How do you handle a flare

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Aug 1, 2011
What do you usually do when you're going through a flare? Do you just try to take pain medicine when you feel the pain coming on? My son is going through a flare right now and it's so hard to see him in such pain. He says that the pain meds don't help. But I think he lets it get too bad before he takes anything. Do you have any suggestions to help while he's going through yet another rough time?

My mom would contact my GI in case I needed my meds adjusted and I'd go on the BRAT (bananas, rice, applesauce and toast) diet. Its basically a low sodium, low fat and low residue diet. Baked skinless chicken breast or white fish and steamed veggies. No spicy or fried foods etc.
I like to take pain pills when I know that I am having a problem, they alwasy tell me if I wait to long to take them then they probably will not help.
Then again I try not to take them to often as they are not really good for you.
Eating light is what helps the most.
Small meals a few times a day are the best way for me and lots of fluids.
Prior to Matt's surgery he was in pain quite a bit. He was initially on Panadol (Tylenol) 2x4 daily and we eventually pulled it back 2x2 daily with Endone when the pain became too much. He didn't require too many of those though.

As has already been said, a change of diet. When he felt like eating I gave Matt light and small meals maybe 4-6 times a day as opposed to three larger meals. Maybe even look to Enteral Nutrition if eating is an issue. Aside from providing nutrition it can induce healing and subsequent pain relief.

A nice warm bath to help relax him. I would also have him lay in bed with a heat pack or hot water bottle, in a darkened room and music at a low volume. Sometimes he didn't mind me massaging his abdomen with oil.

Dusty. xxx
When I was in a lot of pain a few years back, I took oral painkillers sometimes, paracetamol, but like your son said, after a certain point they do nothing. 1000mg of Dafalgan (paracetamol) did nothing.

In hospitals they have intravenous painkillers, they work much faster and better. If the pain really becomes too much you can always ask a hospital for an IV with painkillers.

(people with crohn can't take NSAID btw)
I hope his pain has lessened! :( I can well imagine how hard it is for you to watch and be unable to stop it! :ghug:

As he's in pain now, this is probably not the right time to consider this but, perhaps look into yoga as a future 'preventative'??? I've read that certain yoga exercises can help alleviate some pain but probably needs to be done before the pain is too bad. My son, 18, recently tried yoga to help a shoulder injury and he's found that it helps quite a bit and he's actually really enjoying the classes! I know David started a thread on this and he may be able to offer some more info specifically relating to crohns. :ghug:
Perhaps there is something he is eating that is making his symptoms worse. I suffered 11 long and hard years with Crohn's until I tried diet change. Wheat, grains and dairy are really well known for making symptoms worse. 8 days after I cut all those out and started the SCD diet my symptoms were gone. The only time they come back is if I eat something I shouldn't have ;)

I hope your son finds relief soon :( Its so hard to watch our babies suffer.