Hmm, having a little flare & no treatment plan yet

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Jan 11, 2012
I figured out through food journaling & lots of sleuthing (Dad isn't so good w the food details) that POPCORN was the common denominator in the past three world-ending horrible pain, vomiting & diarrhea episodes, one resulting in hospitalization. We've eliminated popcorn. :)
(she snuck a few kernels at school early this week and was nauseous & had increased, but manageable LLQ pain as a result)

But today, she's at home with pretty bad LLQ AND LRQ (TI area) pain. It comes in shooting waves. Very small poops 3X so far. She doesn't generally do diarrhea unless there's popcorn involved, she tends toward daily straining & constipation (bloodwork points to developing stricturizing/fibrostenotic Crohns). Is this what the beginning of a flare looks like? She said her right side feels really tight & "big" also.

We don't go back to the GI til next Wednesday to talk about treatment, and I kind of don't know how to walk her through it on my own. Before this, it was always the ER bc we didn't know what was going on.
We were told no nuts, seeds, or popcorn. If there are strictures, they can lead to pain and a possible obstruction. I would stress to her how serious an obstruction can be :( Hope she's feeling better soon!
Thank you, anything I can do other than Tylenol, Zofran (which totally doesn't work for her, ugh) and peppermint tea?

She really doesn't want to give up popcorn. I think having two uggy mornings from just a little bit was enough for her to realize how much it affects her. She was hoping she could have just a little bit now and then and be ok... She didn't tell me about the bits of popcorn til after the uggy mornings. Stinker.
Yes, she had three really really big BMs as well later on Friday, and complained of that side feeling "stiff" all day Saturday & had sharp pains on & off. Sunday was just fine, but was up & down through the night last night with nausea & diarrhea. Some pains on & off this morning. Not feeling the "stiff" or "tight" feeling, just nauseaous, so tired, diarrhea, and aching tummy. Going to school anyway since she missed Friday.

I really really can't wait for Wednesday :-(