Hospital food... (Total Parenteral Nutrition)

Crohn's Disease Forum

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May 20, 2012
I'm a little confused on how to distinguish something as a trigger food. I don't have any pain with my CD but I have to use the bathroom multiple times a day and my Crohn's is severe enough that it's affecting my liver and I'm also about to be admitted to the hospital for TPN (Total Parenteral Nutrition) and I'm worried about eating the food they have there as I don't want to exacerbate my bathroom issues. I'm also a very picky eater so it's already difficult.

I'm wondering if anyone has some suggestions for my stay in the hospital or can offer some advice/information to ease my overactive mind.

Thanks in advance to anyone who has anything to share!
I wouldn't be too worried about the TPN, the only carb is (usually) glucose, a monosaccharide, so your intestine gets a break from the complex carbs that are actually causing your problem (if you believe the whole Paleo/SCD/GAPS ideology - which i do)
My only concern is that it is overly processed but it gives you what you need and a chance to heal....

The real problem will be any solids they give you because hospital food is ****

I'd recommend that when you get out stay away from processed foods, sugar and grains (i eat white rice about once a fortnight).
Paleo has saved me (that's right brother, Paleo, not jesus), after a few mishaps with SCD and i recommend it to everyone for everything from obesity to heart disease to all auto-immune diseases.

PM me if you want to know about more about paleo or just google paleo, crohn's and auto-immune
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I appreciate the response.

I just read about the Paleo diet from the link on this forum and some things that stand out is the recommendation of eating nuts (which I don't think I could digest well at this stage) as well as the note about underweight patients not getting carbohydrates and struggling to gain weight (which is a huge issue of mine, I'm only 100 lbs - down from 140 before I became ill).

About the hospital food though, that's what I'm worried about. I'm going to be hungry and I don't want to eat anything that's going to mess me up... it would suck to get sicker while in the hospital, lol.
I got to say I thought the food at my hospital was ok .. reminds me of school lol. As i was in for a week and a half I did notice they did repeat the food every bloody week, but most of it was ok.

I think its really is just trial and error. If you keep a diary of what you eat/drink and your toilet habits you may notice things. For instance if i drank coffee 30mins later I really needed to go to the toilet. If i ate haribo sweets day later I would be feeling bloated / needing toilet more.

Its really just trying to get in tune with your body. It takes a while but its possible
I just read about the Paleo diet from the link on this forum and some things that stand out is the recommendation of eating nuts (which I don't think I could digest well at this stage) as well as the note about underweight patients not getting carbohydrates and struggling to gain weight (which is a huge issue of mine, I'm only 100 lbs - down from 140 before I became ill).
, lol.

like any diet Paleo needs to be tweaked to the individual.
Nuts should be avoided until you are symptom free for two reasons,
1/ nuts can cause auto-immune response in some people - particularly people with increased intestinal permeability (leaky gut) and if you have crohn's then you have really bad permeability. there are other paleo foods that should be treated with caution like eggs, nightshades.
most people overdo nuts to compensate for flour - big mistake

2/ anything scraping down an ulcerated bleeding intestine/colon should obviously be avoided

I lost alot of weight (down to 56kg, and only started putting on weight when i went paleo, currently at 67kg - no exercise, no effort,
If you can't absorb you can't put on weight, heal your gut and health will follow
there's a wide varity opinion about what are "allowed" foods on a paleo diet.Here is a good starting point for anyone with crohn's.
-a well thought out link on adapting paleo diet to crohn's and other autoimmune diseases.
-and another
-amazing food list for paleo beginners possibly a bit strict but you need to be initially. Food Guide&jsonp=vglnk_jsonp_13387223379945

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