How can I get GI to listen?

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May 26, 2010
I've got an appointment with my gi today (I was only diagnosed recently although I have suffered all my life) and I've only met him once before and wasn't that impressed with his laid back attitude. Is there a way I can get him to take me seriously and give me something for the pain? I've suffered so much for so long as I'm sure many of you can appreciate. I don't even get a day off and I'm now 30 after a lifetime of misery. I work and have lots of hobbies but have a great deal of anxiety from being in so much pain all the time and nothing helps. Sometimes a hot water bottle will comfort me a little but watching what I eat or taking pain killers or steriods - none of that touches it. Please help. How can I ask him for something to help me and what can I ask him for? Please don't suggest codeine I've already tried it. Many thanks in anticipation xx :grumpy:
Good morning Miss CP - I am so sorry to hear that you are suffering with the pain! There should be something out there to help - it might be a bit of trial and error until you find the right med.

Is there someone you can take to your appt with you? I always take my hubber because he remembers to mention things I forget or ask questions I didn't think of. Or perhaps you can take a list with you of the questions you have and what your needs are.

Remember - you are the patient and you have rights. Try not to be intimidated by your doc.

Also - ask for the number to the nurses line or who you can call with questions. I find a lot of times the nurses are more accessible and take the time to listen better because they want to get all of the information they can before taking it to the doc for a recommendation.

Good luck! - Amy
Hi Amy. Thank you for your kind response. I guess it will be trial and error although I feel I have been through all that when I had suspected IBS. I know it will be worth it in the end but its hard to see an end to this it is so frustrating.

Yes I am taking my mum with me who is a practice nurse and she's very supportive so I'm hoping she'll ask the questions I forget like your hubber does for you. I was thinking about writing a list but I only have one thing to ask really and that's "please can you take the pain away" lol.

I will try to remember not to be intimidated by him :)

Thank you :)
Gather all the information you can and back it up. Many doctors have egos, sometimes you have to feed them. Unfortunately too many of us take what they say as gospel and they need to learn it isnt a one-fix-does-all. Trust me you have to take the bull by the horns. I am sure your mom knows exactly what I am talking about. Being young, sometimes they hate that they could be wrong. Not all Gi's or doctors are like that, but along my journey, there is more that do than don't. Write stuff down, and tell it like it is. Let us know how the appt goes! Good luck.
I would try what the others have suggested. If the GI still doesn't listen to you, then I would consider trying to find a new doctor that actually listens to you. To be honest, I would probably already be looking for a doctor, but that's just me not willing to put up with pain and me paying someone to do their job and they aren't. Anywho, I'm sure there are other doctors in the area to consider, mine is 30 minutes away and worth the drive!
Write stuff down, and tell it like it is.

Hi - you're probably on your way to your appt already, but I totally agree with what Pen said. I've found that drs tend to address my issues more directly if I have a notebook/pen in hand. Maybe it makes it look more like these are issues I've thought about seriously???? And the more specific you can be about what's been tried/works/doesn't work the better.

I hope you get some relief soon!
I second all that has been said here. If you are finding that your GI doesn't listen, then it is important to find one that does. Remember, it is your body and you should be working together with your doctor to find what works for you.
Good luck at your appointment!!
Thank you all for your reassuring and intelligent responses.

Today I am more confused than I ever. When I was diagnosed with Crohn's a few weeks ago, one of the emotions other than being freaked out and scared was one of relief - at last my pain has a name! But yesterday I ended up seeing a different GI at the clinic who told me that he's not sure if it even is Crohn's now as the steroids did not clear up the pain and also the colonoscopy did not show anything. It was only the barium that showed a shadow in my upper intestine so he wants me to have another colonoscopy. I think this is pointless though as the whole point I had for having the barium was to show places that the colonoscopy couldn't reach but the GI doesn't seem to get that. Anyway I was desparing and told him that I'd been in pain for a long time and was there anything he could do for me for now as I was getting very down and depressed because of the pain. As I've already tried all of the over the counter drugs and cocodomol etc he prescribed me with a months worth of Tramadol. I had 2 yesterday and one this morning. I'm not sure if its taking effect yet but I'm hopeful of getting at least some relief. I really don't want to be an annomoly - I'd like to know what is wrong with me as I'm sure you can all appreciate. Thanks again its nice to have such fantastic support x
But yesterday I ended up seeing a different GI at the clinic who told me that he's not sure if it even is Crohn's now as the steroids did not clear up the pain and also the colonoscopy did not show anything.

Do you know if they did biopsies with the colonoscopy? With my Crohn's the GI's have always been able to "see" it with a colonoscopy, but they're done biopsies because in my understanding that's the "official" word (somebody correct me if I'm wrong!!!)

Also, what dose of steroids were/are you on?

I was 8 when I was diagnosed - I know it was a long (painful!) confusing process, but I really don't remember what tests/what order led to my dx. Since being dx, my IBD has always been easy for the docs to identify, but I'm sure others can give you specific help with the dx process.

:emot-dance: That's me cheering on the tramadol - I hope you get some relief from it!
Hi Inky, yes I had biopsies before and I think they'll be doing them again this time. It's great that you got diagnosed so early on but sucks that you've had it since you were young. Thanks for the cheer. It seems to have taken the edge off a little although I'm not pain free. :)

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