All this week i have woken up in the morning with horrendous nausea which is so strong i can't even seem to tolerate water. I haven't been vomiting but i feel very close to if i tried eat or drink anything. It usually passes by the afternoon but when i have it i feel really rotten just want to curl up and stay in bed.
I had this issue a month before christmas but it was a lot worse as i was constipated as well. My IBD nurse doubled my omeprazole and she said i was quite impacted high up on the scan. I was put on latixatives and it passed in the following week.
Im just a bit concerned about why its come back and its makes me feel so horrible! Does anyone else have this or have any tips on what to do to help it pass?
I take anti emetics but they don't seem to work with this and make me really drowsy.
I am also not pregnant and other than the nausea i feel quite well in myself!
I saw here that someone advised ginger tea which i tried with no success!
Thanks for any advice
All this week i have woken up in the morning with horrendous nausea which is so strong i can't even seem to tolerate water. I haven't been vomiting but i feel very close to if i tried eat or drink anything. It usually passes by the afternoon but when i have it i feel really rotten just want to curl up and stay in bed.
I had this issue a month before christmas but it was a lot worse as i was constipated as well. My IBD nurse doubled my omeprazole and she said i was quite impacted high up on the scan. I was put on latixatives and it passed in the following week.
Im just a bit concerned about why its come back and its makes me feel so horrible! Does anyone else have this or have any tips on what to do to help it pass?
I take anti emetics but they don't seem to work with this and make me really drowsy.
I am also not pregnant and other than the nausea i feel quite well in myself!
I saw here that someone advised ginger tea which i tried with no success!
Thanks for any advice