Hi from the UK

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Nov 28, 2010
I`am 47 and i probably had (have) Crohn's all my life,
My doctor wouldn't believe there was anything wrong with me,i never had any pain,but constant diarrhea,alway`s a two minute warning !!
Since i was 21 i trained with weights,so with the Crohn's i always looked cut !
On Th 9Th April 2008,i was rushed into hospital with severe stomach pains,next morning straight into surgery,16" of bowel removed.... Crohn's !!
4 nights in intensive care,another 12 on a ward,7 days without being washed,15 days without food !! 17 metal staples in my stomach,lost 58lbs of body weight.4 months of work.
Sorry if i sound bitter,but while in hospital i contracted brachial plexus neuritus ! still with me now !
My meds -B12 *** every 3 months,folic acid tablet daily,one satchet questran daily !
Bowel movements are perfect ! I have had the camara up,and there`s a little Crohn`s left,
Next time my bowel stops working(and there will be a next time)i wont be calling an ambulance.
Welcome to the forums. I am really sorry to hear you have had such a rough go of it. I have to say GET A NEW DOCTOR. Maybe sue the doctor who ignored you for so long. ( I am not sue happy normally)

It seems like you are depressed and I understand that I get seriously depressed when crohns just knocks the wind out of my sails. I think the only upside is that you now know what you have going on in there, there are treatments to make you feel better and stop the inflammation.

If there is anything I can do to help, please feel free to ask
Depressed ? not because i have Crohns, since my re-section i have been 100% ,Even before the operation i led a normal life,i`ve never let it get me down ! Until i was rushed into hospital,i had never lost time from work,Yes there was times when the toilet trips were well into double figures !
ANGRY -yes !because of the brachial plexus nueritus, it nearly took my living from me ! (mason) and as yet,no one has told me how i got it !
They operated on my stomach ! Not my back !