Hopeful but Confused

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Dec 18, 2011
Tomorrow I'm planning on asking my doctor to start me on LDN. He said he was open and would if I like but he hasn't seen much success with it. I've noticed that several of you follow an alternative diet in conjunction with LDN therapy. Has that made a difference? Was it challenging at fist? Were there symptoms of withdrawal going of gluten and dairy?

Does anyone have any recommendations or tips for what to expect when starting LDN therapy. If I'm lucky enough to respond, on average how soon do people see results?

I'm greatful for any input from the forum.

I've been taking LDN since July with no side effects, other than my dreams are sometimes more vivid. I started at 1.5mg the first week and all went well. I then increased to 3.0mg the second week, and then the full 4.5mg the third week.

I think it's helping. I was beginning to start a flare in June. After the LDN, I'm almost asymptomatic - I've only had a little blood once every 1-2 weeks and bowel movements are otherwise normal.

Also taking Lialda (4.8 grams), Rowasa ememas, and I try to minimize all breads, cereals, grains and sugars.

Good Luck!
Thanks Sonoma. It's encouraging to see so many of the positive results in these forums. Have you tested for gluten intolerance or celiac or did you just figure out over time that grains and sugars were triggers for you?
I started taking LDN, just as described above, about a month ago. I initially would wake up at 3am every other night for two weeks there. However, I would only wake up long enough to drink some water and fall right back asleep, so no real problems the next day. I also experienced two vivid dreams that were pretty far out. I like self-psychoanalyzing and dabbling in dream symbolism, though, so I hope it keeps going.

I do follow a natural, paleo-ish, often organic diet in conjunction to a variety of supplements I dabble with. I haven't noticed much benefit from the LDN yet as I am still completely dependent on fish oil, probiotics and dietary precautions. I think LDN may take a few months to kick in.

If your interested in a general dietary synopsis, go to Your Story>Success Stories>MY Supps for MY Dis-ease. I highly doubt anyone can have withdrawal effects from quitting gluten/dairy, but who knows?

I admit I'm ignorant of long term LDN use in conjunction with moderate drinking, and I need to do research on liver effects with that consideration in mind.
It will be 3 weeks, this Sunday, since I started the full 4.5 mg dosage. Still no noticeable changes. I've read after a month, if you don't think it's working, to try and take a double dose daily. See ldnscience.org . It seems morning dosages may work just as well as evenings if sleeping problems persist. It also seems alcohol has no effect on ldn's effectiveness. Though, as with any pharmaceutical, I'm still wondering about long term usage and effects on the liver that might add up. I think I'll always take mine with 8-16 oz of water.

Some suggest once in the morning and once at night--furthermore, some say 1.5mg in the morning 4.5mg at night while others say two 4.5mg doses daily.

Then there are comments which lead me to believe the dose should be adjusted to your metabolism. For instance, some up the dosage anywhere from 6mg all the way up to 10mg.

I'm thinking I'll wait a little over a month and go from there. In the meantime, more research. Comments/suggestions welcome...
Don't give up! There are plenty of people who don't notice results for a couple months on ldn. Our daughter really improved after about 4 weeks so hang in there! : )