How much do you eat?

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Oct 18, 2012
As some of you will know if you've read many of my posts, I am hopelessly underweight. I believe my problem is that I am unable to eat large enough quantities of food to gain weight, rather than that I am not properly absorbing it. But I recently got an ileostomy, so I've been wondering if that may have changed, and perhaps I'm not absorbing everything any more.

But I would be really interested to know: What do you eat? How much do you eat (calories, if you know them)? What portion sizes? Do you find it difficult to lose weight or to gain it?

I'd be really pleased if anyone would like to post an average day's eating (or an actual food diary of what you have eaten).

I know I don't eat enough. But I also eat lots of high-calorie foods, junk food, I definitely don't deny myself anything - well, in fact I do, but that's because since I got the ileostomy I can not tolerate high-fibre, so the amount of fruit and veg I can tolerate is very low, I can't eat whole-grains or nuts or seeds. So the things that I have to limit are the healthy, low-calorie foods.

I'd just like some idea of what other people's diets are like, particularly in terms of portion sizes and calorie amounts. There are a lot of threads here on what foods people with Crohn's can and can't tolerate, but I'd like to know whether having this disease for some means needing more food than a healthy person. I know people with Crohn's can be underweight, a healthy weight or overweight, so perhaps our calorie needs and appetites can vary a lot from one person with Crohn's to the next?
Good question and something I'd be interested in hearing others answers.

Me personally I'm about 1 1/2 stone lighter than I was before crohns hit me and I'm borderline underweight. I often find myself missing meals due to flare ups etc and I guess my body isn't absorbing everything like it should.

On a good day I'll have cereal for breakfast, lunch would be a sandwich and 2 packs of low fat crisps. I'll have a few biscuits throughout the afternoon like rich tea.

Dinner. Fish and rice or pasta most the time, not huge portions but what I'd see as a normal size portion. Then maybe a few more biccys in the evening

On a bad day I will often miss dinner completely and this happens probably at least twice a week. So yeh I'm pretty sure I need to eat more overall
I was at a decent weight for me when I was first diagnosed, around 125. After being on prednisone for over a year I gained almost 100 pounds, which was in 2010. I have since tried diet and exercising, I walk over two miles a day plus I am eating less than 1,000 calories a day and I am not losing any weight at all. I had a fecal fat test done and it showed that my body wasn't absorbing fat any differently than it should be but something isn't right. I've been in a flair for about six months now, some days I don't eat at all but I still can't shake the weight. I'd like to know if anyone else has issues like this.
I am around one hundred fifty eight pounds. I have maintained this weight for months. I usually have a protein bar, eggs or waffle in the morning. I will eat a bigger meal both at lunch and supper. I usually eat a snack or two during the day. My GI says to eat small meals and to have more meals during the day. I don't think my body absorbs everything.

I lost about 10lbs which as an already rather petite person (95-100lbs on average pre flare).
Breakfast- Very light, usually a muffin or some toast. If i feel really crappy/ crampy I skip it (not the best idea as I take most of my med then, oh well). On a good weekend I make an egg on toast.
Lunch- varies if I am at school or home. School usually ends up being Tim hortons, usually lasagna. At home usually lighter like a grilled cheese sandwich, instant noodles, or soup.
Dinner- Rice/ Pasta(white) with meat, usually chicken ocasionally pork.
If I feel good and am hungry I might snack later on a cookie and tea or tea biscuit.

I'm for sure not the healthiest, especially at school which I feel bad about but with no veggies/ fruits, whole grains, milk, nuts, etc it is tricky to figure out what I want to eat when I do. I'm on prednisone but the insane appetite dropped off after about a month, tg.

Interesting seeing what others are eating daily.
I stick to a low residue diet... but have always had to adjust my eating in every meal...

One thing I realized about my eating habits is that I can eat more in one sitting if I have several small portions of items, verses one or two large portions of only a couple items. It seems as if more variety goes down a lot easier... not really sure why, but that has always been the case for me.

Another thing that I tend to do is graze throughout the day. I will have a bag of pretzels next to me that I munch throughout the day, or cheese nips, or combos... or something of the sort. Due to my need for extra calories, this is a good time for me to munch away.

Again, my diet is that "middle of the road" type... nothing too healthy, nothing too unhealthy. Chicken, mashed potatoes, mac and cheese, etc are the easiest type of foods for me to eat. Breakfast items tend to be "lighter" choices... thin pancakes or light fluffy ones work great for me.
I,m a tubby crohnie and I know calories in and out thing but it's a mystery to me the diet and weight loss thing!i normally have cornflakes in the morning don,t have a lunch evening meal fish,chicken,pasta potatoes don,t have a lot of fruit it runs through me if I,ve got the trots I won, teat for a few days trying to control it drives my gi nurse bonkers.i can and do have wild weight fluctuations and go to the gym a lot,beats me.
I was at a decent weight for me when I was first diagnosed, around 125. After being on prednisone for over a year I gained almost 100 pounds, which was in 2010. I have since tried diet and exercising, I walk over two miles a day plus I am eating less than 1,000 calories a day and I am not losing any weight at all. I had a fecal fat test done and it showed that my body wasn't absorbing fat any differently than it should be but something isn't right. I've been in a flair for about six months now, some days I don't eat at all but I still can't shake the weight. I'd like to know if anyone else has issues like this.

That's difficult for me to get my head round! I can't see how it's possible to eat so few calories and not lose weight - but clearly it's not that straightforward. Has it been consistently since 2010 since you've been eating this little? I can imagine that over a short period of time, maybe a few weeks at most, a person could eat very little and not lose much weight, but that can't be sustainable, energy must be coming from somewhere. Do you have some periods where you eat more that may be cancelling out the low-calorie times? What sort of foods and portion sizes are you having? I'd be really interested to know if you get any further to figuring out what's wrong.
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It has been consistent since 2010, before that I could lose weight just with adjusting my diet or exercise. For the last twelve months consistently I only eat one meal a day, dinner. During the day while I’m at work I will have something to snack on like pretzels or soda, depending on how I’m feeling. I have some days where I can eat two meals, when I’m not working-at work I can’t just go to the bathroom when I feel like it so five days a week I eat only one meal. The food depends on the day, sometimes it will be fast food, and sometimes it will be soup and a sandwich, or sometimes something I’ve cooked at home. About a year ago my husband’s diabetes got out of control so we began cutting carbs out and doing high protein and seriously counting calories. I was under 1,000 (including drinks too, I used an app I downloaded to keep track) every day for six months along with my walking and I was able to lose 8 pounds. My doctor checked my thyroid but it was normal and has no idea what is going on.
It has been consistent since 2010, before that I could lose weight just with adjusting my diet or exercise. For the last twelve months consistently I only eat one meal a day, dinner. During the day while I’m at work I will have something to snack on like pretzels or soda, depending on how I’m feeling. I have some days where I can eat two meals, when I’m not working-at work I can’t just go to the bathroom when I feel like it so five days a week I eat only one meal. The food depends on the day, sometimes it will be fast food, and sometimes it will be soup and a sandwich, or sometimes something I’ve cooked at home. About a year ago my husband’s diabetes got out of control so we began cutting carbs out and doing high protein and seriously counting calories. I was under 1,000 (including drinks too, I used an app I downloaded to keep track) every day for six months along with my walking and I was able to lose 8 pounds. My doctor checked my thyroid but it was normal and has no idea what is going on.

I have heard similar stories from a few people. I have at times been quite sceptical of claims that some people can't lose weight, but my own inability to gain weight is challenging me to re-think things, which I'm trying to do.

I always thought an inability to gain is more likely - if someone has a medical condition which causes them to be unable to swallow, unable to stop vomiting or unable to digest food properly, I can see that it could be impossible to gain. But I weirdly found that I still lost weight when in hospital on TPN (all calories directly into my bloodstream, bypassing my digestive system entirely) – but then that was only for a very brief period.

I know there are conditions – e.g. thyroid problems – which can mean a person would have to eat even less than an otherwise equivalent person with a normal thyroid would in order to lose weight, but still, if they ate little enough they couldn’t help but lose it, and unlike trying to eat more, it’s always at least physically possible to eat less.

And then, no fat people came out of concentration camps. You don’t get some people who experience a famine and yet don’t lose much weight. So I’ve always figured people who believe they can’t lose weight are miscounting calories or eating or drinking without realising it. And yet it clearly sounds that that is not the case with you. Has your husband had any unexpected weight problems, where it seems he's either gaining or losing more weight than his diet suggests?

I’ve heard that it is apparently quite a common behaviour among sleep-walkers to eat when asleep (and may have no memory of doing so). You don’t get food go missing from your kitchen overnight do you?! I can't think of anything else that could be wrong. :confused2:
My mom is very concerned because she was in the same boat as you thinking I must be eating more than I'm saying until she spent a week with me. She weighs 110 pounds and eats twice what I do. As for my husband he lost almost thirty pounds doing the same thing I was doing minus the walking. My PCP is who I've talked to about this, he doesn't seem concerned but he also doesn't seem to believe me either. So at this point I'm not sure where else to turn to find answers.
Lost 2-3 stone in just over a year since I started getting ill. I'm nearly underweight, but not quite. According to the doctor. I can see my ribs and my buttbones start to ache if I sit in a chair for too long, though, so personally I consider me underweight :p

I don't eat spice, raw veg or fruit (except bananas), very much milk (it doesn't seem to cause me pain every time I drink it, so I'm not convinced it's a trigger and still have it sometimes), anything wholegrain or super-fibrous, big greasy meals, fruit juice or fizzy drinks (they kill me) or alcohol.

Here's today's litany of nibbles:

Breakfast: Small bowl of Krave cereal (chocolatey golden stuff, not real grains) with milk, and a couple of sips of tea before abdo pain started, so I stopped drinking it

Glass of lacto-free Nesquik in the middle of the morning

Lunch - a prawn and cucumber sandwich (oh yeah, the other exception) on white bread, and a glass of water

Snacks - A vanilla yoghurt, a bag of crisps (Monster Munch, bad choice) and a banana, nibbled throughout the afternoon. Plus two more glasses of water

Dinner - yet to happen, but will probably be a fishcake or a cheese and ham kiev and a tiny bit of mashed potato, with a glass of water.

It's not healthy, but it keeps me alive :)

Does anyone else get a thing where you get hungry very suddenly, very quickly, and it makes you too weak to do anything? Like, so you go from 'fine' to 'light-headed and too exhausted to make a sandwich' in about five minutes...
I am trying to gain weight, too. Over the last year I went from almost 140 pounds to 106! I also struggle with chronic dehydration, even though I drink water all the time. I am flaring, so I know my body isn't absorbing anything well.

I don't eat breakfast because I am too nauseous in the morning. For lunch I will have an ensure and banana smoothie. I usually have snack of pretzels around 3pm or so, that's when I take some of my meds. Dinner is iffy; some nights I can eat it, and some nights I have to skip it and drink an ensure instead because of feeling sick.
after I was diagnosed and was able to eat again, the white stuff helped me gain. white bread, pasta, rice.
I lost 23 lbs.,193 to 170 my week in the hospital after my resection.I still weighed 170 at my two week pos-op visit! I now weigh 173.I have yogurt with fresh fruit and gf toast with almond butter most mornings.I alternate that with a poached egg on gf toast.Lunch is hit or miss,I don't always have an appetite.Perhaps a bowl of soup or yogurt if I didn't have it that morning.Supper is a salad with feta cheese and steamed veg.maybe fish or a lean red meat.I eat a lot of fermented foods with my meals.Kimchi,sauerkraut,etc.There are times when supper is a bowl of cornflakes with almond milk.I can eat potatoes and fresh fruit,I have a grapefruit daily.I steam my veg.I bake or grill my meats,sometimes broil.I stay away from all deep fried foods.I'm gf.I recently started to include small amounts of cheese into my diet.No fastfoods or processed snack foods.I make soups and stews during these cold winter times.I seem to have plateaued around the 173-175 area.I drop weight quick if I'm not feeling well.I go through stretches of not being hungry at all.Since my resection in 11-13 I have been doing pretty good for the most part.A couple rough spots.So far I haven't gone below 170 lbs.I hope to gain more muscle as I get more active.
Clch I am exactly the same I have to record what I eat or I don't make 1000 calories every day I started exercising every other day too and still not weight loss.
Someone suggested that perhaps my calorie deficit has reset my metabolism into learning to live with such few calories that if need to increase my calorie intake to up to 13 weeks and swallow the weight gain to reset my metabolism again so I can diet at a healthy food intake..... the way said it made sense to me.

I am also curious what if any birth control you're on, my family doctor only told me it's a common complaint to gain weight when on the depo injection and I've been on it for years so I'm coming off of that and seeing what happens with that I don't like the idea of forcing myself to eat more calories lol I feel so full all the time anyway.....

Anyway wad just letting u know ur not alone!
I lost 23 lbs.,193 to 170 my week in the hospital after my resection.I still weighed 170 at my two week pos-op visit! I now weigh 173.I have yogurt with fresh fruit and gf toast with almond butter most mornings.I alternate that with a poached egg on gf toast.Lunch is hit or miss,I don't always have an appetite.Perhaps a bowl of soup or yogurt if I didn't have it that morning.Supper is a salad with feta cheese and steamed veg.maybe fish or a lean red meat.I eat a lot of fermented foods with my meals.Kimchi,sauerkraut,etc.There are times when supper is a bowl of cornflakes with almond milk.I can eat potatoes and fresh fruit,I have a grapefruit daily.I steam my veg.I bake or grill my meats,sometimes broil.I stay away from all deep fried foods.I'm gf.I recently started to include small amounts of cheese into my diet.No fastfoods or processed snack foods.I make soups and stews during these cold winter times.I seem to have plateaued around the 173-175 area.I drop weight quick if I'm not feeling well.I go through stretches of not being hungry at all.Since my resection in 11-13 I have been doing pretty good for the most part.A couple rough spots.So far I haven't gone below 170 lbs.I hope to gain more muscle as I get more active.

With this description, I'd be surprised if you're not still losing a lot of weight. It seems less than I eat (in terms of amount of calories rather than portions) and yet I'm stuck at 30kg (66lbs) and I'm 165cm (5'5").
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Clch I am exactly the same I have to record what I eat or I don't make 1000 calories every day I started exercising every other day too and still not weight loss.
Someone suggested that perhaps my calorie deficit has reset my metabolism into learning to live with such few calories that if need to increase my calorie intake to up to 13 weeks and swallow the weight gain to reset my metabolism again so I can diet at a healthy food intake..... the way said it made sense to me.

I am also curious what if any birth control you're on, my family doctor only told me it's a common complaint to gain weight when on the depo injection and I've been on it for years so I'm coming off of that and seeing what happens with that I don't like the idea of forcing myself to eat more calories lol I feel so full all the time anyway.....

Anyway wad just letting u know ur not alone!

I don't understand the theory that eating too little stops you losing weight - again I come back to the fact that no one fails to lose weight in a famine, no one maintained their weight when kept in concentration camps. Eating more and gaining weight can't reset your metabolism, it will surely just make you gain weight.

I'm on birth control, I seem to defy all the things that people claim make people gain weight. I'm on birth control, do no exercise, drink fizzy drinks, etc. etc. and just can't gain.
UnXmas,I am 5'9".I am post-op one week today from a 2nd surgery,a inguinal hernia I suffered my first day home from hospital after my resection.I had to heal enough from my resection before dealing with the hernia.I am not very active right now.I'm not using a lot of calories so perhaps my food intake is enough for now to at least not lose more weight.I hope as I get back to work and become more active I will also feel the need to eat more.I hope the fact I am not losing weight right now means my body is absorbing what it needs when I do eat.Once I get back to a more typical lifestyle I will get a clearer picture.
Clch I am exactly the same I have to record what I eat or I don't make 1000 calories every day I started exercising every other day too and still not weight loss.
Someone suggested that perhaps my calorie deficit has reset my metabolism into learning to live with such few calories that if need to increase my calorie intake to up to 13 weeks and swallow the weight gain to reset my metabolism again so I can diet at a healthy food intake..... the way said it made sense to me.

I am also curious what if any birth control you're on, my family doctor only told me it's a common complaint to gain weight when on the depo injection and I've been on it for years so I'm coming off of that and seeing what happens with that I don't like the idea of forcing myself to eat more calories lol I feel so full all the time anyway.....

Anyway wad just letting u know ur not alone!

Depo is EVIL! I gained all my weight when I was on it. I went from about 160 lbs up to about 190 lbs in a year! I then spent many years after trying to lose the weight and it wouldn't come off :( Wasn't till I had my hysterectomy 10 years later the weight started coming off. I honestly think it screws your hormones up super bad making it hard to lose weight after. I'm not a doctor, it's just my thought
I have had some disordered eating habits since getting my ileostomy last August. After 5 years of not being able to eat without screaming pain, vomiting or urgent bowel movements, I'm not too upset about this :) That does mean that I tend to shift my meals to start after 12pm and usually end at 11pm.

I had a lot of weight to gain, from 118lbs to 150lbs and it really only took place once my disease was under control (through having an ostomy). I was focusing on high-calorie foods at the beginning, but now eat a lot more fruit, large salads and less empty calories. I am doing more exercise and activity now, so my intake will reflect my needs as my activity level rises. I can eat a lot in one sitting... quantity hasn't been an issue for me.

It might help to keep a food diary using something like It can track calories and nutrients and I highly recommend it in order to give you a better picture of your diet. It's unfortunate that you have some restrictions. Focusing on junk food isn't going to help you achieve long term health, but you need to figure out which healthy foods you can eat and make those staples in your diet. White potatoes (skinned), fortified white rice, quinoa, legumes (experiment and see which ones digest well for you), avocados, whole-food based meal replacement (like Vega), nut butters, etc.
Clch I am exactly the same I have to record what I eat or I don't make 1000 calories every day I started exercising every other day too and still not weight loss.
Someone suggested that perhaps my calorie deficit has reset my metabolism into learning to live with such few calories that if need to increase my calorie intake to up to 13 weeks and swallow the weight gain to reset my metabolism again so I can diet at a healthy food intake..... the way said it made sense to me.

I am also curious what if any birth control you're on, my family doctor only told me it's a common complaint to gain weight when on the depo injection and I've been on it for years so I'm coming off of that and seeing what happens with that I don't like the idea of forcing myself to eat more calories lol I feel so full all the time anyway.....

Anyway wad just letting u know ur not alone!

It feels good to know I'm not alone lol I feel like the doctors always look at me strange when I say I have Crohns bc they're like your fat how is that possible? But it is. And I've been on a generic pill for almost ten years. I also had someone who said that it's possible my body is tricked into thinking I'm starving it since I eat so little so when I do eat it takes all the fat but who knows.
i have been underweight since i have had crohns….and have tried eating tonnes of food, when my appetite allows….but all that effort never pays off.

the only time i put on weight is when i am happy…..relaxed….not stressed about life….

in fact, lately i am trying to eat less to give my body more chance to digest it. sort of the opposite of what I have done in the past….

being happy, relaxed and free and easy ---- thats the key !!!!!
I was actually able to eat a bit more today, yay! So I ate about half of what a healthy person eats, haha.
I've just been prescribed some nutritional drinks that contain 300 calories each, 3 times daily. Only 125ml each. I'll let you know if they help me gain any weight
i have been underweight since i have had crohns….and have tried eating tonnes of food, when my appetite allows….but all that effort never pays off.

the only time i put on weight is when i am happy…..relaxed….not stressed about life….

in fact, lately i am trying to eat less to give my body more chance to digest it. sort of the opposite of what I have done in the past….

being happy, relaxed and free and easy ---- thats the key !!!!!

I agree. Having to eat purely because you know you need to is depressing sometimes, when you really don't enjoy food (and I don't just mean don't feel hungry, but when the thought of eating anything makes you feel ill). I can imagine that if you have a natural appetite it would make things a whole lot easier. When I was a child and was healthy, at the ages where your parents just put food in front of you, I never thought about eating but I always enjoyed it. I was always a little underweight, but so active as a child, outdoors all the time, and never gave my weight, diet or exercise a second thought. Exercise was the same - I wasn't trying to get fit or burn off calories, I was just always having fun playing sports every day.
I've just been prescribed some nutritional drinks that contain 300 calories each, 3 times daily. Only 125ml each. I'll let you know if they help me gain any weight

I have these too, but they don't seem to be doing much for me. I like to have them because they're giving me all my vitamins, which I can't always get so much from food since the ileostomy prevents me eating a broad range of fruit, veg and cereals, but the drinks just fill me up as much as food would.
With this description, I'd be surprised if you're not still losing a lot of weight. It seems less than I eat (in terms of amount of calories rather than portions) and yet I'm stuck at 30kg (66lbs) and I'm 165cm (5'4").

I weighed myself this morning and was surprised I weighed 169 lbs.I lost 4 pounds. I was sure I gained a little and not lost more.I just don't really have an appetite at times.
I have only eaten one meal every 24 to 30 hours for almost 17 years now. I get in trouble for it all the time. i just cant eat and still be able to work. My food goes through me in record time, sometimes I am still in the middle of eating and I am already running to the bathroom. Barium x-rays are usually done in about 15 minutes for me and they are shocked. I tend to burn up and get very sick with food. I only eat because i have to, or I would never eat again. When my cramps are really bad due to that I have had three obstructions and three surgeries to remove them I tend to do a liquid diet which I lose weight so fast that I usually end up in the hospital. 17 pounds in less then two weeks last time, and I started passing out. I got to the point that I didn't care if they gave me a tube to eat because I wouldn't have to physically eat myself. I saw a nutritionist and she gave me a bunch of high calorie and high protein shakes to make and told me to add calories as much as I could. Don't think this really helps anyone, I wish I could have a more normal diet, my poor kids have never eaten in a restaurant as a family. I will not eat unless I am in my own house. At holiday I sit and watch everyone else eat and then take a plate home for myself and eat by myself. My husband always feels so bad but I tell him not to worry I need him to eat and stay healthy, because who else will take care of me like he does. I have the greatest husband and kids around.
Hopefull, that sounds awful, I'm so sorry.

I much prefer eating home to eating out because often I get unpredictable symptoms after eating, so if I want to actually enjoy an outing, it's better for me not to eat! That problem has been for the most part considerably improved recently, since I've now got an ileostomy. Eating still makes me feel full, bloated, tired and icky, but no more bathroom urges! (Obviously an ileostomy is not a decision to make lightly, and there were many other reasons why I got mine besides how it makes eating easier for me, but it might be something you could think about). I also much prefer eating at home as I can choose what and how much I eat. I'm mostly over the self-consciousness which I get when I want a very small portion of very plain food, but I'd still rather eat at home.

Btw when I was in hospital and my digestive system could take no food at all, they gave me TPN, which is everything you need right into the blood stream, bypassing the digestive system altogether. I felt the same relief you felt with tube feeding - I was getting what I needed without having to eat. But TPN comes with a very high risk of infections - or at least that was the doctors' reasoning for why they wanted me off it as soon as possible.

You're so lucky to have a supportive family. :)
Thanks UnXmas. It is extremely nice to have a supportive family. I just had my third bowel resection about 7 months ago for once again another blockage. I don't respond to any medications and it seems to lead to surgery every time. My surgery before that was only four years earlier. I was fitted for an ileostomy and thought that I was going to wake up with one for sure this time, but the doctor decided to try and spare me from one and took a large amount of large bowel and small bowel out. My other issue is that they found crohn's in my stomach as well and it has caused me alot of issue with stomach pain and nausea. I have started to only have soup or mashed potatoes again and yesturday I just refused to eat all together. My husband was very upset with me. He said okay then lets get ready to back to the hospital again, I don't want you passing out on me again. Before my last surgery I refused to eat because it made me in so much pain and sick that I lost 18 pounds in two weeks and started to pass out. After three weeks I was rushed to the hospital, and my husband was so upset with them when they told me keep doing what your doing and see your specialist. He said really she hasnt eaten in three weeks and she is blacking out, this isn't okay she can barely stand on her own two feet and you are sending her home. Our hospital here really suck. My family doctor found out the next morning when he did his rounds at the hospital and he was furious and called me at home and made me come in to see him right away. I honestly wish that I would never have to eat again. I really didn't want a ileostomy but I somedays think that it would have been a good thing for me as well. I would definately take the chance to eat a little more if I didn't have to run to the restroom all day. It has gotten really hard to make it through my days at work with no energy from no food. I would love to take my kids out for a nice family meal at a nice restaurant and celebrate (anything). My husband and I use to love to do go out and have romantic dinners when we first got together, it was special to us, and now I haven't eaten outside of my own home in 17 years.
Thank God I have others that understand me. It has been a very rough few years again, and I told my husband tonight I don't know how much longer I can do this anymore.
Keep going. I know how hard it is. I have a wonderful surgeon - the one who gave me an ileostomy - but he is a colorectal surgeon and doesn't deal with stomach and other upper digestive problems, so I'm in a similar situation, doctors don't seem to understand how hard it is to eat.

Since my ileostomy I haven't been able to eat any fibre at all due to blockages. I've been experimenting a bit and found that I can almost enjoy food a little when I stick to really plain, comfort-type foods. I know I'll never be able to enjoy a meal like other people can, when they have a meal to celebrate a special occasion, but I have at least been able to feel, lately, that by following very carefully my ileostomy-diet I can eat meals with the sense that I am doing something good and taking care of myself. I've been having things like egg on toast, cheese and avocado, peanut butter and banana sandwiches, stewed apple and ice cream, soups, etc. - all the foods that are the best for people with ileostomies who get blockages easily. It's helping me to think of eating at this time as part of recovering from surgery, it's something I have to do to take care of myself rather than something to enjoy in the more conventional way.

I know this won't help much when any food makes you so sick, but trying to adopt the attitude that food is helping me heal (or survive at any rate) and taking care to avoid all the blockage-causing food at least gives me something positive to latch onto when I have to think about what to eat. Perhaps you could try something similar? Take some time to find the easiest, plainest foods that give you the calories you need with the least pain, and experiment to find some simple meals that make you feel comforted. It's so much easier to eat if you eat what you really feel like rather than eating something because you know you have to eat and then resenting it when you feel ill after.

I also hope you're able to find some ways to enjoy time with your family that have nothing to do with food. I know it's hard to feel like doing anything when you're exhausted and sick, but your family will love being with you even if you can't join in eating with them. Your presence is far more important than whether you're eating a meal with them or not. It may be that food just has to be like medicine for you - something you take to keep yourself healthy even though it's horrible and can have horrible side effects.
A great post UnXmas.We can all benefit from what you wrote.I hope it helps you Hopefullx3.I agree that finding family time that doesn't center around food may be helpful.It sounds like you have a great family Hopefullx3,can you go for short walks?A trip to a park and watch the kids play?My wife and I go to local greenhouses this time of year.The fresh growing plants helps with the winter blahs.I know where all the bathrooms are along our routes in case they are needed.Perhaps you and your husband can go on a non-food 'date' like my wife and I do.Maybe your husband has ideas he's been thinking about but hasn't shared.:ghug:
I have lost 30lb in the last six months of flaring and seem to be loosing more. I use an iphone app called myfitnesspal to try and track my daily calorie intake and make sure I'm getting at least 1000 cal per day. Lately it's been hard (while flaring so badly) to reach that number...
I have lost 30lb in the last six months of flaring and seem to be loosing more. I use an iphone app called myfitnesspal to try and track my daily calorie intake and make sure I'm getting at least 1000 cal per day. Lately it's been hard (while flaring so badly) to reach that number...

You probably need about double that. Are you underweight (if you don't mind me asking)? You can't go long on 1000 calories a day without running into problems such as tiredness, low blood pressure, etc.
I have lost 30lb in the last six months of flaring and seem to be loosing more. I use an iphone app called myfitnesspal to try and track my daily calorie intake and make sure I'm getting at least 1000 cal per day. Lately it's been hard (while flaring so badly) to reach that number...

Hi Fayee,I lost close to 30 pounds also.I had a resection in November and am told I am now in remission. I still seem to drop weight,gain a few pounds and than lose 1 or 2 more than I gained,not use to looking in the mirror and seeing myself this way.I actually feel pretty good,most days.It's good you are eating to get those calories,do you have an appetite? Are you eating just to fuel your body?Check out the health and nutrition groups,someone with more experience may be able to offer suggestions that may help you.Keep the Faith and I hope your flares subside!
I have lost 30lb in the last six months of flaring and seem to be loosing more. I use an iphone app called myfitnesspal to try and track my daily calorie intake and make sure I'm getting at least 1000 cal per day. Lately it's been hard (while flaring so badly) to reach that number...

1000 calories is really low, but I know how hard it can be to eat when you're flaring. Have you tried meal replacement shakes or other high calorie liquids?
1000 cal is almost certainly not enough. How tall are you? Liquid calories can be very helpful when appetite is poor.
Hi everyone,

I am down to 117lb, standing 5'3. From May-August when I was in what I'm assuming was remission (Ive had on going symptoms for four years, though not nearly as bad as I'm dealing with now) I was able to gain 24lb. I wasn't eating healthy, but I wasn't eating total crap 24/7.

Example, (I worked at a hotel with staff meals and my friend the chef) so about 5 pancakes and bacon EVERY morning. haha. and No symptoms.

Anyways, since September I've been flaring and am down around 30lb.

I'm finding it really hard to eat food, mostly out of fear. I have cut gluten out (though Ive been tested for celiac and it was negative) and try my very best to not eat dairy (Lactose intolerant).

I don't have much of an appetite through the day, but force a smoothie with greens and fruits down in the morning. I try not to eat after 8pm because my night time symptoms are becoming very problematic (especially as I am a college student, who isn't sleeping and missing school)

I get really hungry after 8pm but thats about the only time I really have an appetite.

I realize I should be consuming more than 1000 cal per day but its been really difficult. Ive tried ensure but it ends up making me run to the bathroom within a few min.

Really, I'm just at a loss as to what to eat…

Sorry for the rant.

Thanks for your help <3
1000 calories a day isn't,t enough for a healthy person let alone a crohns sufferer,I would speak to my dr to see if they,ve got any advice,if your hungry at night I,d listen to my body and fire some food in,even chicken,anything with calories.good luck
Hi everyone,

I am down to 117lb, standing 5'3. From May-August when I was in what I'm assuming was remission (Ive had on going symptoms for four years, though not nearly as bad as I'm dealing with now) I was able to gain 24lb. I wasn't eating healthy, but I wasn't eating total crap 24/7.

Example, (I worked at a hotel with staff meals and my friend the chef) so about 5 pancakes and bacon EVERY morning. haha. and No symptoms.

Anyways, since September I've been flaring and am down around 30lb.

I'm finding it really hard to eat food, mostly out of fear. I have cut gluten out (though Ive been tested for celiac and it was negative) and try my very best to not eat dairy (Lactose intolerant).

I don't have much of an appetite through the day, but force a smoothie with greens and fruits down in the morning. I try not to eat after 8pm because my night time symptoms are becoming very problematic (especially as I am a college student, who isn't sleeping and missing school)

I get really hungry after 8pm but thats about the only time I really have an appetite.

I realize I should be consuming more than 1000 cal per day but its been really difficult. Ive tried ensure but it ends up making me run to the bathroom within a few min.

Really, I'm just at a loss as to what to eat…

Sorry for the rant.

Thanks for your help <3

No problem on the rant. Looks to me like you may be a candidate for a feed tube. The problem with the Ensure is the speed. It is very rich and concentrated. You should try sipping it slowly. Take your time. When your body is used to it, you can speed it up. It also sounds like your bowels are hyper to activity, you may want to slow them down. Do you take immodium?
I'm currently frustrated with my doctor situation. I am on my second family doctor due to lack of interest/ continuing misdiagnosis from my former one (constantly claiming I just had strepped throat…)

My new Dr. is okay, but doesn't know much about Crohn's. I saw him a month ago and he said He'd set me up with a specialist in my area (because I moved for school) to help treat me… turns out he forgot to do so. So now I'm not only waiting for an appointment with a specialist (which with the waits around this area could take a long time), I'm waiting for this doctor to refer me already… *Don't worry, I will be calling again first thing Tuesday to make sure their on that (like they should have a month ago..)


Good to know about the Ensure, duwardian.
I have taken Immodium and pep to before but I find they do nothing but change the colour of my stool. ha.
fayee - why give up gluten if you don't have coeliac? Grains can be very useful when gaining weight.

Have you tried a low-fibre or low-residue diet? This is what works best for me. If you're really struggling with foods upsetting you, have you heard of the BRAT diet? Bananas, Rice, Apple-sauce and Toast. These are apparently the easiest foods to digest (though if gluten does give you problems, the toast wouldn't be suitable). But it's a short-term measure to ease symptoms when they're at their worst - you'll lose weight when you're on it.

Do you know if the Ensure you had contained lactose? Mine says it contains "milk proteins". I'm not sure if that means lactose, but it might be worth investigating if that was why it gave you issues.
Ensure contains milk proteins but their website claims that lactose has been taken out and it is in fact suitable for people with LT. BUT I am still weary.

I was tested for celiac after being very strict GF for two years (about a year ago). In order to get accurate results I would need gluten in my system, so for about a week prior to the test I ate gluten.

Though the test came back negative the Dr. said it may have not inaccurate because of my former/recent GF diet.

I then took the negative test results and ran with it, enjoying all the bread again.

I wasn't horribly sick, but I know I defiantly feel better without gluten in my diet.
Hi fayee,I've been gf since my resection in November.You do see the difference now you are eating gluten again? I get asked if I feel better with out gluten and I find it difficult to answer.I cut it out of my diet because I hoped it to be a proactive step I could take to manage my health.I was never a big bread eater but used grains in soups,stews and other cooking.I do notice my arthritis is not so bothersome since being gf.I wonder how long you have to be gf to notice any difference? All things considered,I feel pretty good.I saw my GI yesterday and asked him if it's good I'm gf and he says "Can't Hurt".What a information packed answer from a medical specialist! If gluten dosen't make you feel too terrible fayee,it may be a way for you to gain some weight.I hope you feel better! :ghug:
I haven't been eating much lately at all. No appetite, and anything I do eat just hurts my tummy and makes me nauseous. Been forcing down smoothies when I know I have to eat, but haven't been losing any more weight, thankfully :D
Are there any dairy free smoothies?

Plenty, depending on what you're looking for (store bought, homemade, with non-dairy milk, without it...).

As a base for most smoothies made at home a non-dairy milk (usually soy or almond) can be blended with bananas and then you add whatever else you're in the mood for. It can be berries, greens, cocoa powder, protein powder. :strawberry::banana::D
Well I was getting nowhere with my weight gain until I got down to 20mg and all of a sudden it's as Prednisone is finally helping. The higher dose made me feel awful, I lost weight and my crohns was worse than ever.

20mg I have gained nearly a stone in 2 weeks, feeling a lot better mentally and physically now. My appetite has improved a lot and I am eating like a beast. I hope to get at least another 1/2 stone then I'll be very happy
Well I was getting nowhere with my weight gain until I got down to 20mg and all of a sudden it's as Prednisone is finally helping. The higher dose made me feel awful, I lost weight and my crohns was worse than ever.

20mg I have gained nearly a stone in 2 weeks, feeling a lot better mentally and physically now. My appetite has improved a lot and I am eating like a beast. I hope to get at least another 1/2 stone then I'll be very happy

A stone in 2 weeks is an awful lot! Glad it's working for you though!
Today I had in order

-9:30 am - 10 homemade baked Chicken Wings, 4 tbsp SunButter
11:30 am - 2 canned cartons of spinach, 2 cartons of applesauce
2:30 pm - 100 grams of Cashews
6:00 pm - 12 oz Beef Tenderloin, 20 sliced sauteed mushrooms
11:00 pm - 10 oz garlic shrimp
I dont eat that much and i am very underweight to

Breakfast: rice krispies with almond milk and sometimes toast with butter.

Lunch: chicken sandwich or salmon sandwich, walkers baked ready salted crisps, and a little snack bag which includes oreos, rich teas, gluten free pink wafer biscuits and salted pretzels and on a good day i would have a slice of cake aswell.

Tea: mostly chicken. Here are my meal choices:
Gf spaghetti with homemade tomato sauce and turkey mince, jacket potato with butter, chicken, turkey sasuages, turkey meat balls and pizza (i will share the recipe)
And for sides i would have potato waffles, potatoes ( mashed or roast), rice and carrots.

Dessert: dairy free chocolate ice cream with sprinkles ans strawberry sauce.

Snacks: Cake, biscuits and gf cracker bread.


Gf pizza base ( i use geinus brand)
Tinned chopped tomatoes
Toppings ( i have peperoni and chicken)


Heat the tomatoes and ketchup in a pan, then blend up with a blender.

Add the sauce to the pizza base and add the toppings

Then cook for 10-20 mins and enjoy.
Breakfast,muesli,or,banana and 0 fat yoghurt
Lunch,very little.
Tea time.diced apple,diced cheese small handful of crisps(potato chips)
Raw walnuts and almonds.
Sometimes boiled eggs,prawns,sardines.
Daily high nutrician powder and chia seeds mixed with milk. 2 or 3 pieces of chocolate.
sounds pretty poor,but it suits me fine.
I've always been very underweight and have found it even harder to gain weight since my diagnosis. I've upped my calories by 500-1000 per day and still nothing :(
My daily diet typically looks like:
Breakfast: Oatmeal with soy milk and organic maple syrup. Or sweet potato hash and eggs. Half a bottle of kombucha.
Snack: Pear or apple with almond butter.
Lunch: Vegetables and quinoa, or Amy's brand organic mac&cheese, or tuna sandwich.
Snack: Almonds or popcorn.
Dinner: Usually fish or tofu with some combo of pasta, veggies and salad.
Before bed: Ice cream bar and sometimes a protein shake (Optimum nutrition pro grainer - blended with ice and soy milk, it adds about 700 calories to your day which is nice. Sometimes I'll just drink these when I can't stomach anything else).

Current food intolerances: cooked broccoli, paprika.
'Boost' drinks are hit or miss, sometimes they're great, other times I get pain and nausea immediately after.

Also experimenting with smoothies with pineapple, coconut milk, turmeric, ginger, chia seeds, and coconut oil for added calories and anti-inflammatory ingredients.

Hope this helps and best of luck to you!

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