if its ok with you guys, i might use this thread as a kind of diary regarding my homeopathic treatment.. for reference for anyone who may consider taking this route. however, obviously we're all different, and my own experience will probably differ greatly from the next person.
so, the first thing i was required to do, was to fill in a long and detailed questionnaire about myself. a lot of the questions were standard and expected, such as medical history, surgical procedures, symptoms etc. there were also many "unusual" questions such as 'what position do i sleep in', 'do i dream, and if so, in what way', 'what foods do i like/crave/dislike'.. etc...
i had my consultation today - it took just under 2 hours - and it was a more personal and detailed study of me as a person, along the lines of the questionnaire. my emotional health was treated as equally important as my physical health, which i found enlightening but in some places quite upsetting, as it highlighted just how much the crohns has affected my outlook on life, and my quality of life, my happiness, my ambitions etc.
the only examinations i had were blood pressure (which was low), the backs of my eyes were examined closely with a bright light, pulse, tongue condition, and the inside of my lower eyelids. i was told i am anaemic.
i have to wait for the results of an analysis now - the data collected on me will be fed into a diagnostic programme, and then the recommended treatment will be given.
but i have come home with two preparations to start immediately, as these two areas, the doctor felt, needed addressing straight away. the first one is to stop my active crohns area from bleeding, the second is to boost and heighten my immune system.
i have to make a few changes to my lifestyle as well. i cannot have anything with strong flavours while i am on homeopathic treatment such as mint, eucalyptus.. so i have to use a different flavour toothpaste. also i have to avoid alcohol, and caffeine. i was told to start taking calcium daily, straight away, and increase my green vegetable intake.
there are no adverse side effects with homeopathy, but some patients apparently experience homeopathic aggravation, which is an initial worsening of the symptoms, but will only last for 24-48 hours.
so - tomorrow will be day one. i have written my shopping list for 1st thing tomorrow morning: still bottled water (in which to take the drops), caffeine-free coffee/tea/coke, calcium and vitamin D, plus loads of veggies.
will update when there's more to tell