How long from MRE results?

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Apr 28, 2012
My daughter had an MRE on Friday afternoon, and I am wondering how long I should wait until the results are in. I am trying to be patient, its not working very well.

From the results, I have to decide if I want to proceed with her scope on Friday, or if the MRE is enough for right now. My daughter just can't handle much more testing right now.

She has an appt with a therapist this afternoon. I am not handling all of this well at all, I have never felt so helpless in life. I know something is very wrong with her, but after all these test and the keep finding nothing do I just stop? I am so upset this morning. My son just got on the bus, and she is still sleeping. I feel bad for both of little man because all this health stuff takes time away from him...and for her cause this is just not a way to live life..

Sorry for just rambling I am just so tired..
Hey Sarah,

My son had a CTE. I don't imagine that reporting times would be any different??? since the test is essentially the same. If that is indeed the case then I had the results the following morning.

Normal results are far from uncommon in IBD hun and that makes it all the more frustrating and confusing. You know your girl the best, you know what is normal and what isn't. While ever you have that gut feeling and those niggling thoughts that all is not well then keep pushing, fighting and questioning. If she is at the end of her tether and you can afford to take a breather then that is fine too. It will give you time to gather your thoughts and your energies.

If I have asked this before then please excuse me but do you keep a diary of her symptoms? If not have a look at the suggestions we have in the wiki... may go some way to helping put the pieces of the puzzle together.

:hang: Mum! You are doing fab...:hug:

Dusty. xxx
Sounds like you are struggling - I sympathise. I had to have a chat with my daughter apologising and explaining to her that I can't help having to spend extra time with my son at hospital/clinic appointments, etc. She seemed to understand and hasn't gone on about me spending more time with her brother over surgery/recovery the last couple of weeks.
As for your daughter, it is hard to watch them go through all the tests. The best thing I use to decide whether it's worth it is whether my son is having enough of a quality of life. If he is unwell and not able to live life to the full, then it is still worth doing the tests to get a definitive diagnosis.
My son's MRI took about 5 days to come back as the radiologist has to look at it and then write the report then send on to the docs.
Good luck!