Hi - My Story

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Aug 3, 2010
I was finally diagnosed with Crohn's in 1994 after years of being told I had "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome" following a terrible bout of Glandular Fever which wiped out one whole year of school. Initially I had just awful recurring mouth ulcers and extreme tiredness and was told I had oral Crohn's with no bowel involvement. Over the years I have developed bowel issues - nowhere near as bad as other sufferers - but still bad enough to be debilitating on some days. My worst problems these days are mouth ulcers, sore throats, awful and constant sinus headaches, painful and stiff joints in my hands, feet, knees and back, and the worst of all, tiredness. I have two daughters (the first I conceived when I was on Imuran and Prednisone) and it is sometimes so hard to get out of bed to get them to school.
I am so sorry to hear you are feeling so bad. But, welcome to the forum. I hope that you start feeling better soon!
Hi tired
and welcome

Yes! I suffer with TATT too! (tired all the time)
are you on any meds now? how long off the Pred? withdrawal can cause joint pains too!
glad you found us, vent and scream here if you want!
see you around the forum
lotsa luv
Joan xxx
Welcome !
Sorry to hear your tired all the time, I know how frustrating it can be when you just want to get on with things. I also suffer with sinus problems which I think is linked with my Crohns.
Are you taking meds ?
Wishing you well
jo x
Welcome! The exhaustion is annoying...makes you feel like just going to bed for a month!

I hope you find what you need here! :)

Sorry to hear you're news.

Have you ever consider trying any alternative/complementary therapies. They may help in stopping the medications you take gradually, and reduce the amount of flare-ups. I highly would recommend this to anybody, because it helps alot.
Hi and :welcome:

I'm so glad you found us. This is a great place for support, info or a laugh when you feeling blue. You aren't alone in how you feel and you will find many kindred spirits here. I hope you stick around and keep us posted on how you are going.

Welcome aboard!

Take care, :)
Hey Fed Up, welcome!! I was wondering as Jo, what meds are you on now? I hope you get some relief. I know you'll find many on here with whom to commiserate. Good luck!!!

Welcome to the forum, I hope you'll find lots of support and information on here! :)

Sorry to hear you are feeling so tired. I also feel very tired all the time, and it is so frustrating not to be able to do what I used to. I can imagine it being hard when you have two children to look after in addition to being sick with Crohn's. I hope you can find a way to feel better soon. There is a lot of advice on this forum, and I've found it so useful to read other people's experiences. Maybe you can pick up a hot tip or two to help you out.

Take care,