Hey everyone, quick question. How much is the average , and maximum dose of entocort? My doctor just raised me up to 12 mg four pills a day. I thought 9 mg was the maximum dose. anyway anyone with any input will be read and appreciated. thanks
Sorry to hear you need more!... I'm told that certain meds work differently for certain people (ie weight severity of disease, etc). Also people metabolize drugs differently too. So I wouldn't worry too much. Does your MD have a plan to determine how long you need to be on the additional 3 mgs? Also does s/he have a plan for reducing the amount? Be aware of the side effects and keep in touch with your doctor.
Currently, I'm on 9 mgs/day, in addition to 150 mgs of Imuran, 200 mgs of Allopurinol, and double the dosage of Humira (1 injection/wk). Hoping to avoid the knife, and more transfusions - but don't think I'll be successful .
My GI also told me that 9 mg was the max dose. I was on 9 mg for 3 months and then 6 mg for 4 months. I've never heard of 12 mg. The manufacturer's website indicates that 9 mg is the max dosage as well. You might want to get a second opinion from your pharmacist or another doctor to be sure. Entocort is fairly mild, so 12 mg probably won't cause any harm, but better safe than sorry.
Thank you for all the quickness. I will see my doctor in 3 months, but he said, call if problems arise. so i guess I'll be on them tell then, along with all the other meds. Just got scoped and my current med regiment wasn't working. At least he is trying to avoid the knife again. any way thanks for the responce.
Where is your Crohn's located? My GI told me that Entecort doesn't work as well for people with Crohns colitis because most of the meds are absorbed before it gets to your colon.
well he said my colon looked fine, but my small bowle and my preinal area was the troublemakers. He also said the cimzia is working, but I cant tell by the way I feel.
9mg was the max my doc would put me at for the 3 years I was on it without it working with me! I'd be pissed if I found out that I could go up to 12mg and MAYBE would've felt better.