How to tell if it's the Crohn's or something else?

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Jan 22, 2013
I've had crohns colitis for 31 years and for the last week I've had a weird kind of flare. I want to know if it's the crohns or something else.:confused2:

My usual symptoms for the last ten years are diarrhea, bloating, very rarely pain. I've been really good for the last year by following SCD. I stayed on the SCD pretty well while away, tho I had things that I hadn't really tested in my diet. Also we were up late, off my normal daily routine etc. I did swim, didn't drink any questionable water.

Last weekend we went camping and I got sick on Sunday night (someone else had to leave early Sunday due to stomach issues) and since then my D has gone way up, like 17 times yesterday, and I had pains and lack of appetite for the first six days or so. My appetite slowly cane back and the pains gradually went away.
But I still have waaaaay worse D. I wonder if it's some things else completely.

It'll be tough to see my GI guy or my GP, since it's summer and they are very busy anyway.

Any ideas? Thanks so much. Karen
Hi Karen,

I feel so bad for your problem, it must be such a worry for you -;( So unfortannaly my advise would be to asap go to the GI. To judge wether or not to go to the GI, I always look at the ammount of ''red flags'' there are in the sympthoms. In your case you have 1 ''red flag'' (possible Crohns related symptom)but it contains alot because you have alot of stool its loose and no hunger or appetite and 17x is alot! Have you checked your body weight? So hopefuly you will get better soon! And your GI can help you I hope!
Thanks Flarkie,

Yes it's a worry, it's good that I'm on holidays right now, but not great to be sick on holidays!

I know if I go to my GI he'll likely just put me on prednisone, which is not what I want, but I may have to go.
k_stewart, you mentioned someone else had to go home from camping early due to stomach issues - is it possible they had a stomach virus (something like norovirus) and passed it on to you? Those things can be highly contagious. I hope it's just a virus that you're having a bit of a tough time getting over. Can you call or email your GP or GI and let them know what the situation is? Hopefully they can give you some good advice or run some tests to see if it's a flare or a virus. Hang in there!
What needs to be done is get rid of that flair up m man, I wish you all the luck and best healing!

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