Hi ,
New to this forum stuff. Where do i start? Am A 49 year old male. 2-3 years ago started having joint pain , tired, stomach problems, and of course bathroom problems. My dr sent me to gastroligist. lots of test he says i have uc. lots of pills and problems not getting much better. last week decided to get 2 opinion. Different , this dr is leaning toward crohns . So different pills. and tests . Either way this stuff sucks!!!!
New to this forum stuff. Where do i start? Am A 49 year old male. 2-3 years ago started having joint pain , tired, stomach problems, and of course bathroom problems. My dr sent me to gastroligist. lots of test he says i have uc. lots of pills and problems not getting much better. last week decided to get 2 opinion. Different , this dr is leaning toward crohns . So different pills. and tests . Either way this stuff sucks!!!!