How long for biopsy results?

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Nov 2, 2010

Just after some advice. I had my first colonscopy in the middle of December. I'm still undiagnosed (after two a flex sigmoid which confirmed UC doc said it might be CD now hence colonoscopy). It's about six weeks since my colonoscopy but i know Christmas holidays will have slowed things down. Any idea how long I will have to wait?

The feedback I got from the sheet said diagnosis: chron's? Ileitis? Then it said colon was mildly inflamed and they took 24 biopsies. I'm vit b12 deficient too. The nurse who gave me feedback was very brief and said to wait for results. I know I'm just being impatient but I'm worried it'll be months before I'm back to clinic.

Thanks for reading and any advice is appreciated.
Ours were within a week! You have a right to be impatient, it's your health not the nurse's!!
In the uk the biopsies will be back in 1-2 weeks. Get your gp to ring and ask for the results. Otherwise you may not hear until your next OPD. Do you have a date for this? Did you get started on any meds? ( if you were started on meds already your next opd could be a way off). Your GP should help you get some answers quick phone call...
I had a colonoscopy 22nd December and my results were back last week. Often they do not inform you of even positive results. Check with your GP as they might have recieved them by now (that's how I got mine Monday).

Alternatively contact the GI department or your GI's secretary to confirm they are back and ask them to send results to your GP if it hasn't been done already. As you have been waiting so long insist the results are faxed to your surgery so you get them quicker. And push for your follow up appointment at the same time if the colonoscopy was the last test that had been ordered.
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Thanks everyone.

I've phoned my gp's receptionist every week and gastro's secretary too. She said as soon as the results were through then they would fax them through. As the nurse who gave me the feedback said it could be 6-8 weeks I've not wanted to push it but I will now. I'll call tomorrow and see.

I'm on asacol from first diagnosis of UC and got new ointment for fissure I can not get rid of. Things have calmed down except for me stupidly eating curry and wiping me out for a few days. So maybe it might not be too bad.

Thanks again though. I'll let you know.
6-8 weeks? I would ask why on earth they take that long. I agree with everyone else that they should take about a week, two tops. The longest wait for test results that I had were my pill cam results. They took a month only because my GI had to find the time to sit down and watch the 4ish hour long movie of my entire digestive tract. Biopsy results shouldn't take that long. I would call back and demand some explanations!
You don't want to speak to gp reception but gp who will then ring gastro sec and get results. Often the gp doesn't get results until you are next seen in clinic.
Thanks everyone. I wish i'd posted earlier as I've just left it for ages.

I got somewhere today, not far, but somewhere! I spoke to GP reception who said she would look into the computer system. She managed to locate the results but the doctor had not commented on them. She has left the results with my GP to then comment on the results and then they will be in touch on Monday. Does this sound like normal process? In my mind I'm guessing it means they might have confirmed something?

Thanks again.
No results! Spoke to a whole host of people and the wait is 6-8 weeks so I've still got a little longer to wait. Feeling a little frustrated now!
Good luck! I hope things haven't progressed in the offing. If Asacol is keeping it under control, maybe things aren't too bad in there.
Results back today: Inconclusive.

Haven't spoke to Gastro consultant as still awaiting an appointment but the notes that were added still say they are suggesting Crohn's.

My GP suggested they would just keep me on what I am currently on if I'm not too bad. (I'm on 6 asacol a day). Stomach does seem to be a little better but I'm so tired all the time, feel achy like I'm getting flu and throat is sore a lot. I don't know if this is linked or if it is something else. Does anyone else feel like this? Should I mention it to Gastro?
