Its difficult as everyone is different but I truly believe that positivity helps immensely. It attracts good luck and well being whereas negativity breeds bad luck and poor health. It certainly works for me anyway. When I was really down about life treating me so badly and nothing ever going right for me, I felt like crap. That lasted for a long 18 months and eventually I decided one day that I was going to look forward to that day when I would feel so much better (after my GI told me that I had to fight my illness and that I was the only one that could beat it) This is what keeps me going. I have had moments where I relapse, like when I had the stoma fitted but it was only temporary and I can honestly say that it was the stoma bag thing and the fistulas (which appeared after immense amounts of stress at work) that depressed me not the crohns. I know that if I didn't have crohns, I wouldn't have needed the surgery but it was seriously more an image/emotional thing. Since I accepted that I had crohns 4 years ago, I haven't looked back. I have it and theres nothing I can do about it except try to look after myself. I'm certainly not going to spend ages dwelling on it, lifes way too short.