High antibody level w/ Humira?

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Aug 13, 2015
Hi everyone,

I've been blessedly feeling so so much better having been on Humira for the past 3 months. Almost all my symptoms are gone, although I very occasionally bleed from my fissure. Anyway, my doctor had me do a Humira antibody test and my antibody levels came back very high (he didn't tell me the exact numbers). Given that I am not presenting with active clinical symptoms (i.e. no cramping, diarrhea etc), he wants me to do the test again through Prometheous (I previously did that after I had an allergic reaction to Remicade).

What are the implications of having high antibody levels? Does that mean the medication isn't as effective? I'm getting nervous….
High antibody levels can lead to severe reactions. If your body creates antibodies then humira doesn't block the action of TNF and becomes ineffective.

Not everyone that has high antibodies has a severe reaction but the drug does lose effectiveness.
Thanks for explaining Clash, I'll take the prometheous version of the test since my doctor seems to think its a more sensitive measure. In the meantime, I guess I just need to get use the idea that I may need to change medications….

Thank you again for your quick responses!
Mommy22, any update? I am going through something similar now. Currently in a flare, colonoscopy showed lots on inflammation all while on humira. (For the past 2 1/2 years). Blood work showed an antibody level of 120 and a humira level of less than 0.6-wondering what my next step might be.