Horrible morning nausea

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Mar 31, 2013
All this week i have woken up in the morning with horrendous nausea which is so strong i can't even seem to tolerate water. I haven't been vomiting but i feel very close to if i tried eat or drink anything. It usually passes by the afternoon but when i have it i feel really rotten just want to curl up and stay in bed.

I had this issue a month before christmas but it was a lot worse as i was constipated as well. My IBD nurse doubled my omeprazole and she said i was quite impacted high up on the scan. I was put on latixatives and it passed in the following week.

Im just a bit concerned about why its come back and its makes me feel so horrible! Does anyone else have this or have any tips on what to do to help it pass?
I take anti emetics but they don't seem to work with this and make me really drowsy.
I am also not pregnant :p and other than the nausea i feel quite well in myself!

I saw here that someone advised ginger tea which i tried with no success!
Thanks for any advice
Sorry to hear. I'd also keep trying ginger or peppermint tea, maybe ginger ale too calm your stomach? If you want medication Zofran is a good go to anti-nausea. I'm not sure if that's what they call it in the UK but your doctor should know.
Im on cyclazine which doesn't seem to be working, so may be worth asking to change to another one and see if that helps!

Yea its hard to know with the hot ginger, i struggle to drink it as i retch and feel so sick but even when i get a decent amount down just feels worse, maybe peppermint tea will help!Xx
Well if it makes you feel worse definitely avoid it. Our bodies are all different. Nausea sucks sorry, would a heating pad on your belly help?
Is it possible you are getting backed up again?
Gastritis can cause nausea.
GERD can cause nausea.
Being bloated or gassy can cause nausea.
Allergies to foods can cause nausea.
You're going to laugh at this one.
Pepto Bismal helps with nausea, however, I have discovered that expired Pepto Bismal works even better!:ylol:
Ive only tried a hot water bottle once and it didn't help. I usual ly have to get straight up and get ready for university pushing through the nausea.

Maybe i am getting backed up, I'm not sure. Ive been eating really lightly and not constipated but my BM have reduced and passing lots of mucus. I don't understand why i am getting backed up! I do seem to get faecally loaded all the time, had 3 hospital admissions for it in a year with severe vomiting and abdominal pain.
It seems crazy, i have diarrhoea most of the time yet i manage to get backed up!!

The nurse says if i have nausea i should go back on laxatives, but i don't feel like its healthy to be on laxatives long term! And they don't even seem to work very well on me.
Perhaps a motility study is worth a try. The Sitz Marker study is a fairly simple one. You swallow a pill on day one with 24 markers that can be seen on x-ray. On day 5 you get an x-ray to see if any markers are still in your intestines or colon. The markers should pass in your bm on day 3. Less than 5 markers remaining on day 5 is considered normal GI motility. Any more than 5 markers remaining in your system on day 5 is indicative of a motility issue or blockage.

I had the Sitz marker study done this past Nov. (I have severe constipation.) That's how I got a dx of my colon not working. 23 of the 24 markers (perhaps they miscounted) never got past the ascending colon. More than half of the markers didn't even make it to the ascending colon. I'm guessing that's why I'm not having diarrhea even though I have inflammation throughout my entire colon. (Just found out this week via colonoscopy w/biopsy that I have inflammation of the entire colon.):ymad:
I may look into that, as i do seem to have issues with motility. It is just bizarre how it can vary, one moment I'm going loads and the next week my bowel has a holiday haha The nurse suggested that i could have a partial blockage and the diarrhoea is the body trying to get pass the blockage.

Thanks for the help :) Hoping the nausea will calm down soon

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