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Crohn's Disease Forum

Help Support Crohn's Disease Forum:

Aug 24, 2011
At the risk of posting my ailments on Facebook and losing all my friends, I thought I'd find a safer place to vent. I've been reading the threads for the past few days and see that this is a supportive place with lots of good information! I was diagnosed last month after a colonoscopy/ biopsy. Before I was diagnosed I was certain I was dying! My main symptoms have been abdominal pain, constant diarrhea, vomiting and 24 hour a day nausea.I also have had horrible full body Edema and my stomach is so swollen I look like I'm 8 months pregnant. Most recently I am getting painful bumps on my joints with swelling and pain that radiates. pretty much for the last 3 years my whole body hurts. (I also was diagnosed with fibromyalgia)Like everyone on here I have been poked and prodded by doctors so much that frankly I feel like a pin cushion. And the blank stares from doctors since I have gotten my most recent symptoms is really frustrating!

Basically, I have learned to take it day by day. Some days I am so exhausted and sick that I really feel I can't get out of bed. Other days I can do the things
that "normal people" do if I force myself. Unfortunately my health is very detrimental to my working as a professional opera singer and I have pretty much had to put all my music and work on hold until I get better control and understanding of my health.

Today is a rough day and so I decided to reach out. I'm tired of being in pain, being exhausted and I miss eating:( I've grown afraid of food due to the pain it causes me. Also, I would love to find doctors that listen and are more supportive, but it seems I have not yet found that in the small town where I
live. I think I'm rambling now so I'll stop here.
Hi welcome :)

You are never a rambler on this site! We are all here for each other as a friendly "crohnie family" as I like to think of it. I feel bad that you are not feeling well. This is a tough condition to struggle with at times, and can be both emotionally and physically draining. I am glad you found the forum and hope you feel well soon!
Welcome to the forum!! You are right to come here, good way to lose your friends who have no clue what you are going thru, sooner or later, they stop calling. It is so unpredictable and I used to socialize up to 10 years ago, but found that I was cancelling alot of get togethers. A few understand, but keeping busy and looking after yourself is the best thing you can do. What kind of meds are you on? Glad you have the one day at a time attitude it is really all any of us do. Glad you are here.
Hi and welcome! Make yourself at home. No one will judge you on venting about your Crohn's - that's why we are all here!

Just like you, I am a big advocate for the day by day approach. If today sucks, I tell myself tomorrow will be better. And if it is a good day, I make the most of it!

Once again, welcome to the forum!
Hi there and welcome! I'm so glad you decided to join and reach out. I certainly understand not wanting to post about such things on Facebook (though we do have a Facebook group, heheh).

Anytime someone with IBD mentions that they're exhausted (which is often), the first thing I think of is Vitamin B12. I assume your doctor has checked for iron deficiency anemia (I hope?) but many don't seem to check B12 levels and thus far, according to our informal poll, of those who have been tested, 76% are deficient. If you have not been tested, I would strongly suggest you do so.

Again, welcome! I wish you all the best :)
HI There and welcome to the forum, This a very good place if you want to vent your frustations. and the forum is very supportive it's like one big family. I am sorry your in so much pain and the doctor from your story are not supportive at all. Try to find a good doctor that will listen to you. Even if you got to go out of your small town to do so.Like david said get your iron and b12 levels checked it could be causing your fatigue levels. and if you have any questions just fire away and the forum will respond. best wishes.:rosette2:
