human particles-no mouse.

Everyone is different of course so Humira may not work for you at all but if someone does good with one TNF drug, they typically have a simmilar response to other TNF drugs.

Good luck! :)
Why hello there Dean I'm new as well!

I currently take Humira, and had a reaction to remicade. Perhaps I can share my experience as well.

Humira has worked wonders for me, and it truly has turned my life around in so many ways. I was a little apprehensive about the pens at first, but you quickly learn easy and painless ways to take it.

I typically lay it out for 15 to 20 minutes, and I will inject in either left or right thigh.

I haven't had any side effects in the year that I have taken it, YMMV though.

Welcome and good luck!
Hello Deano and welcome to the forum. I have not been on Humira myself (this is my next option if I flare on my current med) but I can see there already has been some helpful info given :) I will keep my fingers crossed that this can get you back into remission.

Hey there Dean and welcome! :)

In addition to what was said above, we have a forum dedicated to Humira where you can connect with others on it, read stories, and post any additional questions you might have.

It's great to have you here and I look forward to seeing you around more often :)
Thanks to all for thier support...it means a lot to me! My GI doc wants me to do one more inflix infusion this Wed then 2 weeks after that she says that I am going to start humira!
When I look at how long I was on inflix 4.5 yrs....if I could get the same amount of time on Humira, I think thats better than surgery maybe!
I guess I will find out much more as I taper my pred...on 50mg starting first taper this Sat...fingers crosses & my heads all over the place atm:) Deano
Hi Dronny!

I took remicade for about 6 years before I ended up having an anaphylactic response to it. I then went on humira and was on that for about 4ish almost 5 years! I think its definitely doable. It is much more convinient since you can do them yourself at home.

Good luck to you dronny and welcome to the forum!!
Hi Dean and :welcome:

I don't have any advice re Remicade v Humira but would like to say hello as I think you are the closet to where I live that I have seen on the forum! I'm up over the sandstone curtain but occasionally head down to Coffs for the weekend.

Dusty. :)
Hey Deano - welcome.
I've been on Humira for about four months and it has worked a treat so far.
I usually take it on a Friday night and spend the weekend relaxing as it seems to make me a bit tired. After that - I'm as good as gold.
I'm thinking of asking for weekly shots though (I'm not sure if PBS will approve this though) as I am still getting little niggles along the way. Perhaps I am being too much of a sook!!
Hope it works out for you.

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