I'm currently 'suspected Crohn's' - I've been told the specialist I saw was '99% sure' that's what I have, and my symptoms definitely fit with what everyone on here says about their experiences. I had a CT scan on the 23rd of Jan to confirm the diagnosis and now have to wait until the 11th of Feb before I can see my (very helpful, lovely) gastroenterologist and hopefully start on some steroids to get rid of this thing...
My question is, does anyone have any advice for stopping yourself going crazy while you wait?
I try to stay busy, but usually don't have enough energy. I work, but have cut my hours down to less than 4 days a week because I'm not well enough to be in the office much, and even when I am there are a lot of quiet periods with little to do. I am spending a lot of the time home alone at the moment - it's not so bad when my boyfriend is home too, but when it's just me I take a whole day just to get up and dressed because I'm so tired, and I have too much time to think.
Whenever I'm not busy, I get to worrying about everything... what the steroids will do to me, whether I'll have to have surgery at some point, whether I'm going to lose my job, whether I'll be able/want to have kids (I have a currently-very-painful r-v fissure which is the cause of this particular stupid worry ). I don't recognise myself when I look in the mirror because I'm so thin and panda-eyed and pale, which gets me down anda-wave-t: I worry most about my relationship - he is having to do so much for me at the moment and I'm sure he resents it. He's not the kind of man to talk about emotional stuff, but I have noticed that he doesn't pay me compliments or show physical affection any more - he treats me more like a friend.
So, because being miserable isn't making me feel any better and I caught myself singing Morrissey in the shower this morning, I turn to you lovely people... Any tips from fellow worryworts on how to stop yourself driving yourself nuts?
My question is, does anyone have any advice for stopping yourself going crazy while you wait?
I try to stay busy, but usually don't have enough energy. I work, but have cut my hours down to less than 4 days a week because I'm not well enough to be in the office much, and even when I am there are a lot of quiet periods with little to do. I am spending a lot of the time home alone at the moment - it's not so bad when my boyfriend is home too, but when it's just me I take a whole day just to get up and dressed because I'm so tired, and I have too much time to think.
Whenever I'm not busy, I get to worrying about everything... what the steroids will do to me, whether I'll have to have surgery at some point, whether I'm going to lose my job, whether I'll be able/want to have kids (I have a currently-very-painful r-v fissure which is the cause of this particular stupid worry ). I don't recognise myself when I look in the mirror because I'm so thin and panda-eyed and pale, which gets me down anda-wave-t: I worry most about my relationship - he is having to do so much for me at the moment and I'm sure he resents it. He's not the kind of man to talk about emotional stuff, but I have noticed that he doesn't pay me compliments or show physical affection any more - he treats me more like a friend.
So, because being miserable isn't making me feel any better and I caught myself singing Morrissey in the shower this morning, I turn to you lovely people... Any tips from fellow worryworts on how to stop yourself driving yourself nuts?