
Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jan 1, 2010
:smile: ,Hi I'm Sally, I'm 23 I've just in the last few weeks been diagnosed with Crohn's after having months of abdominal pains. I went into Hospital finally and after a couple of weeks in there (with lots of prodding and poking and generally a rubbish time!) they gave me a diagnosis. They put me on Steroids and things started to improve a little but when I went back to see the doctor last week he told me to reduce my steroids and then new years eve I did so and got a really bad flare up so I spent New Years Eve in immense pain and throwing up all the time.

I think the hardest thing that I've found so far is ignorance to the disease, of course that's nobody's fault but people don't really know what it is or what it means and lets face it some of the symptoms are not the easiest to talk about.

I've always worked two jobs since I left school and I've had two months off work now so I'd be really interested to know for you guys how you cope with living with it? My parents want me to give up my second job in a pub which I may have to do but I don''t really want to. I was working at my day Job at a Building Society on New years Eve when I suddenly got seriously ill and there were only two of us in so they had to shut the branch. I felt terrible and the the other poor Girl I was working with was frightened to death. Obviously these are my first experiences of the disease so It's really good to hear about other peoples experiences.

Be really great to chat to people who understand as my head had been all over the place! ,confused2:,
Welcome hope sally! You've come to a great place, so come on in and make yourself comfortable :) There's all sorts of information and great people to ask questions and gte support.
:welcome: Sally.....It takes time to adjust to this disease. I really hope the doctor can get things sorted out so you are not in so much pain. Sometimes you can experience rebound flaring when you start to taper off steroids. You may need to taper slower...Has the doctor prescribed any other medication?? I am glad you found this forum. There are many friendly and supportive people here.
Sally I totally understand I am considered disabled b/c I have alot of health issues
but I still try to work when I can b/c I'm a nurse and you have to keep your ft in
Last time I worked was 10/4/09 I got so violently ill they didn't have anyone to replace me I finally was able to give morning meds and open my charts then they could let me go But I don't want to do that to the hospital.
Welcome to the forum Sally! Glad you found us early in your process. I've been diagnosed for 13 years and just found this great place a few months ago. It is a great resource for information and support. Take a look around in the other sections of the forum, or do searches. There is a LOT of information here that can be helpful to you. We are also happy to answer any questions you might have. Don't be afraid to ask anything - you'll figure out *everything* is open for discussion as it is not easy to embarrass us :O) Make yourself at home!
Welcome Sally,

You've found a great place here for support. It is tough to get your head around it all at first, and I have been off work with my most recent flare since November - it can be a bit scary at first.

I too have difficulties getting off steroids, and consider myself still very much working towards recovery, but the support I get here is amazing.

Get all your questions on the boards and lots of people will help you out.

In the meantime, concentrate on being nice to yourself - it's important to your management of Crohn's.

Lishyloo x
Welcome Sally!

Lots of good resources here. The steroids are great, but tapering off only to flare really stinks. Hope things look up soon and you can get into some remission.

What are they going to put you on after the steroids? Do the doctors have a plan? Be sure to ask lots of questions.
Welcome Sally!!! Ditto on everything everyone has said so far. Work and a major flare-up do not go together very well. I went through the same when I worked for K-mart and hadn't been DX yet. After I was DX things got better at work and they were acually pretty concerned for quite a while.

Hang in there cuz things will get better.
Welcome sally.. Im 24, and I think the hardest thing I had to do was admit to myself that I have a disease and take better care of myself. Oh and DONT stress!
Hello Sally and welcome to the Crohn's Forum.

You'll find a ton of useful information here
and a real friendly atmosphere.

Sending welcoming hugs your way~Nancy :)
Well since I last wrote that I've ended up in hospital again. Went for a scan this morning and the doctor's just been to see me to explain I may need a stoma, great news! I thought it was really a last resort having a stoma I thought they'd try some other medication first. They might still do so fingers crossed! They're having a meeting tomorrow and letting me know.
Thanks for all the messages of support its really great to hear from you all
Hi Sally...

I'm really sorry to hear you are back in the hospital!

Please try to relax and let the doctors figure out the best course of
action for you...I know it is depressing and a bit scary to get that kind
of news...but please leave it in their hands as they only what what is best for you.

Sending positive thoughts and healing hugs your way~Nancy