How do you not take NO for an answer?

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Staff member
Jan 9, 2010
*See bold below to give a generic response.

My issue isn't crohns related per se but this does pertain to anyone who is having issues with any of their doctors.

I'm having heart problems and I think I need a stress test (run on the treadmill) to help find out what the issue with my heart is. Last time (which was the first time) I went to my cardiologist, he said that all I needed to do was quit smoking and drinking and I'd be fine. Well I quit both just to see over 3 months ago and my condition has only gotten worse (palpitations daily and now chest pain with the palpitations).

I'm afraid that he's just going to send me away again and I'll never really know what's wrong with me. I know I have an irregular heartbeat but I don't know WHY. What's causing it? Is it getting worse? Am I on the right meds? My doc doesn't know either. Only one test has been done by a different doc and all it showed is that its irregular. Ya think a cardiologist would want to know why that is and be able to fully treat his new patient.

I'm seeing him tomorrow. I'm going to ask that I have this test done and any other test he throws my way (hopefully he does) but what if he says no? What if he says that he doesn't think my condition is bad enough for that? How do you get a doctor to order the tests that you want?

If nothing shows up, fine but if there's something there, we'll know and I'll live.
Keep trying different drs till ya get what you want

or go to er an complain of chest pains ??? They'd throw all diff test too see what is the prob incase a heart attack etc

dunno just an idea
It's hard to see any specialist. I tried to make an appointment with my GP but the staff wouldn't book me because of my symptoms. Said I had to go to the ER. So I couldn't get him to order the test, assuming he can, and I couldn't ask if he knows of another cardiologist. I'd have to get another referral from him anyway for my insurance to pay for it.

Sadly, the ER always just does an EKG (takes 5 seconds and shows nothing each time) and leaves me on an IV drip for hours and then just releases me.

I'm looking for what to say in this situation to convince him.
There's no other office near by taking new patients. I can try to make an appointment again, I just hope the receptionist doesn't remember me and I can't say what my full symptoms are. I'll be trying this if the specialist I'm seeing tomorrow tells me "no" and I can't convince him some how.
couple of thoughts, Crabby.... firstly your appointment tomorrow. i would be truthful here, tell him how scared you are, and your family.... that you and your family are wondering what direction to take things as you're not getting any answers as to what's causing the problem, and make out your appealing for his help..(mentioning your family is helpful as he'll know he's not just dealing with you, and if anything were to happen as a result of his neglecting your symptoms, he'd have them on his back). act innocent.. like asking if maybe he thinks you need a different kind of consultant... and explain (exaggerate if you have to) how this is affecting your life 24/7..

if no joy... onto the GP. in this case, in your position i would actually be less than truthful when making the appointment, if they ask what it's for, say something else.... anything, make something up that you know will get you an appointment.. you can always tell the doc that thing has cleared up now when you get to see him, but at least you'll be there in his office and you can unload about your heart worries.
I think you should just use that last sentence that you wrote up there. "If nothing shows up, fine but if there's something there, we'll know and I'll live." If he still denies it, try "Well there is SOMETHING going on, obviously. What else can we do to rule things out?" It sounds like common sense to me, I can't understand why a doctor wouldn't follow through on it.
Have you had your thyroid levels checked? My heart palpitated when my thyroid was high, but of course it never showed on the EKG or whatever that test was.

Best of luck on your appointment.
Crabby my background is cardiac..

There is a testing system that can show which area of your heart the irregular rythm is coming from in more detail than an EKG (in UK its ECG).

The test lab is called Electrophysiology. They can wire you up like for an EKG and take more detailed readings in a lab setting by trying to induce the irregular rythm in a "safe" environment. If they can trigger it then they can see it and figure out what and where its coming from if it is heart related.

As MBH rightly says thyroid problems along with other hormonal issues can impact on heart function so it may not actually be cardiac related ok?

Really need to do a full overall picture for this one, blood tests and as above.

Hope what I have said makes sense and helps in some way...

Let us know how you get on.
I usually bring my husband with me when I am getting the run around...He is use to dealing with arrogant doctors, and can be rather intimidating when he wants to be....Do you have someone who can come along for support?
Crabby, you are get some good advice here, but listen to Jan. She is right about the controlled test. My older brother suffered from an eblasion? and was suffering from heart flutters. He had the test Jan is talking about and they were able to see first hand what was going on.
Also, take it from someone who has suffered a heart attack, do what ever it takes to convince your doc that you what more tests run. Beg, cry, scream or just be the biggest pain you can be for your sake and your family's. My heart attack was so much more scarier than anything that I have went through with CD because it happens so fast, unlike CD taking its sweet ass time before it hits you.

Good luck, I'm sending you a lot of big Hugs.
I was going to also suggest thyroid levels. My mom was having heart palps and other symptoms (fatigue, hair loss, dry skin) and it was her thyroid.
Thank you. I'll bring up the ECG with the doc. I didn't know about that test (hell I don't know about any really). I don't think crying will be too difficult cause I'm really scared. Leaving here in about 15-20 min.

EDIT: I had a doc in the past who wanted my thyroid checked. Problem is that I'm on birth control pills and she said that they can screw with the test. She said I need to be off the pills for at least a month to get an accurate reading. That's too long of a wait right now. If the tests for my heart show nothing, then that's where I'll go next. She also told me that she was afraid I might have a tumor on my thyroid. Thing is, I had a cat scan done about 2 years ago (this was when she wanted my thyroid checked) to figure out why I felt like I was going to pass out while driving (turned out to be panic attacks which we found out later) and I asked them if I had a tumor on my thyroid and they said no and that it looked fine.
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Lack of Magnesium and or Potassium can cause irregular Heart rhythm.

I do think further testing may be needed, but in the mean time you could try supplementing these two minerals. We are often lacking in important minerals as digestion is not exactly ideal for us.

I have had an irregular heart beat most of my life. Magnesium has reduced the problem, but it still happens on occasion.

Good Luck

Well, the one route that might get you the results you want (if the cardiologist doesn't pan out) is to go to your GP and formally request you are given a second opinion from a 2nd cardiologist.. That puts your GP in a bind. If they don't refer you to another cardio, and something happens to you, then its malpractice.. and it don't matter which side of the border they live on... in North America the thought of possibly being sued for malpractice has doctors staining their shorts like they were one of us. Once you demand you be seen for a 2nd opinion, the GP is on the hook till they refer you to one, AND they don't mind.. because it covers their ass and isn't their time "you" are wasting.. (not that you are wasting their time, you know what I mean?)
I've used this, and I got to see the very best doctors that are available here.
So I went. Took about an hour to be seen so I could spend 2 minutes with the doctor. Took that long to see other people as well I guess because 2 of their patients walked out angry as hell. I think that doc is turning patients like a hooker with a crack habit. His name should be Dr. Greedy of Dr. #%@$face.

So I brought up the tests and he said that I don't need them. This is only the 2nd time I've seen him and he doesn't know me or my history. He did however want to do another 24hr holter. I said fine. I know that my heart acts up like crazy the day after I do any exercise. So I'll make it so my heart acts up like crazy so they at least know how my heart acts after a workout. He also told me to start taking slow magnesium.

I'm also going to call my GP in just a sec to make another appointment so I can get a referral to someone else cause this is a bunch of bull.

EDIT: I made an appointment with my GP but I have to wait till the 12th to see him. This sucks. I'm also having the 24hr holter put on the 11th.
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That's what I hate about heart palpitations, they can be due to so many things. I got them realllly bad when my iron levels were really low. Have they not run blood tests to see if there's any indicators there?
Personally I've suffered from Doctors who won't listen to symptoms, and then I end up with a crisis and then they're like, "Well, we didn't think it was serious." I refuse to keep a doctor that won't order tests and expect you to take their word for it that you're OK.
But if you want to keep the doctor, and he tells you he doesn't think it's serious enough, I would say, "I would really feel better if you would order (insert test here). It's not that I don't respect your opinion but I need peace of mind and seeing these test results would definitely help." How does that sound?
If he stills says no I would ask for a second opinion, you really need someone who will help answer your questions about your symptoms. Hope this helps, let us know how it works out.
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Yes I've had blood work done and it's all fine minus being low on B-12 which I'm taking supplements for now.

And yes, I'm getting a second opinion cause he said that I don't need those tests done. Outrageous imo. I'm not gonna die cause of this quack.
Sorry to hear you're having problems with your Cardio doc Crabby. I actually have an appointment with one on the 15th this month and I'm terrified! The 24 hour holter you said you have to do, I think that's what I'm gonna have to do as well, please let me know how that goes, I'm not looking forward to that at all! I hope things get better for you and you get some results!
Nic said:
Sorry to hear you're having problems with your Cardio doc Crabby. I actually have an appointment with one on the 15th this month and I'm terrified! The 24 hour holter you said you have to do, I think that's what I'm gonna have to do as well, please let me know how that goes, I'm not looking forward to that at all! I hope things get better for you and you get some results!

I've had one once before. The only thing for me that sucked with wearing it was that it was itchy where they put tape on to hold it up. Other than that, just don't wear a tight shirt. Keeping a diary of everything you do and feel was a little annoying but not bad since its only for one day. Always make sure you make your heart act up while wearing it. For me, I need to do a lot of physical activity the day before but others say to do physical activity the day of. I'll be doing both actually.
There are many potential causes for Heart Palpitations. Some are serious and others are not. The trouble is trying to determine if it is a serious concern or not.

In my case, I have had them all of my life, so I assume I would have died by now if they were a serious issue. Not the best way to determine this, but I never really worried about it too much.

I have noticed there are two irritants that will increase the incidence of these palpitations. One is too much Caffeine, and the other is Nicotine from smoking.

I tend to drink too much coffee and smoke much more when stressed, and this is when I get the most of them. If you have any of these habits maybe you can at least reduce the occurrence by knowing this.

It is kind of scary when these happen for a longer time.

I've had them since I was a kid but they only happened about twice a year. 2 years ago they started becoming frequent (multiple times a week) and I went to the doctor who found the irregular beat. I was then put on Beta blockers. After a while they kept happening with no change so we upped the dose of beta blockers. They became a daily occurrence after that but I decided to wait it out. They became frequent again after I would work out (3 times a day and would last up to 10 seconds). Then I went skiing for the first time a couple of weeks ago and it was a hard workout for me but not too bad. The day after, I had many palpitations, too many to count and they were painful. I've never had pain before that often in the center of my chest. That's when I decided I needed to be seen but I waited about a week. I still get pain in my chest everyday since.
D Bergy said:
By any chance, are you on any Statin drugs for Cholesterol?


No I'm not. Only a beta blocker (Toprol 50mg) and birth control (Ortho Tri Cyclen) and B-12.
Toprol Side Effects
While most people have no problems, side effects can occur with Toprol. Tiredness, dizziness, and a slow heart rate are some of the more commonly reported problems. Rare side effects include weight gain, increased liver enzymes, and impotence. Potentially serious side effects of Toprol that you should report to your healthcare provider include unexplained swelling or sudden weight gain, chest pain, unexplained skin rash, and an irregular heartbeat.

You need a better doctor, in my opinion. Much better.

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The Toprol was prescribed by my GP. When he did the first 24hr holter on me and it found that I had an irregular heart beat, he said that doctors normally prescribe a beta blocker, so I said ok and here we are now.
There are several other drugs available for high blood pressure and twenty or so supplements or other methods to accomplish the same thing.

If it were me I would use something else, and see if it is the medication causing problems.

I bought my wife Pycnogenol to lower her blood pressure. No known side effects and between her treatment of more exercise and Pycnogenol, her blood pressure is now under control.

I am really surprised the doctor is not aware of the possible side effects of the drugs he is prescribing. Kind of seems like that is the first thing to look at, especially with increasing symptoms. In any case, it should be fairly easy to test it.

CrabbyRelish said:
I've had one once before. The only thing for me that sucked with wearing it was that it was itchy where they put tape on to hold it up. Other than that, just don't wear a tight shirt. Keeping a diary of everything you do and feel was a little annoying but not bad since its only for one day. Always make sure you make your heart act up while wearing it. For me, I need to do a lot of physical activity the day before but others say to do physical activity the day of. I'll be doing both actually.
Thanks for letting me know what to expect! The closer it gets to going the more terrified I get!! But at the same time, I seem to be counting down the days so that I can know if anything is wrong!

I'm actually not even sure why they are sending me. Last time I was in the ER, for what ended up being yet another panic attack, they did an extensive EKG and the guy said my heart was great! But when I was discharged the doc wrote a note to my reg doc asking that I go see a cardio?? Guess maybe they wanted to try to figure out what was causing my panic attacks? or causing my heart to race other than the panic? I'm glad I'm going though, my panic attacks have gone away, but I have times where I feel like my heart flutters or something, guess thats the palpitation? Kinda feels like it stops for a sec and then restarts or something...very scarey and weird feeling! I also have times where I feel like its just weak and can't support me or something. I think that might have something to do with my Iron levels? I'm hoping anyways...I'm hoping when my Iron gets back to normal and I get my full energy back from this flare, I can start working out more and get everything back to feeling normal!

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