Ok, I just finished by video capsule endoscopy today. It was very easy and I pray answers are found. I have been having what I believe is a flare (abdominal pain, tenderness of abd to touch, gas, bloating and diarrhea since Wednesday) I have never had D this long ever. I didn't want to block myself up either before the video scopy. However after it was over I asked the nurse her suggestion for treatment of the D. She spoke to my Doc and he wanted me to take imodium per label directions. Also, bland diet dry toast, crackers.
Is this how you treat yourself? How long do you let it go before contacting your doctor for more help? Each of my prior episodes landed me in the ER in severe pain and dehydration in with in a few days and the D stopped quickly with the pain meds and C was then the problem.
This time has been a bit different the pain is bad and stops me in my tracks but the abd tenderness has me moving very slowly. The D was initially explosive now just there each time. As you probably noticed I am not officially diagnosed yet so I haven't been able to ask the doctor what guidelines he wants me to follow. God bless all of you dealing with this D so often!
Is this how you treat yourself? How long do you let it go before contacting your doctor for more help? Each of my prior episodes landed me in the ER in severe pain and dehydration in with in a few days and the D stopped quickly with the pain meds and C was then the problem.
This time has been a bit different the pain is bad and stops me in my tracks but the abd tenderness has me moving very slowly. The D was initially explosive now just there each time. As you probably noticed I am not officially diagnosed yet so I haven't been able to ask the doctor what guidelines he wants me to follow. God bless all of you dealing with this D so often!