How does your child handle things?

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May 28, 2012
How did your child handle their diagnosis?
My daughter refuses to believe she might have crohns.
She still tells me they don't know what it is.
It's so sad they have to deal with this at an early age.
When my daughter was diagnosed at age 14, it was very overwhelming for all of us. It took a little bit to sink in but we all adjusted, especially her. She even came up to me one day and told me it was all going to be okay, it is a disease she can live with - it wasn't cancer, she wasn't going to die. She was going to be okay. Currently she still handles it pretty well, although she does get tired of taking her daily medication. I think time heals all wounds and our kids end up being pretty amazing. Life goes on and we all adjust. Best wishes!
My daughter is only 3 1/2 but she handles it really well (thanks to a wonderfull book recommended on here called 'toilet paper flowers,. She has named her chrons Daisy, Annabelle and Tara, and they are asleep at the moment, but she talks to them daily usually telling them to stay asleep. I do worry about how she will handle things when she is older but I am hoping because she has grown up with chrons she will just accept it as part of herself.
It definitely takes time but she will eventually accept it. It is hard for these kids. You might want to see if she can speak with other kids with Crohns. My daughter is away for the summer but when she comes home am sure she would be happy to connect with her.
My son likes to be in denial a bit, ignore it as much as possible. He gets upset at shot time. But really, he's a trooper, mans up every time for everything he has to do. He gets angry about having Crohn's and just wants it gone. Don't we all?! :) Fortunately for him, it's mostly a nuisance, he doesn't have daily pain. I shoulder most of the management burden for him for now, it breaks my heart that he'll have this challenge all his life.
Oh bless her...:hug:...that certainly is her survival instinct kicking in!

I think my kids pretty much accepted their diagnosis. For my daughter it was probably a relief in some ways because she was so ill and for Matt, well I guess because of Sarah he never questioned his.

Having said that they did in their own ways go through the grieving process and we do as parent's...have a read through the grieving link.

I will always maintain though that a teenager with crohn's is no different to a teenager without Crohn' their mind they are invincible! :lol:

Dusty. xxx
Dusty i have read just about every story on this forum i'm glad i found this site it helps me cope a bit better.
With Claire it depends on the day.... at 6, she told everyone she met that she had "Crumbs Disease". At 7, she didn't want to talk about it and spent most of her time mad at her mother because I insisted that we go to the monthly pediatric support group. (PS She was always glad after we got there). At 8, she banned the word poop and stool and called it mangos, guavas and a variety of other foods I can't remember. At 9, she's pretty up front about it and I think she understands more than she used to.

BUT, today as we left the GI office with our special "bag" for the next fecal calprotectin test, she said "Why do you have to keep taking my, you know....(stage whisper) POOP to the lab......." So maybe she doesn't get it as much as I think.

It's hard......hang in there and denial is okay. :)

