How many failed remicade then started Humira?

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May 10, 2011
Forgive me if this has been asking in a previous post. I was on remicade for a few years back in my young teenage days. It stopped working for me a while ago. I've been on LDN since 5/25/2011 with no improvement yet, so I'm losing hope for it. My doctor mentioned that since remicade stopped working for me that Humira might not work for me. Can anyone tell me if they had been on both drugs at different times?
My son is so new to the biologics and even to crohn's, so I may not be of much help, (wait for Beth!) But, our GI doctor told us that if you initially responded well to anti tnf drug therapy then trying a different one would work. My son had a quick allergic response to Remicade(on the 3rd infusion)...but they told us that at some point a lot of people stop having success with Remicade because their body builds up antibodies against the mouse protein in it. My sister in law had to have surgery and had to go on a Remicade break...and then she started having trouble when she went back on it. Humira is all human so the body doesn't fight it or find it as foreign. My son's first infusion with remicade gave my son instant results and it seemed like a miracle, then slowly it started to seem like it was not working, then he had an allergic reaction (tried it twice 3 days apart) just a few days later we tried Humira and it went straight to work on getting him to remission. He didn't have any trouble with it. My son responds well to the anti tnf thing, just not remicade.

Hope that helps.
Yup, it seems quite a few people have had Remicade and then had to change for various reasons. For some it works well, others it doesn't. Just got to try it and hope if you get the chance.
I was on both at different times. At first Remicade worked, then it stopped working so they gave me Humira which didn't seem to work at all. Not to mention, Humira kind of stings like a bitch lol
Yes, been on both, both failed for me, and I see you are in Canada and therefor no Cimzia is available here, my doc thinks it wouldnt work for me anyways, in his opinion, but if it does come here, what the heck I will try it anyways. Yeah Humira stings but some use cold packs on the area prior and leave the needle out for a bit, that seems to help.

Have you tried Methotrexate? It is an old drug, making a comeback. I usually take Flagyl to keep it at bay, one pill a day or skip and take Cipro...yeah I know what you are thinking but I am trying to avoid surgery number 3....
I was on Remicade. Second dose I became anaphylactic, then started Humira. Humira didn't work and I ended up having surgery years later. But now I'm back on Humira (again, not working).
I'm not in Canada. I'm in the US. Remicade worked wonders for me for quite some time. I'm hoping that humira will work for me as well. I guess I won't know until I try. I didn't try methotrexate. I'd rather try Humira first. Thanks for the input guys.
Don't forget about trying Cimzia as well. It might be another option for you...

Good luck to you!
Hi basti. What do you mean failed? did you have a reaction or it just not work?

Have you posted an intro in the "Your Story" forum...