Hospital observations...

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jan 25, 2011
I was admitted to hospital after a clinic visit yesterday, my consultant has handed me over to another one who has come up with a treatment plan (victory dance)...
I thought i'd just share the random and amusing things that happen inside these places... Please add your own experiences, keep me sane :)

-theres an obsession with asking 'are you alright', yeah, just fancied a holiday, thats why im here
- low b.p and the nurse asks you to turn over so she can check the other arm....
- why oh why do they ALWAYS send hot doctors? There should be a certain level of cute, above which doctors arent allowed to be...
- when you're the youngest in your bay by about 50 years, they oldies ask you to do stuff for them, reiterating the fact i'm not here for a holiday!
- breakfast, a piece of bread and some marg, appetising
- stool charts, why is everyone soooooo obsessed with my poop? And why are there only 8 options?? I can have all 8 in one sitting, how do you fit that in the box??
- the guys you share a bay with appear perfectly normal by day, but under cover of darkness, something very odd happens......

I hope these are resounding with some of you, please add your own, i'll update as silly things happen :)

-do you want a movicol.... Thats akin to asking if you'd like your stool sample served on toast ;)
- the old dears complaining of no sleep after i spent all night conducting the snore choir...
Lol. I went in for a three day pre- op in Sept and ended up in for 10 days. Avoided surgery, got put on Infliximab.
What's with all the blood tests? Isn't one lot enough? Maybe the juniors need the practice!
So, do you know what your new treatment plan is yet?
The new treatment is very exciting :)
Im having IV steroids til monday, then inflix and aza :) providing im not found to have yellow fever or one of the other unheard of things they're testing for!! Im pleased they're being thorough but thorough takes aaaagges!!
We just had a little 'guess the new girls age' game.... Ahh to actually be 16!!!
I always get so uncomfortable when cute nurses changed my abscess packing in the hospital or I had to give them a stool sample lol

I was in the hospital for 4 days when I had my abscess drained and when I did give my stool sample, within a few hours I was in isolation and anyone entering or leaving the room had to put on big gowns, gloves, and pretty much gas masks. All because I don't have formed poop, I could be carrying contagious diseases. Nope, just crohns. Had it since I was a baby. Mind you, I could leave my room and go talk with others in the hall with no "protection" whatsoever. Thank god I was in my own room though.

Another thing, and I do feel bad because she was probably in pain but across the hall there was an older lady who you wouldn't know is there during the day, but the second she knows its night time, she would yell, cry, call the nurses names, etc. It went on all night! I remember one night the nurses went to give her her pills, and they specifically asked if she needed them crushed or if she could swallow them. "Oh, I have no problem with pills". Sure enough, I heard her throwing up, constantly. Then the nurses started yelling "she's choking, get help!". Ugh! I do feel bad she was in pain, its like she was nocturnal or something! Lol
The new treatment is very exciting :)
Im having IV steroids til monday, then inflix and aza :) providing im not found to have yellow fever or one of the other unheard of things they're testing for!! Im pleased they're being thorough but thorough takes aaaagges!!
We just had a little 'guess the new girls age' game.... Ahh to actually be 16!!!

Cheeky monkey! If you're laughing this much either you're not feeling that bad or the IV Dilaudid is more liberally dispensed over there. God Save the National Health Service! The only advantage to our system seems to be that you can usually get away with smoking in the stairwells (just don't try it on Nurse Ratchet's shift). Get well soon...I wish you full control of your bowels by Christmas (are you listening Santa?).
Much the same as me, then. Hope it works for you - has been pretty good for me so far :) hope you're not in for too long. I have never read so many trash mags in my life x
I had this really hot Chinese Doctor that came to speak to me. While off my face on strong pain killers I thought to myself "hmmm your hot"...He comes over to me and says "Hi I'm hot". I freaked out thinking I had said that outloud. Turns out his name was HOK not HOT :p I agree hot doctors should not be allowed!!
I had this really hot Chinese Doctor that came to speak to me. While off my face on strong pain killers I thought to myself "hmmm your hot"...He comes over to me and says "Hi I'm hot". I freaked out thinking I had said that outloud. Turns out his name was HOK not HOT :p I agree hot doctors should not be allowed!!

I disagree! After several nights of listening to your 95 old roommate hacking up a lung and forgoing the nurse call button in favor of yelling out "Nurse! Nurse! Nurse!" for 8 hours straight while you are desperately trying to get some sleep, there is nothing wrong with a cute nurse or doctor to brighten your day a little.. at least until they order some test that involves some foreign object in some orifice that it doesn't belong.
I had to provide a stool sample this morning, after the RN refused to take it 4 times, i finally got it in his hand.... He came literally running back in 5 minutes later, 'is your poo always like this?' 'like what?' 'like redcurrant jelly' 'umm, im in with crohns...' audible sigh of relief...

One of the old dears walked into the 'en-suite' (its shared between 6, and doesnt have a lock) just after i'd been.... Whilst i was doing the big clean up and silently thanking God its wipe clean... I think she might knock next time....

Ah, smoking in the stairwells??! Im not allowed off the ward without permission-the doors are actually locked... And the check your visitors in and out... Use a bell to signal the end of visiting....

The best bit of today, lunch... We're going to give out vegetarian crohnie a tuna salad... My bowels have a pathological dislike for salad... I had bread and jam :/ they're not doing well with my feeds!!

My hospital serves Salsbury Steak. Every day. Which is tough to get down after all the stool samples.

I love the question "Did I wake you?" at 4 a.m. while they're syphoning more blood out of my arm.

And taking such a high dose of pain drugs you are under doctors orders to have a nurse escort you to the bathroom during a colonoscopy prep!
The best bit of today, lunch... We're going to give out vegetarian crohnie a tuna salad... My bowels have a pathological dislike for salad... I had bread and jam :/ they're not doing well with my feeds!!

Not bad... (for the unflaring crohnies lol) I remember when I was young, anytime I was in the hyporesidual would follow. Delicious broth, meat and baby food... yummyy!
i think it's a requirement by hospitals that if you're a crohnie then they must put you in a ward with at least 5 other people and that room can only have one toilet (that doesn't lock!!!) those other 5 people have to be at least 4 times your age, minimum!! and there has to be at least one who snores like a chainsaw and another who calls out random names all night long and tries to climb into your all day.
The kitchen staff have to interrogate you about your diet while rolling their eyes because you can't eat that plate of tomatoes or that curry that could burn a hole through glass.
The nurses all look shocked at your stool sample while running blindly down the corridor to get a doc to see you asap like your going to expire there and then, and the nurse who shouts at you for coming to have a scope done while you have a period only to find out that your there to HAVE A SCOPE BECAUSE YOU HAVE CROHNS and that what she is seeing is your life blood hemorrhage out your back passage.
I can pretty much the same script for every visit I've had for over two decades but I do get a laugh each time it happens like I'm in some sort of groundhog day.
Hopefully Monkey your stay will be short and you'll get sorted and on your feet. I'm glad you brought this up, anytime I try to tell others that this really happens they think i'm nuts.
Gwen xxx
Nerple- I think I had the same roomie as you. After the second night of IV steroids and NO sleep, I told the doctors if they didn't shut her up I was going to smother her with my pillow. So they decided to send me home!
Thankyou Gwen... Im crying with laughter at your post!!
A male patient just walked in and asked me if i came on a magic carpet... And i have a new neighbour, her bed is floor level because she 'cant hurt herself if she tried to climb out' oh what a night they have in store for me....
Oh god I wouldn't know where to begin! For about 3 months I was in a room on my own so I got lucky in that respect, although I did have people coming in asking could they watch corrie and stuff whilst i was trying to sleep, baring in mind I had C Diff it was difficult explaining to an old man that he cant watch corrie on your tv without sounding like a tight bugger!... but whilst i was on the wards there was some right annoying buggers! Old men doing nothing but continuously slag off the nurses that where doing their best to look after them, One bloke who would just continually talk crap! and keep you awake! People not having headphones in and making the rest of us have to listen to their radio/dvd player, amongst many other things lol

One or 2 nurses did take my fancy though I must admit! haha
OH NO she'll be in beside you snuggling in no time. Do what Rebecca did and say it's pillow time for the next one disturbs me hahaha
No seriously you poor love, you'll have bags under eyes and they'll be saying you're sicker than you think because your so pale and you obviously have a problem with your sleep!!!
I don't want to frighten you but I had two admirers when I was in 1 porter who was 20yrs my senior who feel deeply in love with me and would leave flowers on my pillow and an ambo driver who would creep in at all hours during the night and watch me sleep.
How I miss those days hahaha
I find squirting that alcohol gel in their eyes keeps them at bay!!!
Good luck honey I'm thinking of you on your magic carpet.
Gwen xxx
Radios? TVs? Wow... I have a nurse call button sellotaped to the wall and dont get a choice of food!
Theres now 2 people demanding to go home and a walking woman with VERY annoying slippers!!
The fact im opposite a lady with mrsa 2 days before i start immunosupressants doesnt add much to the experience... However, on a positive, i havent had to remind them i need treatment today :) .... Why DO they think im here??!
Oh god I wouldn't know where to begin! For about 3 months I was in a room on my own so I got lucky in that respect, although I did have people coming in asking could they watch corrie and stuff whilst i was trying to sleep, baring in mind I had C Diff it was difficult explaining to an old man that he cant watch corrie on your tv without sounding like a tight bugger!... but whilst i was on the wards there was some right annoying buggers! Old men doing nothing but continuously slag off the nurses that where doing their best to look after them, One bloke who would just continually talk crap! and keep you awake! People not having headphones in and making the rest of us have to listen to their radio/dvd player, amongst many other things lol

One or 2 nurses did take my fancy though I must admit! haha

There was this really old guy who wasn't all there that would sing the most beautiful songs all day and all night but it got me to thinking if I go funny in my old age what will I be singing??? listened to a lot of aerosmith and ac/dc as a teenager, will make for interesting listening for future generations though!!!
Radios? TVs? Wow... I have a nurse call button sellotaped to the wall and dont get a choice of food!
Theres now 2 people demanding to go home and a walking woman with VERY annoying slippers!!
The fact im opposite a lady with mrsa 2 days before i start immunosupressants doesnt add much to the experience... However, on a positive, i havent had to remind them i need treatment today :) .... Why DO they think im here??!

So you're in trouble if the woman with the annoying slippers tries to get in the bed with you or maybe she is!!!
My last stay in May and they gave me my release papers (happy days) till they started to swab all the patients and then they gave me the swabs and said you can do it yourself, OH by the way the wards are a wash with MRSA it's the older patients bringing it in from the care homes you know!!! I couldn't believe how casual they were about it, you could have bottled my blood at that point and it would have been just pure pred and I was going home to my two young children.
I don't know why you want treatment you're on a holiday aren't you??? hehehe wish I could go visit you, hate when one of us crohnies are in hospital.
Lol, it's a good job we can laugh. Tends to be alcoholics on a gastro ward. I had one one who tried everyone of my drinks checking for vodka (all water). She went through my drawers and bags too. The woman next to me casually packed my pjs when she was leaving. I watched her do it. Took em back when she nipped the loo.

Kaz xxx
I went into the hospital very anemic and needing a blood transfusion. My iron was at 7 when it should be a 14. Anyway the doctors argued over the need and importance of said blood transufuion. I was told by one doctor I needed it, anouther said I didn;t because I was young and could handle being that anemic(mind you blood was just not being produced as quickly as it was being lost) then another doctor came in and said your getting one and that's final...oookkkkk?? By this time the morphine was in high time and I was confused what was going on. After that I was admitted for a stay. i had a gravity drip with a pint of blood going into me when I was set up in a room. The night nurse on that floor said he wanted an automatic drip. Here it isin slow motion
-he looks at the blood bag
-he looks at the saline bag
-he hangs saline bag up
-he. DROPS. blood bag
-blood bag...BURSTS
-blood everywhere, all over my purse, all over the bed, all over the floor it was a mess
-After that was cleaned up and I was in bed with a fresh blood bag I begin to run a fever of 99 degrees...then begins the high alert watches
-Every 15 minutes they came in ran vitals and checked my temperature in hopes it'd go down, it eventually did close to the blood drip finishing off.

Two days later while downing a gallon of prep I go into the bathroom to poo, while moving to sit on the toliet I throw up. Thinking more was coming out I stand over the toliet only to poop my pantsgross and embarrassing and the poor nurse cleaned it up with sanitizing wipes(I thought she'd grab a mop and bucket...)
i have had bad experiences with emergency rooms. none of the doctors or nurses seem to know anything about crohn's. a lot of the doctors accuse me of being there just to get "high" of the pain meds. i just wanna scream i have the same pain medication at home in pill form. if i was trying to get high i would just stay home and well, get high. ugh. also, last night none of the doctors had ever heard of imuran and proceeded to question if i was being honest about it being a real medication. i mean are you serious?
Oh anouther time while in the ER there was an old man singing the entire time. I couldn;t help but laugh

Also while admitted I don't think anyone beleived me that I was bleeding badly and they had me poo in a hat when I could. Finally early that morning I went and only blood and sesame seeds came out. The nurse came to get it (poor girl) comes in, grabs it and stood there for a minute or two before running with the hat down the hall, later a GI comes in and begins to exclaim how bad off I am and how important it is to get a colonoscopy.

the upside to my hospital stay. I was in a room by myself and almost all the nurses who came in to help me were so sweet and worried about me.
I am never, ever, ever going to stay in a hospital. Must have private washroom. With lock. And no you cannot touch me if you've already touched someone else. And people who are not staff are not allowed to talk to me. Better yet, I'm not allowed to hear them.

/horrified :sign0085:
Last nights experience was not so funny....
-no water from 9pm til 8 am, despite asking twice
-its blowing a hoolie and frankly baltic in this ward, ask for blankets after temp of 35.5 no blankets til morning
- no food i could eat last night, had a pasta thing that you make in a mug... Im on 400mg roids, i need food!!
- they decided they didnt have time to do my obs at midnight... I told them i was in pain, my first complaint since i got here... And they said they could write me some paracetamol... I may as well feed that to my teddy so politely declined and asked for a hot water bottle... Apparently they're not allowed?! Still no obs, no check up despite a pain complaint... Hmm
- the dear on the floor bed was shouting at her dog all night, if id had a spare pillow....
-my venflom stopped receiving, oh, thats ok, we can put the blunt end of a needle in here and hope it gets absorbed via osmosis
- slipper lady is nuts, no 2 ways about that
- why do people always want to go home at 2am??
- zero sleep, zero tolerance
The complai ts have been made!!
Aww, hang in there Monkey. I try to stick to SCD, so my diet all went to pot on the wards. They've got low residue and always have gluten free options, but sugars are my big bugbear, so were hard to avoid. Luckily I'm a lot better than I was, so fallling off the wagon didn't make me suffer too much. But, being on Pred at the time too, I found I was clockwatching for mealtimes and eyeing up other people's leftovers. Oh the shame!
And my other favourite type patient, along with the singers, shufflers and shouters is the one who insists on telling you hospital horror stories, of operations etc gone wrong with all the gory details.
I am really squeamish and walk through the wards employing tunnel vision ( I.e. don't look at the other beds ) in case I see something that sets me off.
The food here is truly shocking! Im veggie because i struggle to break down meats for some reason... But they keep giving me vegetables... At a time when im flaring?! Hmm
Ive had a better morning, an undisturbed shower, ive got some friends coming in shortly too so that will be nice :)
The magic carpet man asked me if he could have a shave today... I refrained from volunteering to do it for him ;)
The nurse is going to try find me a side to go in... I need to be stronger tomorrow apparently otherwise ill have to stay longer :/
Really appreciating the support and outright entertaining stories of everyone on here! Thankyou!
My hospital is not as horrid as many stories on the forum. They have GIs on staff and private rooms. But I feel like a bit of a side show. The nurses all ask about Crohns and the doc on duty last time first said he didn't need to examine me because the surgeon was on her way (had to drain an abscess) after talking for a few minutes he decided he really should examine me after all. He wanted to check out my setons. "Oh yes, I see the rubber band and the hole... hmm. Ok, Doc. Jensen should be here in a couple minutes" And he left. I guess he was just curious. Very strange.
On my first Crohn's related hospital stay I had a doctor named Dr. Wright... oh he was "wright" all right. Young, hot, and super nice. Flowing Fabio hair... and he is known for getting into bed with his patients. Yep, did that with me too. Sat right in the bed with me and showed me x-rays of my lungs (was in for pneumonia due to Humira).

Was actually impressed with the hospital stay. Good food, good doctors, mostly good nurses.
Yeah, its been ok... Im so exhausted due to lack of sleep and drugs and stuff... But i have more blankets than i know what to do with, a full water jug and ive had a significant number of cuddles today :) ive had ok food and hope i can go home tomorrow :)
On a slightly more concerning note, the bleeding has stopped but has been replaced by awful pain LRQ/ rectal, particularly when i try to pass anything... Ive even had to resort to painkillers today :( im going to get the doc to give me a couple of movicol now and hope ive just got a bit of scarring in there, soft poo has to be less painful tho right?!
I should be getting scoped fairly early tomorrow so feels a bit of a scary change right now :/
Ill keep you posted :) thankyou again for your care and support :)
I'll be thinking of you, the scope will at least give you some answers and hopefully some better meds. Is there someone at home to look after you if you get out tomorrow? well I will let you get some rest while you can. Let me know how things go.
Gwen xxx
This is actually really bad timing cos my parents go to galapagus on wednesday!! But imgoing to move to their house rather than mine as its a bungalow and is near their friends and my older friends (and their mums) just in case! Plenty of people will be looking after me no doubt!!
Theres places i can stay if i cant manage alone too :)
Just got to get through the night and see what tomorrow brings!
I was talking to my fiance about this thread and some of the stories and this what she said. "Did you tell them that when your mom and I came into the recovery room with you after surgery you were trying to hold your breath and see if you could get the heart monitor to stop to scare the nurses?". What?! I definately do not remember that! Haha. When I had my abscess drained I woke up pretty fast in the recovery room so they let my mom and fiance come in and wait until I was ready to go up to my room and apparently I was having some fun on the morphine and I was trying to scare the nurses by holding my breath. I definately wish I would of remembered that lol. Gotta love morphine
Hope you're doing better monkey! Best wishes on the def need some answers. Last time I was in the ER, they didn't want to admit me ahead of two gangbangers who had been in a fistfight. The nurses were more conerned about them having cuts from hitting each other in the mouth and how dangerous that is. Meanwhile I'm throwing my insides up and in so much pain I was doubled over and could barely walk. They only admitted me after my husband went off on them, and when my stool test was solid blood was the timewhen they all panicked. Great, really helpful. The doctor I had didn't know anything about Crohn's, so I had to wait for a GI-which was a good call. I had an abdominal abcess. Lesson learned-be the loudest person with the grossest symptoms and someone will pay attention. Always good to have a family member/friend/SO there to have your back when you are too sick to complain lol!
Lol, it's a good job we can laugh. Tends to be alcoholics on a gastro ward. I had one one who tried everyone of my drinks checking for vodka (all water). She went through my drawers and bags too. The woman next to me casually packed my pjs when she was leaving. I watched her do it. Took em back when she nipped the loo.

Kaz xxx

I had some old dear in the bed next to me once, when she got up to go on one of her numerous and extended visits to the toilet I thought 'wow, I've got a top just like that'...yes it was infact my top! :eek2: She was pinching my clothes and wearing them over her hospital gown (no underwear visible), even though she was about twice the size of me. I didn't know what to do so asked the other oldies in the bay who were no help. I could not seem to get her to understand that she was wearing my clothes so in the end I had to grab the nurse who told her off and made her take them off. Needless to say I've not worn them again, *shudder*!
Lol Tinkerbell, I was the same about the Pjs, should have let her have them. My daughter is at UCLAN btw. Kaz xxx
LOL, getting a few laughs here :)

My hospital is not as horrid as many stories on the forum. They have GIs on staff and private rooms.
Same, my GI demands to the hospital that I have a private room when I'm admitted as I'll need my own loo; and boy no one wants to use a loo after I've been flaring :(

But during my ordeal last week I've had 2 observations from my GP and an ambulance officer that have made me shake my head and think "you twats"

GP (he is a new Doctor, we have just changed to him so doesn't know my history all that well nor much about UC. I go to him in extreme pain 2 weeks ago, saying I'm losing a lot of blood, heaps of the dredded D, severe stomach pains...... he tells me to go and buy Buscopan over the counter at the chemist. Do you guys get that over in the US, it's like a tablet that is supposed to stop diarrhea LOL......
Me: "Wow is that all I have to take, why haven't they told me that sooner" (rolling eyes)

AMBULANCE OFFICER: Last Friday, felt like I was overdosing on drugs, having a reaction to what they think was the cyclosporin. She goes: "mmmmmm you are on antibiotics, you should really be taking a probiotic or eating yoghurt to calm that stomach of yours"
ME: "Sh*t really, and here I was thinking that I was about to die from a reaction. Pass the yoghurt tub" (rolling eyes again)
Here's one that I love to hate: When I was going in for anemia due to Crohn's related blood loss. The doctor - seriously - gets the rubber glove out to check for occult blood in my stool AFTER I have told him that I have blood in my stool. I rather firmly told him that was not really a medically necessary procedure at this point.

Here's one I haven't seen listed here yet regarding "hot" staff. Cutest nurse on the shift just has to be the one assisting on the sig scope to recover the pill cam. This was of course a week after the cam was supposed to be gone, and there was no bowel prep and lots of air pumped in. Well, what goes in must come out, and of course it was in front of the cutest nurse on the shift. Nearly died of embarrassemnt despite all the meds and sedatives.
Forgot to include - every time I am in, I get stuck in a room with two other men, however they are always diabetic, twice my age, and have CPAP machines. Yes, I think I will take the sleep meds tonight. What, too late, gee, my stomach is upset. Can I get the gravol please?
I really have nothing to add today!
After yesterdays complaints, the night staff were great, got on with rounds and meds, prescribed pain relief and ive spent 8.5 hours asleep... Almost unheard of!! I just hope the day staff thet get to change my bed understand that 8.5 hours sleep means theres also 8.5 hours of accident.... Im keeping quiet for now :/
Incidentally... My friend is a student nurse and said i should probably blog my experiences so i sent a link to this... Eyes firmly opened!! Thankyou!
On the buscopan front... Yes yes yes, last year they gave me that and said it would help.. It didnt, so the consultant actually stood over me whilst i took my meds, when i questioned him, he said it was to make sure i was taking them not hiding them in my teddy bear.... Because i love hospital so much i wanted to stay?!
More fun times for you, eh, Monkey. Good job re. the 8.5 hours of sleep! Sorry re. idiot paternalistic physician trying to catch you hiding the mildest possible med for Crohn's (Buscopan? Bah!) in the teddy!!!?!
Is there any point in ward rounds?!
Hi, how are things? 'insert explanations here'
Great, we'll carry on with the plans set aside the other day then...

So now i just wait for my scope slot... And i get an enemy ;) first

I had a shower visitor again, persuaded her it would be best to use a toilet elsewhere!
I am hopeful they're collecting my dignity, independance and normality with my valuables so i can collect them on discharge ;)

I'm having my scope at 3pm. This is not ideal, it means I'm stuck here for another night!!
The doc says I can make my own mind up, but if I go, it will be thursday before i can come back for the infusions... My gut reaction is just to stay and have it tomorrow, go home afterwards.
Another 24 hours of entertaining observations to be made in here then . . . perhaps i'll book myself a slot at the fringe festival in Edinburgh next year and do a little stand up ;)

That's how I ended up in for 10 days last time. I'm on an island, hospital on the mainland: had to see a GI on the Monday and no flights at the weekend.
What Prep you got? Is it the delightful Picolax?? I think the results may even scare your shower stalker away. Ask the nurses for some Conotrane. Very good for raw bottoms!
Hope all goes well with the scope. xxx
I'm just having a quick enema, I asked, I hate seeing poop on the scope!! But I soooo have to watch!!
I'll just do it myself, easier that way! Hope hope hope they do the infusion tonight, then I can get out of here in the morning!
So, the prep was awful... I imagine what having saline rubbed into an open wound with a little poop for good measure feels like!!
The scope was ok, they only went halfway up the decending but found several bad bits and biopsied them all, my rectum is, well, in a pretty bad way... More biopsies!
On a really positive note tho... The nurses in the scope unit gave me mini cheddars, food, at last edible food!! So i brought a goodie bag away :) :)

Now i have to wait for a TNPM?? Test, enzymes that can make aza toxic, have to wait for that before i can have aza... Had it done on friday, why do things take so long??!
Also the doc doesnt want to go all out warfare with inflix until we have biopsy results back, gah, so yes, im sitting waiting for things to happen, getting steadily hungrier from lack of eatable food, progressively skinnier and ever so slightly more yellow looking as the days pass-is it just me or does the hospital lighting/ steroid IVs do that to anyone else?!

Ive asked them to hurry the lab, i really want to go home tomorrow, i want off the roids, they're doing naff all, i really want any kind of warfare that might help fight this thing!!!

Then the doc arrived, at the same time as my 'food' ... He wanted to change my venflom... If i tell you he's definately a surgeon of he future, probably orthopaedics, weilding a black and decker.... No joke, he raised a vein with his fist!!! Enough to put you off your dinner... No, wait, you dont need anything to put you off that!!

Jeez, you're going through it a bit :-( Have you had a chest xray yet? For the Infliximab you need to be screened for TB.
Yeah, i had the chest x ray on friday. When we were doing plan A!
Ive decided im going home today, another night of zero sleep... They moved me from the 'noisy' bay into the 'quiet' one.... Ha! That i assume was prior to the knowledge a lady was going to demand to get out for a smoke all night, another was to lose her venflom and take 3 docs most of the night to replace and a girl of not dissimilar age to myself would arrive for post 'hyper' diabetes treatment and spend ooooh, 3 hours, til about 3.30am on the phone to her bf....
So im going to tell him i'm going and bargain!! I dont understand why i cant take the aza home and have them phone me when the test is back? Im like a 70mile trip away from the hospital (oh and I mustn't drive??)... I accept not having warfare inflix if its not 100% required, but in the 6-8 weeks aza will take to work, the roids will stop working, putting me firmly back where i started....
Oh fun times! We'll see what today brings :)

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