Higher incidence of CD/UC in some geographic areas?

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May 14, 2010
Hey all! I am from northeast Ohio. A girlfriend of mine (who is a nurse) told me that she was discussing crohns at work with one of the GI docs. I guess he told her that in his experience he has seen that the prevalence of IBD is higher in some areas then other. For instance, he said Ohio has a huge number of IBD cases in relation to some other areas of the country/world. Have any of you ever heard of this????? I am trying to figure out if there is any truth behind this. I am planning on asking my GI doc when I see him Wed for my colonoscopy (which I am soooooo nervous about).

I thought I would throw this out there to all of you to see if anyone has any thoughts/opions on the topic. So far I have not had any luck finding any online info on this.
Hi Antonella, was your colonoscopy today or next Wed? When EJ was first dx, I read somewhere about the greater prevalence of crohn's in industrialized nations which at first I assumed it may have something to do w/ processed food or preservatives. I'm also sure there is more industrial waste in our water,air and soil. And again I have wondered if perhaps we are excessively hygienic.
ataloss said:
Hey all! I am from northeast Ohio....

Toledo, I'm guessing? I lived in Columbus (Klummus) for years.

It's generally recognized that IBD tends to be a disease of more developed countries. There are a number of theories for this, including the idea that exposure to certain parasitic worms conveys a form of immunity, and also that the ultra-sanitary conditions underwhich children in developed countries are raised tends to make their immune systems go a bit out a whack. Some also think this is the cause of increasing rates of asthma, another autoimmune disorder. The worm theory is actually being used for treatment of both conditions. Crohn's or worms? I know which one I'd take, and it ain't the CROHN'S smile.gif. They're still studying that one. The population with the single highest incidence seems to be Ashkenazi Jews (those from central and eastern Europe), probably for genetic reasons.

Even just within the US, occurrence seems lower in poorer areas.

Oh on the colonoscopy, don't worry. It's a piece of cake :)

Here's some additional info:

The prevalence and geographic distribution of Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis in the United States.

Kappelman MD, Rifas-Shiman SL, Kleinman K, Ollendorf D, Bousvaros A, Grand RJ, Finkelstein JA.

Center for Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Division of Gastroenterology and Nutrition, Children's Hospital Boston and Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

Comment in:

* Clin Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2007 Dec;5(12):1383-4.


BACKGROUND & AIMS: Previous US studies of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) prevalence have sampled small, geographically restricted populations and may not be generalizable to the entire nation. This study sought to determine the prevalence of Crohn's disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis (UC) in a large national sample and to compare the prevalence across geographic regions and other sociodemographic characteristics. METHODS: We analyzed the health insurance claims for 9 million Americans, pooled from 87 health plans in 33 states, and identified cases of CD and UC using diagnosis codes. Prevalence was determined by dividing the number of cases by the number of persons enrolled for 2 years. Logistic regression was used to compare prevalence estimates by geographic region, age, sex, and insurance type (Medicaid vs commercial). RESULTS: The prevalence of CD and UC in children younger than 20 years was 43 (95% confidence interval [CI], 40-45) and 28 (95% CI, 26-30) per 100,000, respectively. In adults, the prevalence of CD and UC was 201 (95% CI, 197-204) and 238 (95% CI, 234-241), respectively. The prevalence of both conditions was lower in the South, compared with the Northeast, Midwest, and West. IBD appears to be more common in commercially insured individuals, compared with those insured by Medicaid. CONCLUSIONS: This estimation of the prevalence of IBD in the US should help quantify the overall burden of disease and inform the planning of appropriate clinical services.


United States

An estimated 1-2 million people in the United States have ulcerative colitis or Crohn disease. Before 1960, the incidence of ulcerative colitis was several times higher than that of Crohn disease. The latest data suggest that the current incidence of Crohn disease is approaching that of ulcerative colitis, although this change may reflect improved recognition and diagnosis of Crohn disease.

In the United States, the rates of IBD among persons of European descent have been measured in Olmstead County, Minn. In this population, the incidence of ulcerative colitis is 7.3 cases per 100,000 people per year and the prevalence is 116 cases per 100,000 people; the incidence of Crohn disease is 5.8 cases per 100,000 people per year and the prevalence is 133 cases per 100,000 people.

The prevalence of IBD among Americans of African descent is estimated to be the same as the prevalence among Americans of European descent. The prevalence is lower among Americans of Asian and Hispanic descent.

The incidence of IBD is assumed to be highest in developed countries and lowest in the developing regions of the world. A study in Italy showed the incidences of ulcerative colitis and Crohn disease to be similar to those found in the United States. Persons living in colder climates have a greater rate of IBD than persons living in warmer climates. Persons living in urban areas have a greater rate of IBD than persons living in rural areas.
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Mark......C-scope next wed

David.....Thanks for the article! I live in Akron (just a little north of c-bus) but am originally from Cleveland!

Thank you both for the info!
Antonella, I'm in southern Kentucky so on this site that makes us neighbors.

My "info" seems paltry compared to David's. Man, does he do his research.

Hope the scope goes well.
Thank you Mark. And no ifo is paltry its all well appreciated! He sure does do his research though!! And glad to know I have a neighbor on here!
No, you're not wrong. I have been told that several times. Thanks for the info David that was great and makes a lot of sense actually. I have heard the hygiene theory also applied to why there seems to be so many more peanut allergies.

I also think that vitamin D is a factor. Because of the position of the sun in the winter months, it is basically only possible for us Canadians to get proper vitamin D from the sun for about four months per year.