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Oct 5, 2007

i've noticed the other thread on homeopathy. i know this area of medicine is a trouble spot for many people, and i dont want to cause a debate on the ins and outs of its authenticity..

i just wondered - has anyone here seriously been down the road of homeopathic treatment for their crohns disease, been under the care of a proper registered homeopathic doctor, and taken a course of their treatment? if so, was there any beneficial outcome, and what treatment did they prescribe?

i'd be really grateful for any input on this.


Well, I considered it... but I haven't gone that route as of yet. I'd heard from the LDN website that those who didn't respond to LDN therapy may have a candida (apparently pronounced 'can -did- a', and not 'can deed a') infection. I asked my GI about it, and she explained that treatment of this 'sort' of condition fell within a homeopathic realm... AND I was a little surprised that she wasn't dismissive of a homeopathic approach to this or other 'ailments'. It may be simply her open-minded approach to medicine (after all, she agreed to put me on LDN) or it could be (pure speculation) that some of her patients had tried this with some success. I am keeping my options open, and if my LDN has little or no effect on me, then my plan is to repeat it, and seek out a homeopath to see about concurrent treatment for candida. That is the extent of my take on it. To me, it seems logical/rational to pursue all of the options in treating my disease... I just wouldn't suggest going one route or the other exclusively.. like, I wouldn't close the door on homeopathic treatment the same as I wouldn't close the door on a traditional medical approach. I figure that neither has all of the answers... If either contraindicated the other, or contradicted the other course of treatment, I would probably lean in favour of traditional modern medical treatment, but that is probably just a form of my era brain washing, OK
thanks kev. i feel i'm at a crossroads just now regarding treatment, and i have this urge to get completely info'd up on all the possibilities before i embark on anything. i've read so much regarding successful treatment of crohns by homeopathy, and just as much against it possibly working... makes your head spin lol

i made a decision today, spoke to a homeopathic doctor at length, and am having a consultation next week. i will keep you all posted.
just thinking out loud here.. maybe some of you will have had similar thoughts over the years - homeopaths treat the patient holistically, not per symptom as such.

if we took away the title of crohns disease, and just viewed as it actually is - an area of ulcerated tissue.. it begins to make more sense to me that this really could be an indication of something wrong in the workings of our bodies, and if so, a treatment which kick-started our bodies back into harmony could actually calm these ulcers down.....?

hmm, i dont know if that makes any sense at all, its late and i'm pondering lol i'll let you know how i get on after my appointment next week. :)
I have never used Homeopathy and do not know much about it.

I would be interested in your experience with it. I hope it helps you out.

D Bergy
i am on a Yahoo! groups thing called ClassicalHomeopathyPets. it's really for animals, but lots of people ask about human illnesses too. I asked about Crohn's once and someone told me about "Physician Heal Thyself" by Jordan Rubin. he had Crohn's and completely healed himself through a new diet. I've heard homeopathy can do wonders and often take away all symptoms of most any diesease, including HIV/AIDS.

the problem tends to be that people who are on pred, etc. will feel awful if they stop taking their meds but supposedly a homeopath would help the patient switch over and not feel bad or something. I don't really know, but if someone wants to know more then I'm sure there are Yahoo! groups for people about homeopathy.
I don't necessarily equate the removal of symptoms to healing or curing. Like, if I opted to adopt and follow the SCD diet, I would probably become symptom free and remain so, as long as I strictly adhered to the diet. to me, thats a compromise! I want to get to a place, either thru traditional methods, homeopathic methods, or a combo of the two; where I can lead a life as close to my norm as before I got ill.

to some, that might be asking a lot.. and maybe I'm being totally unrealistic.. but it's what I'm shooting for. If it fails to materialize in the not too distant future, I may well have to revise my wishlist, my expectations of life with IBD. But I'm not there yet.
yeah, I think I worded that wrong, Kev. Sorry! what I meant was that Mr. Rubin has had no symptoms for years and was able to put on weight again. He said himself that he does still have Crohn's, though.
Hey, no one need apologize to me about talking out loud on any course or form of treatment. Whatever works for one IS worth mentioning... like, I may get to some stage of this WHERE I'm forced to give up looking for my 'ideal' solution, and settle for something that alleviates my symptoms. I tend to get a little defensive only when someone comes on here (you know who I mean, those 1 post only new members who rant/rave about the cure they've found; all too often their e-mail address is the same as the company selling this miracle cure)
Hmmm, seems I have detailed what I meant to say all within those brackets..
Anyway, those types get me defensive simply because there are kids on here who may be less experienced in seeing thru frauds like that, and influenced to the point of detriment... OK, OK, time for me to stop beating that dead horse.
As far as treating this ailment thru diet, homeopath, spiritual or medicinal ways, I am wide open to hearing everyone and everything. I may disagree with some simply because they dont' fit my 'goals' for dealing with this personally at this stage, but i try to keep an open mind, and file things away for future thought.
if its ok with you guys, i might use this thread as a kind of diary regarding my homeopathic treatment.. for reference for anyone who may consider taking this route. however, obviously we're all different, and my own experience will probably differ greatly from the next person.

so, the first thing i was required to do, was to fill in a long and detailed questionnaire about myself. a lot of the questions were standard and expected, such as medical history, surgical procedures, symptoms etc. there were also many "unusual" questions such as 'what position do i sleep in', 'do i dream, and if so, in what way', 'what foods do i like/crave/dislike'.. etc...

i had my consultation today - it took just under 2 hours - and it was a more personal and detailed study of me as a person, along the lines of the questionnaire. my emotional health was treated as equally important as my physical health, which i found enlightening but in some places quite upsetting, as it highlighted just how much the crohns has affected my outlook on life, and my quality of life, my happiness, my ambitions etc.

the only examinations i had were blood pressure (which was low), the backs of my eyes were examined closely with a bright light, pulse, tongue condition, and the inside of my lower eyelids. i was told i am anaemic.

i have to wait for the results of an analysis now - the data collected on me will be fed into a diagnostic programme, and then the recommended treatment will be given.

but i have come home with two preparations to start immediately, as these two areas, the doctor felt, needed addressing straight away. the first one is to stop my active crohns area from bleeding, the second is to boost and heighten my immune system.

i have to make a few changes to my lifestyle as well. i cannot have anything with strong flavours while i am on homeopathic treatment such as mint, eucalyptus.. so i have to use a different flavour toothpaste. also i have to avoid alcohol, and caffeine. i was told to start taking calcium daily, straight away, and increase my green vegetable intake.

there are no adverse side effects with homeopathy, but some patients apparently experience homeopathic aggravation, which is an initial worsening of the symptoms, but will only last for 24-48 hours.

so - tomorrow will be day one. i have written my shopping list for 1st thing tomorrow morning: still bottled water (in which to take the drops), caffeine-free coffee/tea/coke, calcium and vitamin D, plus loads of veggies.

will update when there's more to tell :)

Hey Dingbat, I think it's a great idea. It may be better to do your diary under the 'Treatment' section, or maybe mike can move this whole homeopathy thread there

not that it's a big deal... but keeping things organized a little would help 'newbies'
ok thanks, kev - i did wonder if this was in the right place. i'll pm mike and see if he can move it.

& thanks shane.

hi again - i promised to update as things went along, so...

not much to report. i am on day 3 of taking the full set of meds now, 6 in all. all of them have a different job to do. so far, i havent noticed much difference in the way i feel, i am still achey, still getting bad headaches, still having the crohns symptoms - but its early days. i shouldnt really expect any great improvement to be evident until about 2 weeks into it. however, whether it is coincidence or not, the bleeding seems to be a lot less.

also on the plus side - no nasty side effects, apart from slight nausea when i've finished taking all 6 meds (which i have to do, spaced apart, twice a day).
hey ding bat Nice name!!!!

I have a uncle who is a holistic doctor, Nutritionist, Chiropractor, and a very smart man. I was diagnosed almost one year to date with crohns. My uncle has told me he could CURE my crohns. Yes i did say CURE???!?!?! I know 2 people one with IBS and one with UC, whom have been taking treatments from him for several years and are almost symptom free. He did say it will take some time but if you let your body work with you it will cure itself. I am the biggest Critic, I promised him one year of Medical and then i will try his treatments. I will be still one my remicade for about six months or so and he will gradually take me off. I hope you all the luck and i will keep everyone informed
hi billy, & thank you :)

i am also a naturally wary person - if something cant be proved to me, then i dont believe it. and this is where i struggled with the homeopathy idea. but like you say, the claim is that homeopathy can cure - and there seem to be many patients who will testify the same, (many of whom have exhausted traditional medicine with no success, for various conditions). so, without really understanding how - i am giving it my best shot with as much hope & trust as i can find.

so far so good with my treatment. still no side effects, still having symptoms, quite possibly not as bad as before i started treatment. i think, like you say, it will be a long while before everything heals. maybe its a case of: many factors and a long time span brought crohns to manifest in our bodies, and therefore it cant be reversed/cured overnight.

good luck with your treatment too, whichever path you take. :)
I think this illustrates perfectly my wariness of alternative forms of treatment. I would think that any practitioner, regardless of whether traditional medicine or otherwise... who advocated abandoning a finicky treatment like Remicade; or even stood by while a patient decided to take themselves of this treatment just doesn't seem like the responsible practice of any ethical professional. If a traditional treatment program has failed, and a patient is at a crossroads, that's a totally different situation. now, I'm not targeting someone elses choices, after all it's their life to live. BUT I see a lot of good arguments for taking the odd calculated risks, but none for blind faith gambles. Or am I just a narrow minded, myopic old fart? :-(
I agree, if the Remicade is working for you I would think hard before going off of it. If it is not working, then you really are not giving up anything.

I think the trick to this is finding a working solution. If you have one already then you are better off than many.

In the end it is your call, since you have to live with the results. I hope you can keep a lid on the Crohn's either way.

Dan Bergman
Kev said:
I think this illustrates perfectly my wariness of alternative forms of treatment. I would think that any practitioner, regardless of whether traditional medicine or otherwise... who advocated abandoning a finicky treatment like Remicade; or even stood by while a patient decided to take themselves of this treatment just doesn't seem like the responsible practice of any ethical professional. If a traditional treatment program has failed, and a patient is at a crossroads, that's a totally different situation. now, I'm not targeting someone elses choices, after all it's their life to live. BUT I see a lot of good arguments for taking the odd calculated risks, but none for blind faith gambles. Or am I just a narrow minded, myopic old fart? :-(

i think everyone should be able to try things which may be deemed "alternative" if they so wish.. preferably with the blessing of their own doctor/specialist, which to my surprise, i received. many doctors nowadays are quite willing to accept that complementary practices do have a place in the world of healing, although just as many probably wont even entertain the thought..

its a personal decision, and not one i took lightly. for me, the timing to try homeopathy was ideal - i wasnt on any treatment that was particularly helpful, and what was being offered by the hospital was prednisolone, which i tried for a short while, but was loathe to continue because i am borderline osteoporosis (prematurely), and obviously the longer i am on steroids, the worse it is for my bones. plus, so many times i have shown a new sensitivity/allergic reaction to drugs. so yeah, i was at a crossroads, and i am willing to give the money and time to try the homeopathic therapy for a while. its an experimental phase for me, i hope it works, but i wont be shocked if it doesnt, and i will resort to the hospital team's advise if it fails. but at least i will have tried, and will know for sure i hadnt ignored something side-effect free which could really help me.

the homeopathic doctor i am seeing has known me for many years, and known about my crohns, yet not once has he suggested i abandon the advice and treatment from my specialist and come over to his medicine. it is only through me contacting him recently and asking him for help, have i begun treatment from him.

i hope i havent appeared to anyone to be advocating homeopathy over traditional medicine - i certainly havent intended to, and never would do, even if it seemed to work for me.

i just thought it would be an interesting topic as a journal, to post my experiences of it in here. i hope i havent offended anyone. :(
I hope to learn something from your journal. I am for what ever works, whether it is traditional, homeopathic, experimental. The homeopathic route is the only one I have not tried.

Fortunately, I found an effective combo I can live with quite easily.

I just follow the simple principle, if it works for you stick with it. Of course, possible side effects and other variables may complicate the choice.

Contrarily, if it does not work for you, there is no point in beating a dead horse. Try something else.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

The homeopathic route would be a nice way of controlling Crohn's if it can be done. I have no idea if this is possible, but the post by Billy indicates that it may be possible. But, as with all treatments, they all likely do not work for everybody.

I have not found a branch of medicine that is completely false yet. I have found false elements in all of the ones I have dug into. Homeopathy is an unknown to me.

Since no one here has much experience with it, you are the pioneer in homeopathy and I hope it works well for you.

Dan Bergman
Dingbat, I, for one, not only support your decision to explore a homeopathic treatment, but I also applaud you for coming here and posting your experience as it develops. I can't see anyone taking offence, but then my understanding of my fellow 'man' is limited by my own lack of insight. Neither do I see you or your posting as an out and out advocacy of homeopathic treatment OVER traditional medicine; and even if that were the case, it's your body, your life, you are entitled to your opinion. no, what I was trying to express; and apparently not all that well, is that with any possible treatment, either thru the field of homeopathic or traditional medicine; there are certain cautionary signs that I 'see', that I felt had to be expressed... moreso for some of the younger visitors here who perhaps are less experienced in seeing potential pitfalls. I would be equally wary of a traditional medical practictioner who advocated abandoning 'established' treatments... and in particular when they are unforgiving of such mistakes; like Remicade... to try a treatment that is light in either clinical studies or anecdotal testimony to back up the 'physician's' faith in that treatment. I realize a scenario such as I've tried to paint is extremely unlikely, and that it may sound like fiction... But I've heard news reports of duly licensed and qualified 'medical' practictioners who dabbled in such unethical practices. A minority I (we??) hope, but apparently tho rare, still a real possibility. And it doesn't only apply to traditional medicine. Saw a Penn N Teller expose on a field (homeopathic related) that I utilize... chiropractors. I swear by mine, and there are many who practice responsibly. But open camera N hidden cameras' allowed P & T to tape licensed chiropractors whose clientele and practice were questionable... if not exactly illegal, then periously close. And it wasn't a case of these practices being questionable in P & T's opinion, it was also a major concern of various deans of chiropractic medicine. Anyway I'm rambling on tooo long... just wanted to clarify my point, and the motivation behind my stance... and the quasi "warning" that I posted.

Nuff said?
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i agree with you both, dan & kev - i wont continue with it too long if no real proof of improvement and yes, there are 'cowboys' in many guises, who will promise to cure for a pretty penny, & some of these practices are very dangerous. in fact i recently read of a child who died because his (untrained) parents failed to take him for medical help, and instead fed him a cocktail of wacky medicine.

thanks for being so understanding - will keep updating in here over the next few weeks.
The doctor should be able to give you a time frame in which any given treatment is supposed to work. LDN is 6 months to a year. If I was going down hill or not improving after a year, I would abandon my treatment and go on to something else.

I do not know what the time frame your treatment calls for, but I would find out.

Then you have some kind of measure of effectiveness.

Dan Bergman
Sometimes maintaining the status quo is akin to showing improvement. I read an LDN article on the treatment of ALS. no one showed any improvement in their disease... BUT, what was a 'tangible' benefit to ALS sufferers was that the progression of their disease halted. I guess it's all a matter of perspective. I dunno how many people on here who have taken, and continue to do so... 5ASA. Yet few can point to any specific benefit.
Guest your posted 2007 about Homeopathy treatment. Now is 2013. If you see this thread, could you please update us your Crohn condition? We are going to start homeopathy treatment along with contemporary main stream treatment. Our goal is slowly reduce GI's recomanded medicine and continue Homeopathy for the rest of the life. Please let us know how are you doing now? Thanks in advance :)
Hi Guest or Tammanna, how was the experience with Homeopathy. Was it helpful please share your experiences. Thanks
I went to the homeopath for a bit because he trained at the gym I trained at and I thought why not. I was already in remission when I saw him and the primary reason I came was to lower my drugs I was on. After he did some voodoo crap where he put his hands together and did a snake like action over my stomach (without actually touching anything) for a couple of minutes I didn't come back.

He also held my arm up in my air a few times (every 'treatment' actually), said hold strong while he pointed at one of his homeopath drugs (water pills) or my prescription drugs and said if I need that drug or not based off if my arm 'held strong' or not. Seems like a bit of a joke lol but that joke took a good 1000 cash off my hands.

The last time I saw him actually was when I brought in some research on crohn's linking it to MAP. He did that 'kinesiology' thing where he hold up my arms, said hold strong and pointed to the word MAP on my research article. Anyway he said 'nah not that'. I was legit just flabbergasted that im paying this guy lmao.

I have had good experiences with chinese med doctors though (in flare ups) and don't have a bad word to say about them. Added bonus knowing they have 5 year uni courses in Aus for Chinese med.

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